Chapter 40 : New development

" Am i going to die ? Does, the story of mark white ends here ? "

Mark was under despair, he was blaming himself for the massacre that was going to happen at the camp. The backslash from dead man's blade started to kick in. His slayer title's power boost was gonna run out, he had had nearly lost his hope of survival.

* Rumble *

Succubus had already been infuriated as she was unable to kill mark, she decided to blow up the entire camp by a large scale destruction magic. She had raised her hands pointing upwards, chanting her spell thunder descent. The sky¹ which was pale red earlier turned black filled with dense water Ladden clouds, with purple to violet colour ripples of thunder rumbling all over. The hand which was raised, pointing the sky was about to descent, completing the final procedures before her large scale destructive spell would descend.

* sky¹ : Dungeon isn't actually a closed compartment with upper ceiling and a fixed level of soil underneath, tough it's lateral boundaries are restricted by a high elevated walls whose tip can't be seen, which were obstructed by clouds *

* Boom *

" Damn.. demon ! A demon had breeched into our camp. lazy mutts, prepare to engage in battle. "

A senior adventure, who seems to be an Instructor of this camp, commanded his other juniors to engage in a battle against the succubus, a demon who was literally a sworn enemy to human race for their survival.

His short and half-white hair, followed up with scars wridden face made him look ferocious and exceptionally commanding. He casted detonate a classic high class spell mostly used by high class mages. He was indeed a B-ranker adventure, lv 65 his strength seems pretty good but can he still manage to content against her? answer was clearly a no. Without an exception he would die being suppressed by her power.

After receiving his command, the adventurers in the training camp who were specialised in magic started to chant offensive spells that they could cast at this moment over her body as well as supportive spells that can boost physical class warriors last longer against her. Adventurers who were specialized in physical attacks those that were specialized in close combat, rushed towards her like a colony of fire ants which invades any lifeforms, that threatens their colony and decideds to end that threat by killing it.

They had indeed rushed towards the her in a battle formation, " 100 Wave Circling pentagon. " Which was specifically used to subdue larger and stronger targets in a group, the only limiting factor for this formation was it's death toll, more stronger a target, more casualties it would result upon encircling it, Mark had general knowledge about this formation, but he knew the result before hand seeing the number of warriors involved in it, they would an most kill a monster 20 levels above them, nevertheless the succubus that was 30 levels higher than their average level and as aura Lord on top over it. Everyone knows the disparity between a grand master and lord class, it was that of a rat to an elephant, so what could they possibly achieve, that was marks conjecture, tough it had no solid proof behind it, a skilled person could easily spot it out.

Clustered as a group of twenty, at five different points in a pentagon, at five layers of encirclement they had surrounded her completely. Giant runes started to form on the ground at their standings which later ascended to sky in a snap making a large restrictive barrier in a dome like encirclements to restrict her powers inside it. Tough they were weak, tough they may die within in a flash becoming a cannon fodder under her attacks, they had not backed down as their pride had refused to do so.

The physical warriors at closed ranged and mages at long range encircled her within the restrictive dome, that enhances their strength with suppressing the target, they started to attack her by sending volleys of attack on her body trying to reduce her health and kill her.

" Why the hell are they fighting ? shouldn't they be fleeing instead, Why do I see anxiety brimming in their eyes ? Instead of fear. Have they gone nuts or am I seeing things.

What are these idiots trying to do ? Even your best shot ain't gonna bring any difference... we are still going to die at last.

Can't you see idiots she's a aura Lord... and her berserk hadn't released full. At that stage, her peak strength could rival a middle class aura Lord, your act of pressuring her will ultimately benefit her, and will reduce her time of activation, reaching peak.

Ha.. ha.. your strongest powerhouse is on his knees before her.... oh ! he's dead now. Run to safety if you want to live. " mark had exclaimed in his heart being perturbed by present events .

" Avenge our instructor, fight to death, fear not dying under duty, while eliminating demon, our soul shall ascend to heaven, blessed by the grace of our devine god. " A trainee admidst their group bellowed out loud, supported by his fellow mates screaming those lines out loud later followed by him, which had pumped up their power.

