"yuki, what are you doing?"
a beaten and sliced up Rikuo was currently, being held up in front of him, on the verge of death, he was currently being held by his hair in his youkai form.... tall, handsome and charming dispite his current appearance... and his black and white hair was deshevilled... he held a stunning black katana in his hand that seemed to absorb all light.
he struggled to stay awake...
"you think you can get away with hurting the next heir? i renounced my claim three years ago, when i was 12 by all rights-"
(Rikuo is 15 and is in high school Shiro is born from Rihans first wife hence the pure black hair through my analysis, Rikuo took on the likness of his father and his great grandfather instead of his human side witch theoretically should be dominant considering hes only 1/4 youkai. Rikuo and Shiro are actually around the same age, off by a couple of months, Rihan was a real player so this was how it went in here, just answering a question anyway, on with the writing XD)
Yuki, gripped Rikuos throat even tighter when suddenly, 6 black gates appeared around him as swords appeared, instantly manifesting around him, ready to send him off should he take any further moves.
Yuki smiled at this, and seemed to be ready for death
"your a holder of the Night, i cannot accept it, and with your power, no one will accept this, brother of yours, as the next heir of the Nura Clan."
he said softly... so the only logical conclusion is to dispose of him?
is that what your saying yuki? for the good of the clan.
my eyebrows twisted into a furrow as i glared at him.
"do you know why i resigned? the old man tried passing it to me, and i said-"
he finished his sentence "that your not fit for the role?!"
yuki suddenly hand an outburst unbecoming of his usual countnence "you have gathered many stray youkai into the nura clan, giving many a home for whence they had none! your kindness to your fellow youkai, is what makes them love and adore you, many want you to become the next heir, not this coddled..."
he stopped here and calmed himself down finishing his sentence with more elequence
"you have solidified our clans borders, and increased our right to be the rulers of japan, of all youkai, the nura clan! you even managed to bring in the Neutral clan, of northern Tengu clans through your charisma... they had remained isolated and stubborn for many years..."
his eyes cast not at him but behind him, when he saw two white raven-like tengu with large sabres in resting on their waists... clad in samurai-like armor... standing tall with two outstretched wings... they were stunning, both magestic and terrifying.
they followed an intense life style and were respected among all youkai. for their battle prowess, and were in fact mercenaries of the youkai world that followed the code of the samurai. swearing themselve to their lord, witch is the nura clan, or specifially, Shiro.
"through the help of the Northern Tengu, known as Kita Shouken (northern Lords) for a reason! we now have much of the north under our clan. and is our responsibility to protect it."
he seemed to be trying to convince Shiro for the good of the nura clan, to take up the mantle once more, and re asign himself as the next heir....
Shiro smiled lightly, as the 6 stunning black longswords of darkness receded...
"you understand nothing yuki..."
two more ice ravens appeared and kneeled behind him... his voice was pained, yuki became confused "i am a lord of the night, i cannot be what i am not meant to be yuki."
Yuki suddenly became shocked and dropped rikuo on the floor with a splat rikuos blood began to pool around him, as he was deftly and securely taken away by the two behind yuki in a swift and careful motion.
"the reason why, the Kita Shouken, joined us, joined me, was because they chose me, to be their lord of the night, their patron Key to open the underworld, and let true darkness join the Night...."
Yuki barely knew anything about the lords of the night but he did understand one thing... they were embroiled in grand battles amoungst themselves, and often were patrons of clans, and were simply 'keys' to their 'origin'
essentially, they were people were essentially demi-gods to youkai and he, formed a contract with the kisa shouken, the white Tengu for their service.