Chapter 2: why are people so clingy?

Soo... I got a problem... I'm kinda stuck in a dilemma...

I half opened my eyes as I looked through the watery liquid and could faintly see two blurry images through the water... one had long black and dark blue hair I could hear the faint sounds of an argument with a slightly taller girl whose hair is tied up in a pony tail...

Well the pressing matter is that I'm currently drowning... in this large bath house... why don't I move? Well it's troublesome... if I move it will affect my longstanding reputation of being the number one sloth of the Nura Clan house hold! It's no joke... than there's the moving part.. oh right the two childish yet innocent perverts next to the water... I believe their fighting over a brush?

How they were learning these adult things i don't know but I'm guessing it's to do with a certain girls mother...

Damn her... sigh...

Guess I'll just try and sleep here eh? Hopefully they notice in time...


"I want to wash his back!" The snow girl shouted with her face as red as a tomato as she added "I'm his Aide it's my job!"

A much more smaller and childish version shouted back "I want to as well but you did it last time! It's my turn!" She huffed as they were playing tug a war with the brush...

Than they heard something bubbles rising from the water...

They stopped and looked... and saw the faint image of their master sleeping in the water!


They both lurched for grabbing onto the young Master yanking honour while he was in his birth day suit..

They both looked at other and sighed exasperated at their charge...

Kejoro spoke up "Master what were you doing sleeping there?! You could have drowned! There's got to be a limit to this laziness of yours!"

All she got was a half eyed groggy look as if it said 'I don't accept that logical statement and I never will, leave me to my irrational life style!'

Remarkably enough she was correct... she was the second best at figuring out what he's currently thinking...

Her eye brows twitched cutely in anger but that was quickly washed away with other thoughts as her masters eyes opened fully and began to look at her body...

Steam was visibly rising from her head...

Tsurara being forgotten and turned into the observer got angry having the scrubbing brush in her hand she began to aggressively wash his back...


Ouch! Not so rough! What the hell did I do wrong?! Ah wait... right there... yeah.. oh the sweet lull of sleep!


Compared to his elder brother Rikuo was a rather active child...

Even from a young age he rather liked pranks... it seems... and being around his gramps...

"Oi come here you little brat! Gime my mancha!"

So Rikuo ran off crawling with a large box of mancha pushing it away mischeviously.. while his gramps ran after him...

A common occurance to be sure...

Soon after he could be seen getting the help of a group of smaller Youkai as he was hung from the ceiling like Tarzan from his legs as he swung and grabbed onto kubinashis floating head...


The massive hulking Youkai with a necklace of skulls turned around and caught the 'ball'. Only to discover it was kubinashi after that was done he was still precariously swinging there by the literal chain of Youkai...

As he laughed and giggled with a fuming kubinashi
