Chapter 42 : Half-succubus?

" Master mark white, this humble slave congratulates her master for his recovery. "

" Master... ? servant... ? and a women ? " Mark was startled, he was not familiar with this women, who appears bewitching, seems to be in her mid thirties, with height more than what an average adult would have. Her hair reached down till her waist swaying in air with her voluptuous body which walked towards him elegantly in a seductive manner. If it was for an ordinary adult, he would had pushed her down on ground, to commit crime.

" Who was she? When did I became her master? What was her hidden motives? and this attractiveness is this charm magic? " Mark had put up his guard against this suspicious character, that may kill him in when he were to let his guard down,allowing her a chance to strike.


Name : Azel Meyan

class : Demon

Species : half-succubus

level : 58

Age : 36

Occupation : Slave of mark white


Attack : 1720

Agility : 1600

Health : 6800

Defense : 1660

lntelligence : 3600

Sense : 2500

Mana /Qi : 26000

Skills : lightning spike , light and darkness dual blast, light amplified darkness wall, Empowered nails, Thunder desend ( 70% chance to kill multiple targets below the user level ), Darkness pillar, Sacred light shower, darkness bind, darkness vortex.

Armaments : Enchantress robes ( HP = +2000 , Defense = +1000 , charm + 90 )

Elements : law's of Darkness, law's of light ( hidden ), lightning magic.

Blessing : Possessor of charm ( +50 charm to target around the user, activation - passive ) , Vitality devourer ( Drains life force upon conception with opposite gender to help her evolve and ascend to higher species ) , Blood servant ( all targets marked by user will become puppets to be manipulated by user ), blessing of player ( levels up as player leveled).

" She's a demon.... a level 58 rare half-succubus ! Aren't humans supposed to be enemies with demons. Especially in parts of dungeon, where the demons requires to devour the souls of adventurer such as me to complete their quota and fulfill their wish to exit the dungeon. Death would be a better alternative to them rather than casting away their pride to become a humans slave.

Then the only possible explanation is demon, they had taken me for a demon, and assigned her to me when i was left unconscious. But counting her stats, blessings and elements she can even rival top geniuses among demons, a future powerhouse that should be cherished and nurtured well, nevertheless become a slave under someone's command. Did the demons in dungeon became blind, to the extent of sending such a powerhouse to take care of my needs. Let's act as one for now, and escape after i collect sufficient information and wreak havoc in this place. Who knows i may level a few times in the process. Even adventurers guild may have not heard about this place, or else it is a classified information not to be shared to general public.

" Sorry, but I don't remember having a servant, who's a high class aura grand master, from succubus race. " Mark replied cautiously, in a low tone as this succubus may be a trap. Tough he may act as a demon for now, he can't hide forever.

" With system only during the times when i openly reveal my aura, could then the others be able to sense it's colour and determine my race, I shouldn't give out my identity easily. " He exclaimed internally.

" Master, my humble self is Azel Meyan, from Meyan household, under the dominance of king Farthur from Flameglory family. I had been assigned as a slave to serve master mark white, till my last breath this soul shall live for the sake of my master never to let even a scratch fall on my masters body. "

Mark was confused, from earlier she was addressing him, master mark white. But how come she came to know my name, even guild master of adventure guild is igrorant of term white, then how did this demon came to know.

" Can I know, how did you came to know my name, I don't remember disclosing it with others, especially in dungeon. "

After hearing marks exclamation, she sniggere a little before exclaiming out politely. " Master mark white, you are being funny, offering oneself as a slave to their master, that slave need to make a soul vow, that is to to live and die alongside their master and never to betray him no matter what. Dont you know that slaves will naturally know his or hers masters name after masters soul imprint had been marked on their soul. "

" What soul vow, I tough slaves only need to make heart vow or blood vow. " Soul vow, was naturally forbidden to use in all domains after adventure guild was made, it's practices was nearly extinct. few of its uses are still remained unknown. Since this succubus said soul vow, does that mean the flameglory family's inheritance is even older than adventurers guild.

Either belongs to banned tribes in dungeon or of those demons that ventured into it before adventurer guild was originated. As records of them entering into the dungeon will be recorded..... wait ! may be an another classified information. Should I reach rank-c, rank-b, rank-a or at highest rank-s to access through those files.

" Master, a soul vow is more restricted than that of blood vow or heart vow. As in former case the masters can determine the life and death of slave as he wish in seconds. But in the later case it had few loopholes, which slaves could exploit. Blood vow could coagulate their blood and kill the slave which had betrayed it's masters, but could be nullified if his marrow was replaced. Heart vow could destroy his heart in cases of betrayal, but could be nullified in case when a new heart was transplanted in place of original one ."

" So, through soul vow, the master can even manipulate his servant however he wish, like a soulless puppet. "

The fuck it's cruel than death, even for a demon I really pity her for being a slave, this one shall be left alive, others wash your neck as my blade will chop your heads one day. Mark had exclaimed to his heart.

" Well, then answer my question, who brought me here, I want to know the name of my benefactor. "

Hearing marks exclamation, the composure of her face turned down, it expressed a sense of sadness, " demons, so they do possess emotions, damn I shouldn't deviate from my principles, demons they deserve death. it may be continued to her half-succubus race. They may be some abnormal type. "

Through all the cumulative experiences mark had from his previous life, he can say one word to demons, that is to sentence them to " death " not even a single encounter was pleasant, filled with gore and violence they placed a blackmark on mark's heart.

" Young miss... she is still recuperating her injuries, at central palace. Her injuries were too severe and it may take four additional days to completely recover, why don't master mark white familiarize himself with east palace. "

She exclaimed to mark in a respected manner, before handing him a black colour token, instructed by king Farthur, which was inscribed by some strange runes that mark was unable to decipher. After getting permission from mark she had left his room to inform king Farthur about Mark's recovery.

" Young miss.... why does my instincts say it may be related to her. But she doesn't even had the elegance this slave had. she may be some other figure not worth this young miss title. " exclaiming to himself mark had left the room to search for library and learn some hidden matters regarding dungeon, hidden from public eye.

Author's notes

Characters added :

1. Azel meyan = first confirmed slave of mark.

2. king Farthur = a influential figure from flame glory family.

3. Young miss = hidden for now.