The church of salvation, tough it's origin was unknown, they had gathered a mass of believers, nearly every country or kingdom has at least one of the branches located near the heart of their capital, it was also their belief that " killing a demon was their duty and dying while exterminating them, their souls will ascend to their god. " their power was immeasurable, Even Kings and emperors seldom interferes in their business, fearing their wrath, only mighty norsus during his prime may stand a chance against their dominance, providing that he was born in the same era of their debut.

" Reckless, they are too reckless... , tough they know they were going to die, achieving nothing, even at the face of death... they didn't cowered, they want to fight her till their last breath. Even the tiny pride they had, has made them last against a powerful foe, dying with pride " . " Did I mark white in this life, pampered for six years turned soft, fearing death. Where has the pride of infamous Jian lin went. Off all people at present , how can I cower. "

" Tough it was my fault, to bring doom upon them, so shouldn't I strive, work hard to save their lives instead if loosing hope and waiting for death. At least for that case yes I do deserve to live, or die with pride. "

Suddenly a surge of new power from an unknown origin started to flow within his body, circulated through blood, with a brimming confidence, he had never felt before. He felt himself getting strong, strong enough to pick on any lord class targets with ease. He was startled by this miraculous change that had occured within his body. He didn't had the luxury to waste time thinking about it's origin nor bragging about it's powers, but know that this power wasn't gonna last for a long time, and every second counts as present. He had resolved that, before his new powers fades away he want to bring down that succubus, no matter what price he had to pay, and wipe out his guilt for involving many innocents in his current quest, and avenge them.

* Roar *

The 5 layered barrier started to develop cracks, berserk had completely released, her strength was stronger compared to duke storm by many times, but Mark was still confident enough to match her, even at her current strength.

* Boom *

The succubus trashed every single adventurer that obstructed her way, killing them mercilessly, slaughtering her way to mark.

* Boom *

Unlike before, she had not holded back in exerting her strength, this time. Imposing her entire worth of power on mark's body to torn him into thousands of pieces. She wanted to wipe away her disgrace from being unable to kill mark despite being stronger than him by several margins. Tough the land where mark had been lying was reinforces with a protective formation which reduces damages occurred on the underlying ground, she had still managed to sunk mark by few meters, deep under the soil with the development of several cracks in a spider web shape, ranging few tens of meters around him.


Name : Selvira ( Berserk- Max )

class : Demon

Species : succubus

level : 51 (71)

Age : 22

Occupation : A captain in 15 th army


Attack : 550 ( + 2000 )

Agility : 400 ( + 2000 )

Health : 2400 (+ 20000 )

Defense : 260 ( + 2000 )

lntelligence : 700 ( + 2000 )

Sense : 500 ( + 2000 )

Mana /Qi : 7000 (+ 20000 )

Skills : lightning whip, lightning spike , darkness wall, empowered nails, Thunder desend ( 70% chance to kill multiple targets below the user level ), darkness pillar.

Armaments : Temptress robes ( HP = +1000 , Defense = +500 , charm + 30 )

Elements : Darkness magic and Lightning magic .

Blessing : possessor of charm ( +50 charm to target around the user, activation - passive ) , Vitality devourer ( Drains life force upon conception with opposite gender ti help her evolve and ascend to higher species ) , Berserk-Max ( A rare trait found in royal blood lines, unlocked during pressuring conditions, increase the strength of user to many times for a short period of 2 minutes, skills exhibited had fourfold their effects )

The cannon fodder that were trying their hard to damage her were thrown hundreds of meters from their original place, crashing against their camp structures, theut bodies were almost crippled by the shock wave, resulted from the pressure released by her earlier, during the complete activation of her berserk.

If it were for his old self, most of his bones would had broken, leaving his defenseless body in a pitiful state covers by blood, lying above the ground ready to be stomped over by her.

But his present self wasn't that weak. Despite her attack, which carried her entire might, that had even managed to broke the defense formation below him, had yet failed to even make a serious injury, leaving a small wound on his shoulder which was not worth mentioning. He was startled, " so this berserk-max had made her strength soar but was still unable to overwhelm me. "

" Hey succubus, time's for round two. "

Succubus previously, when she had made contact with mark, had felt an overpowered surge of mana circulated within his body, slightly leaked into her, which had nearly frightened her. But her mind was overtaken by berserk, she was infuriated upon listening to marks exclamation.