The Mountain (2)

Ozpin: "It will come within 50 miles of Vytal, but will ultimately miss it completely." Ozpin explained. "There is a very good chance of Grimm swarming off of it and attacking Vytal due to the negative emotions once it's been spotted."

Logan: "Get Ironwood on the line." Logan ordered.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Logan: "Damn it, Ironwood," Logan shouted at the person in question via Council call with Atlas. "I'm willing to go in there alone if I have to, so just lend me the damned manta! None, not a single one, of your pilots will take part in the attack, so why are you denying it?!"

Ironwood: "I'm sorry Logan, but I can't afford to lose any resources should The Mountain head towards Atlas in the future." Ironwood explained to an irate Logan. "The cost of a single Manta craft would be far too costly. And chances are it wouldn't make it in time. Furthermore, you don't have the necessary skills needed to pilot one effectively."

Logan: "Effectively..." Logan muttered in disbelief. "I'm a fucking bird!" He shouted as he opened his wings to their full 22 feet. "I can fly the damn plane better than any one of your pilots!"

Ironwood: "I'm sorry, Logan." Ironwood spoke, his tone firm. "My decision is final. Goodbye."


Ironwood then ended the council call and signed off, leaving a fuming Logan behind. Ozpin and Salem who witnessed the 'conversation', shuffled uneasily as they could tell Logan was nearing his breaking point. They calmed down slightly after Logan took one of the chairs in the room and threw it against a wall then proceeded to shoot it several times with his [Ace of Spades].


Huffing off the last bit of anger, Logan turned on his heel and walked out of the room with Ozpin and Salem in tow. His destination was unclear to them until they came up on the Beacon hangers that they used to store the Bullheads to and from Beacon. While most were large enough to store three Bullheads at the most, a few were never used due to cost and left for personal planes of those that attended Beacon. One of which Logan had commandeered for his personal use when his Pelican wasn't in there. Keeping whatever he had in their secret from everyone he knew.


Logan: "I never wanted to reveal this." Logan started talking, which threw off Ozpin and Salem. "After the Pelicans were made public, I figured there would come a time when I would need a plane that held more firepower than anything Atlas could retrofit and far faster than any Pelican could go." Logan lied as they entered a hanger completely devoid of light, having got the blueprint as a quest reward.

Ozpin: "Logan, are you saying you..." Ozpin trailed off and realized what Logan meant.

Logan: "Meet, the M-5 Rex. "Logan revealed as he flicked the lights on. "65ft long, 48ft wide, 20ft tall, with twin-engine capable of upwards of 60,000 pounds of thrust. Fifty-two hours of continuous flight due to specially designed fuel tanks. Twin 20-millimeter cannons loaded with explosive rounds, ten high explosive rockets, two 40 micro-rocket bays, and one MOAB bay. Crews one and has three-inch armor plating."


The two were stunned. In front of them was a sleek, upside-down T-frame-shaped plane. Described just as Logan had said, the plane looked like it was ready for war. And a war it was going to fight. Alone.


Salem: "Logan, are you sure about this?" Salem asked, more worried about his safety than the plane in front of her.

Logan: "I am, this wasn't supposed to see any battle. But, it will." Logan spoke solemnly, remembering his first life and how these planes destroyed countless lives and nearly killed him a few times. He figured it would have at least some use if he had ever needed it.

Ozpin: "Logan, if you are sure about this, I won't stop you." Ozpin spoke up after examining the plane. "However, I want you to destroy this after this is all done. Atlas can't get their hands on this. If they do, I'm afraid that war would be inevitable. Tensions are far too high to let it happen."

Logan: "Understood." Logan answered then frowned. "However, it needs work before it can take flight."

Salem: "We'll handle the expenses." Salem told him. "With The Mountain closing in on Vale and the Island of Vytal, the Council will have no choice but to approve of any plan you make. They know that the Kingdom of Vale is in your hands. Its destruction or salvation depends on you."

Logan: "I know," Logan sighed, "But like I said, it can't launch just yet. This thing been sitting for too long and needs maintenance, fuel, and ammo." He explained. "I rather not take the chance of something going wrong mid-flight."

Ozpin: "Then get to work." Ozpin ordered. "I want this dusted off and flight-ready within the week."

Logan: "Easy." Logan answered with a grin.


Ozpin and Salem then left soon after getting the materials needed for the M-5 Rex maintenance, fuel, and ammunition. Contacting Mulberry and Ruby to help with the maintenance and ammo problem since those two were the best in Vale with this type of work while they were sworn to silence as to not disclose any information about it. By the time the third day rolled around, the M-5 Rex was ready for a test flight.


Logan: "Come in Nest, this is Eagle." Logan spoke into the modified scroll that was implanted into his helmet. "How copy?"

Nest: "This is Nest, we're reading you loud and clear." Nest, played by a very excited Ruby, responded. "How she handling, Logan?"

Logan: "She's handling like a dream." Logan responded, knowing that Ruby was watching him fly around Vale. "She's ready to face that mountain."

Nest (Ruby): "Roger, return to re-arm." Ruby replied after Logan's answer. "You can tackle that mountain at the end of the week, Glynda has been missing you. Plus Dorothy has been missing her father."

Logan: "I hear ya, Rubes, I hear ya." Logan sighed as he turned the plane around. "On my way back."


The remainder of the week for Logan was spent with his family before he flew out to fight The Mountain. Playing with Dorothy and sleeping with his wife were the mild things they did together as the three spent the last few days of the week as a family.




A/N: Sorry for the half chapter. My family and I had a really bad storm and I've been focusing on cleaning up. So far, nothing important was destroyed or broken, just a lot of branches and no power due to down power lines.