Flash back - Kubinashis Loyalty and Relationship Shiro and Rikuo

"What do you think of him?"

Rihan looked at the little one in Kubinashis arms cradled there peacefully... a small charming smile playing upon his lips as if he already knew by one glance...

He couldn't help it, this little child in his arms, so quiet, the mesmerising darkness in his eyes... sleeping peacefully...

And he could feel the weight this little thing will feel in the future, the weight of the entire Nura Clan on his shoulders, and all of its subsidiary clans...

Fated to lead the night parade, to live for and die for the Youkai that lay under its banner...

To inspire, to lead, invoke true fear in his clan...

He felt like he had the weight of his entire world in his arms...

He could feel it, his mind, his very heart, and his mind sent out ripples through out his entire body...

And he could feel the responsibility bequeathed to him... by his saviour...

The words of the very one standing in front of him resounded in his mind

He couldn't figure out why... but he felt the responsibility, his body, his knees buckled from the pressure... of his world... that he lives in... lives for...

"I leave him to you... protect him... raise him in my place, if something ever happens to me. Kubinashi, your the only one I trust enough to do this."

Just as he felt his knees about to give out... and his mind drew blank...

He felt a small hand touch his face...

He could feel it, true fear, a darkness so bright, it lit his way and hardened his heart... protected him... lit up his world... with a new source of darkness, light, and that was love... acceptance, and responsibility...

He was charged such a responsibility... but that light... that was love, a darkness that could only be described as all encompassing, a black hole that sucked in his entire being and changed him...

That small hand was wiping away the teams that streamed down his face... weakly...

'Such a fragile existance'

He held him ever tightly in his arms...

He felt as if his entire soul was being pulled in as he gazed into Shiros drowsy eyes...

He knew it, his soul was no longer just his own, it was now this small little world that he held in his arms, it strengthened him, he yearned to protect it, and he felt the pressure subside as his own inner strength grew...

Just from his gaze, the gaze of his new found world.

His love, and the eyes that will bare the responsibility of it all... hardened his own as they glowed with his own fear, he felt something shift in the air as he glanced up wards to his saviour rihan Nura, and with his own new found heart and eyes he now saw something...

That he couldn't see before...

Determination, and above it all... despair... followed by a look of exhaustion in Rihans own will...

And.... for a moment... a shadow of acceptance of what's to come in the future...

It was only for a moment...

His features changed turning back to his own self as he cast upon his charming and mischevious smile upon kubinashi... but he saw it... and he didn't know what to think...

Other than sadness of the responsibility of this world... it overtook everything even his own life... in exchange was the safety of the entire world of Youkai...

Let it be...

Was all he thought

But when his eyes drew to what he cradled in his arms...

Something else took place...

I'll change that... I'll protect him... I'll be there to support him even if he doesn't want it...

No matter what happens...


Mah brother always sleeps during the day... bwat hwe becomes something entirely different aws might falls...

Rikuo gazed upon Shiros true form as it took hold and saw him under the moon light... his aura flickering lightly in existence....

And he saw his back....

It seemed to hold the weight of the entire world despite...

Being so young...

It felt tall immeasurably.... tall...



But.... lonely...

Even little Rikuo could feel this...

But his brothers back became his entire world...

He loved him dearly... he couldn't explain... but the blood inside him called out to him...



Looking upon his brother he felt his own blood pump and move, beginning to lightly simmer beneath his skin....

And he saw his own brother turn slightly as he looked back, meeting him with his abyss like eyes... that met Rikuos brown, eyes....

A wisps of violet flame manifested and lit up the entire room.... and one directly appeared in front of him....

He could see it... a small smile... upon his brother face... meeting it with his own as he playfully extended his hand to the wisp of flame before him with childish glee....

The flames enveloped his hand in its Luke warm embrace passively... and than it began to dance... as it spread across the room around him... like dancing stars littering the sky....

Than it covered him... and than swiftly dispersed into notes of light as his elder brother appeared before him instantly like an illusion, as his hand land softly on his head...

And he began to roughly pet his brown hair...

He began to childishly giggle under the attention... the display of light affection....

And than the touch disappeared as his figure dispersed...

Than he found it... something he couldn't figure out but.... it was idolisation...

The old man of the Nura Clan appeared silently next to Rikuo and picked him putting him in a slightly awkward piggy back position.... and he began to move with surprising speed with a smile on his face as he ran forward with relative grace...

"Do your best to stay quiet Rikuo, this is a chance I've been waiting for... to finally see my grandson in action..."