Into the fire (2)

Magus: "That's it, keep the spell smooth and flowing." Magus ordered as he supplied his mana. "We're almost done. Just an hour more!"

01,02,03,04,05: "Yes Master!" The homunculus shouted in unison. Their concentration solely focused on the spell.


For the last day and a half, the six of them have been working none stop to put the moon back together. All for the plan to take Remnant away from the Brother Gods' control. Pulling the moon back together was just the first phase of the plain.


While they pulled the moon back into one celestial body, the rest of Remnant was on the verge of total panic since the moon wasn't broken anymore. Panic was rampant and Grimm attacks were on the rise. Hunters and Huntresses were deployed along with various armed forces to protect the kingdoms and towns that were within reach while those that were more remote suffered greatly.


Logan himself was forced to the frontlines to help deal with the Grimm at all costs. Working tirelessly to save human and Faunus kind as much as he could. Of the thousands he saved, thousands more died at the claws of the Grimm that were attracted due to the fear. The walls of the kingdoms were packed with refugees seeking shelter from the Grimm.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Jaune sighed in exhaustion. It's been two long days for him and Pyrrha since the moon had become whole. The moon had stopped glowing early that morning, but still remained whole. Pyrrha had been injured enough for her to be forced to the back while Jaune stayed on the frontlines doing all that he could to protect Argus. And Jaune's been organizing the Hunters and Huntresses to do the best they could. More than a few tried to do things their way and their recklessness cost them their lives. The Atlas base in Argus did nothing more than order their troops to defend the base at all costs.


Pyrrha: "Jaune," Pyrrha called out to him as he entered their base of operations, "How did it go?" She asked as she held her side.

Jaune: "Good, but you shouldn't be out of bed." Jaune told her. "Those ribs of yours shouldn't be healed already."

Pyrrha: "They're healed enough for me to walk around." Pyrrha told him. "Did that awful woman finally deploy her troops?"

Jaune: "Major Cordovin still hasn't budged on keeping her assets and troops where they are." Jaune told Pyrrha as she led Jaune into the kitchen. "Her reasoning? And I quote, 'A wet behind the ears boy has no right to tell me what to do. Regardless of what training you may have had, I will hold the keys to this city's defense and I will do whatever it takes to make sure it's safe.' " Jaune sighed as he sat down, "I hope she chokes on an old boot."

Pyrrha: "She will, one day." Pyrrha consoled Jaune as she kissed him. "For now, go take a shower. You stink." She gave him a playful wink.

Jaune: "No problem, I need one."


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Logan stood by the side as Ozpin was in conference with the rest of Vale's council. Currently, they were discussing what should and should not be protected in this time of dire need. Ozpin was doing his best to get the shelters adequate support, while the council members were doing their best to make sure their a**es were covered. Logan did his best to keep quiet while Ozpin did his work. But sadly, someone beat Logan to his snide comment.


Council Member: "If the hunters weren't slaking, we wouldn't be in this mess!" One council member shouted, to which Ozpin had enough.

Ozpin: "The Hunters that are slaking, as you so elegantly put it, are busy sacrificing their lives to keep the kingdom safe from Grimm. All that you are doing is just sitting on your a**es." Ozpin cursed. "You can be replaced, the lives of those that are fighting cannot. So, quit your b*tching and stop putting yourselves first."


Before they could respond to Ozpin's outburst, he cut the call. Logan, having never seen this side of Ozpin, slowly clapped and was surprised at the outburst. Ozpin, realizing what he'd done, just pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.


Ozpin: "I do try to keep a level head, I truly do." Ozpin sighed.

Logan: "Oz, even I would have blown my cap at them." Logan told Ozpin. "You just beat me to it this time."

Ozpin: "Logan..."

Logan: "I know, I know." Logan said. "You have a reputation to maintain. While I couldn't care less about mine."


Ozpin just sighed and left to go deal with paperwork. Logan left shortly after, his bad feeling getting worst all of a sudden.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Magus heaved as he and the homunculus pulled off one of three steps needed to pull Remnant from the Brother Gods' hold. The first, leaving a scar that will last for generations on Remnant's population. The next step was to gather all types of mana and condense them all into a crystal, which they had already prepared.


Magus: "With this, we are one step away from our goal." Magus huffed.

Rodrick (02): "Master, we need to rest." Rodrick told Magus. "If we don't, we risk losing it all."

Magus: "We cannot!" Magus shouted. "We must complete the ritual before the Brother Gods' notice!"

Serina (03): "But master, Rodrick is right." Serina panted. "Without rest, we will lose everything!"

Tasmin (05): "We can't, lest we lose everything!" Tasmin argued back with Volcan (04) nodding in agreement.

Magus: "Enough babbling!" Magus ordered and then stood tall. "We begin now. Rest while you can during the final ritual. Once we began, there is no turning back."


The homunculus followed his order and took a breath. From where they stood, they started chanting in a long-forgotten language. A spell matrix formed around them, composed of countless magic sigils, forgotten words, and a six-pointed star. With Magus in the center and Tasmin taking up two of the points, each and every point was filled.


Magus: "There's no going back!" Magus shouted to the heavens. "We must complete this now!"


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Logan: "Ahh, shit..."

{Warning! The Brother Gods have been summoned to Remnant!}