Chapter 3: to walk in the middle of a day... is exhausting


This is horrible...

Glancing around I saw many Youkai with their jaws almost reaching the floor in plain shock. Kubinashi was the worst...

His floating head was twisted in worry like some long winded and over protective mother...

"Are you sick?! Do you feel funny in anyway?! Tell me!"

So he screamed...

Dear god the cool and collective stringer of joshu has been reduced to this!

What a sad affair... indeed.... its hard to look at, maybe he will disapear if i squint my eyes....

nope... go away you, you fake!


You need to get laid old man... I wouldn't 'say' that to him though. I'm supposed to be a little kid after all...

Lightly placing my hand on his shoulder and... nah can't do it... to bothersome...

Mah strength is leaving my body! And wait is that sun light?! It's horrible!

Wait what am I saying?! Am I some twisted vampire?!

You might be so replies my subconscious...

Before I can start an argument with myself I looked over at the shocking little beauty next to me... who did not drop their mouth in surprise along with having some creepy heart shaped irises at the moment as she looked up from my feet, to my face, veeery slowly...

Are you checking me out you perv?!

It's perfectly fine at other times loook all you bloody hell want! But not now! Make yourself useful and carry me!

Is what I'd want to say but... eh to bothersome again...

I looked to my left and saw a running duo, my aides with medicine and even a futon and pillow on hand!

Oi... Oi... make up your mind... shouldn't you be happy? I'm moving around in broad daylight!

Than a little bird arrived with tears in his eyes "what a momentous occasion! Our dear young Master is finally moving about! Let's celebrate! Bring out the sake!"

Really? Really... well I don't care... turning slowly around and drop into the hands of kejoro who seemed momentarily surprised... but began to hold me close.... I swear I could see love hearts forming in the air around her... as she held me closer and closer and...

Lips? She stole my first kiss?!

What illusions are you having in your head at the moment?

Bringing her hands around my waist she brought closer to her body, as she began to kiss me more fiercely, and down my neck...

am i a princess? holding me somewhat roughly behind my back and... sigh

Umm... yeah... this feels pretty good actually...

Just how fierce is her fantasies?

Forget that... don't wanna know...

Wait... is that futon-Sama?! Indeed I glanced up as my eyes began to shut to the shell shocked and gawking world around me as tsurara put her weapon to my head as I fell rather swiftly to sleep...

Yeah... it... was exhausting... why was I walking in the first place?


AC: sorry guys first time working and I'm in a roll of 12 hour shifts. Enjoy. Also peace thanks for the comment I really appreciate it.... haha

I'm gonna put some funny short stories and stuff in first before I get to the plot if you guys don't mind. I like writing it. And maybe build something more on rihan and Wakana along with his relationships with the Youkai around him.

As for what shocks him out of his laziness is well... youill see...