following the young masters night routine

stalking the young master, with nura and rikuo, he looked amazing, his broad back... and long cascading black hair...

nuras blood seemed to be pumping and he had a large grin on his face....

"gwampa.... you lwook... so... cwreepy..."

he looked like he just took a hit to his heart....

"do-dont say that, rikuo... it hurts my old heart...."

following closely behind him... they saw him taking a walk, slowly and mejestically... the very way he moved is so sure of himself, confident, it was filled with a great majesty one could only dream of...

nuras eyes seemed to have euphoric expression on his face.... and he mumbled...

"hes perfect..."

staring into the back of the young master, the heir to the clan.... he seemed to shiver in excitement at the prospect. the prospect, of the nura clans complete and utter revival... and ascendancy to become true kings of the night... the crowning jewel of japan, perhaps even the world....

his grin kept getting wider when suddenly....

"cwreepy! cwreepy!"

the giddy expression completely turned rikuo on his grand father... a sweat formed on his back.... he began to wriggle like a caterpillar crazily in his arms as he shouted at the top of his lungs...

there was only one solution

"M-Manja i-ill buy you mancha, j-just please be quiet Rikuo!"

though he said that he shouted to... witch rikuo pointed out "my ears hurt!..." nuras voice went to a whisper

"ill buy you a box of mancha, please-"

rikuos voice changed to a happy one as he said "i lwove ywou my crweepy grandpwa"

he broke out into a sweat again.... as he tsked

"damn brat."


still they followed him... rikuos eyes seemed to have the same expression of love and excitement of what he could potentialy do....

as such... they saw him deal with some trash... large bug like youkai, and some wild youkai that attack him... one of the such myriad of instances was a large.... snake like youkai... traveling around the town at night... in a park he visited under the moon lit sky... cherry blossems covered the sky and than... a black gate appeared above as a blade shot down and pierced its head to the ground like a shishkabab...

following him, he soon arrived at a shop, buying some manja... of witch, rikuo and nura began to stare jealously... as he sat across in the middle of a bunch of nekomono, and Nekomata (male and female)

around him, and began to play shogi and even bingo at some point.... drinking sake of fine brew on the house as they enjoyed each others company

they got together, and were having fun...

"young master, you cant do that, thats, borderline cheating?"

he moved a shogi piece, to checkmate a nekomono he raised his hands to his head, and looked absolutely sour across his face....

"its just one square..." he smiled charmingly making him fall back a bit.... "you checkmated me with that one square! why didnt i think of that earlier?!"

he shouted at the top of his lungs... "yes cheating! cheating ill use that later!"

he moved the piece again and cheated the game of shogi... when Shiro said coyly "you cheated..."

his voice drifted around and everyone began to look at him like trash dispite Shiros move before

casting his eyes else where he looked at Rikuo and Nura

he stood up and everyone looked to where he was looking, and at him.

"welcome, my beloved grand father, and Rikuo.. my brother." he said theatrically... he continued to walk over, and lifted his brother up by his arms, and smiled charmingly, as if the world would bow down around him, and love him... witch honestly it did.

his black ink markings, looked like tears, but they were so charming lighting up with face for all to see...

"Rikuo... this is shogi..." he said down, and showed him the shogi pieces, of witch he was enthralled by....

a game of witch his brother played himself?!

he enthusiastically raised his arms... "wah!"

"would you like to play, grandfather...?"