Chapter 41 : Payback for my humiliation.

" Hey, time for round two. "

Berserk-Max, an ability which provides it's user's with strong powers, surpassing their realms, helping them cross level killing their enemies, who were many times stronger than them earlier.

Despite its great advantages, side effects are also seen in common. Unable to control their temper and easily provokable, unable to distinguish friend from foe and aging by few years as their vital life force was used as sacrifice to activate the ability.

If she were to utilise her mana in her battle against mark, the entire training camp would probably be destroyed by the aftermath. If it's about brute strength, he was confident enough to subdue her. Provoking her was the best way to let her choose the later. So does she replied his statement with her punch.

* Boom *

Succubus was startled, Mark had caught her straight punch from her left hand, which was the strongest among both. Mark had easily caught her fist with his right hand, as easy as toying with a child. He started to condense his mana in left arm around the regions of his knuckles in his fist, to return the humiliation she incurred on him.

Succubus, tough was under the effect of berserk-max, which had taken control over her brain. It was still intelligent enough, to be able to sense a feeling of inferiority from mark, a vibe of danger emitting from him. She was trying her best to get free from the monstrous hold of mark, her instincts told her that, doom would come knocking her door, if she failed to rid from marks grab.

She tried to make all possible attempts at that moment to flee from mark. She struggled, made multiple random attacks on mark's body, tried to disrupt his mana flow and at last, even tried to severe her own arm off her body to get away from mark. But sadly she was too late, unable to completely separate herself from marks grasp.

She was tossed out directly from the training camp, out into the forest where ordinary minsters of this floor dwell. Upon impact her outer scales started to develop cracks, leaving her half exposed inner body, vulnerable under marks onslaught.

" Hey, you damn demon this was for sending me flying out the cave "

Mark had reached next to her body, within fraction of seconds, in the mid air, kicking her... flat down to the ground below after exclaiming his words.

The site of impact was quite devastating to view. Upon impact, the ground was pulverized into nothingness, leaving behind a huge crater after a massive explosion which took place, that had shaken the very floor of dungeon they were fighting on, creating a massive disturbance among the monsters and other life forms residing here.

Before the shaking's on the flood had settled down, mark had sat down, over bashed body of the succubus, whose scales were half present with a deep spiral wound over it's lower abdomem. The wound had almost made its way to abdominal cavity, the space in the body which holds lower parts of inner organs enclosed within it.

" That's for tossing me, down to ground before. "

He had condensed his mana, within his fists and launched a series of attacks like a gauntlet, over her hard face. Her face which was lined by a hard carapace was broken to pieces. The once beautiful and strong succubus was now reduced to a pitiful state which was no different from a mutilated body of a stray beggar who was counting his last breaths before his death.

" For the volleys of attacks, you had launched, shouldn't I be grateful enough to pay back your deed. "

Succubus, cummulated her entire worth of energy and managed to get out from mark, who had locked her down to ground.

Sniggering at her pitiful attempt to escape, mark had made a round house kick, sending her body, flying miles away from her original position, almost severed her head from the attack.

" Hey, how could I forget the kick from your beautiful legs that had thrown me into centre of training camp, which almost broke few of my bones. Now let me end this farce for good, what do you think ? "

After his fourth move, mark had grabbed her neck with his left arm, lifting her up on air, standing on top of a tall boulder, decided to kill her by resonance.

Just before his resonance was activated, system prompted an message which had made his movements to halt.

" Ding, congratulations to host for completing his sub quest, subduing of the female. Host is rewarded with 2x slave contract. "

" Ding, host gets his first slave, does.....

Before the system had completed her sentence, Mark felt his power depleting his legs, his vision turned blurred with loosening of his grip over her neck, falling down unconscious afterwards. He worried that this succubus may still be able to recuperate, allowing her a chance to kill him as this miraculous power was not guaranteed to reappear next time.

3 days later.

" This.... so it seems I had went unconscious after title power period was over. Someone who was kind enough to rescue me had taken me under his shelter. Tough I don't know how many days I was asleep, but it shouldn't be a small interval at least. I am confused, how could a person be living here, out of no where inside the dungeon, I had never heard of such cases ."

Mark was not new to this experience, he had already experienced to this sort of events before, but right now he's in a dungeon, a place where bloodthirsty monster's would be lurking everywhere, trying to find adventurers to devour them. If there was a house which was constructed in such places, no mater how hidden it was constructed or how well it was protected against monsters, they were bound to be welcomed by monsters who would knock up at their door continuously until that person was devoured.

" Ding, congratulations to host for completing his sub quest , subduing of the female. Host is rewarded with 2x slave contract . "

" Ding, host gets his first slave, named selvira, belongs to race of succubus. Does host wish to provide a suitable house name to let her bound to systems. "

" Ding , host levels up "

" Ding , host levels up "

" Ding , host levels up "

" Ding , host levels up "

" Ding , host levels up "

" Fuck ! even subduing monsters or demons helps me to earn experience ."

Mark had learned a new feature provided by system. Subduing monsters alive and enslaving them, the experience earned was many folds higher than what normally killing them would provide.

Demon Slayer System

Player's name : Mark White

Player's race : Human

Player's age : 6

Player's level : 44 ( 0/1T exp )( Aura Grand master, middle stage )

location : Dungeon floor 21

Current quest : none

Title : Slayer ( Raise in attributes by four times for a duration of 1 minute. Side effects : Temporary reduction in attributes by 50% for 1 week )

Players Attributes

Attack : 382 Agility : 230

Health : 1480 Defense. : 257

lntelligence : 6520 Sense : 2500

Mana / Qi : 65200

Skill points : 45

Skills : Fire Blade - lv 5 [(12800/15000 p) , ( 3200 % more damage to target , cool down time - 10minutes ), ( mana consumption -800 / second )]. Fire arrow lv 1 [(0/10p) , 100 % more damage to target ] , Abilities [(space traversing ), ( resonance), (darkness extract)]

Armaments : Azure dragon robes [ health = +2000, defense = +500 ], Dead man blade [ Attack = +2500, hidden = locked ( lv 50 ) ], Dead man blade ( Attack = 2500 )

" Wait! Though I levelled 5 times a row, safe and sound at present. How the hell did I ended up in floor 21.

Did some hidden hermit who researches in a dungeon, got interested in me and picked me up, during his regular strolls. Or some evil researcher got attracted to my talent to do research on me as a lab rat. "

When mark was pondering about the possibilities of him, being ended up at this place, a feminine voice which was respectful towards him and had eligence in her tone, which was quite alluring to one's ears, called out for mark from behind.

" Master mark white, this humble slave congratulates her master on his complete recovery. "

" Master... ? slave... ? " Mark was startled as he was not familiar with this beautiful women, who seems to be mid thirties who had respectfully addressed him master, who was she and what was her motives, Mark was put up guard against her.