Chapter 61 : The keepers

" Hahaha... that's what you deserve for provoking me. " Supreme elder who was floating in the air, carrying the body of wilhelm over his shoulders exclaimed out, revealing a delighted expression over his face.

Though the entirety of the platform was broken to smithers, after his terrifying force had landed over the stage. The Supreme elder was still scanning the area covered by smoke, with his sense attribute. To find the remains of mark and confirm his death.

He had already seen through marks talent, such a kind of people would only hinder their growth and become a thorn in their side, for now. But would seriously turn into a threat if allowed to natured.

With the title of an elder, at such a tender age and his connections with Farthur. He would surely be natured by flame glory family without holding back.

There's a saying from older times, that " the younger generation are the foundation of a family, they represent it's overall rise and fall. If sustained the family was about to be raised in future, and if that foundation was removed, the family's bound to fall. Regardless of the efforts made in order to sustain them.

Mark's powers were bound to increase exponentially, since flame glory family already had a monstrous genius within their younger generation, that could one day become a supreme elder herself in near future.

The supreme elder could not afford to let flame glory family nature an another wild one, which may very well rival her in terms of talent.

By the time, when mark and that monstrous genius from flame glory family were completely natured, they could enter the ranks of Supreme elders and represent their family, and increase the overall strength of the flame glory to peak.

Wilhelm who had been dragged from the hold of his master had not panicked, nor fought against his masters enemy in defense. The only task ordered by his master was to act unconscious, so had he been doing since.

Even if he were to be killed, he wouldn't dare uttering a word out his mouth in defense, and pretend asleep, ordered by his master. Such was the power of slavers contract.

It turns a person absolutely loyal to its owner. Even if the owner had committed a sin against him earlier, by wiping out his entire family and enslaved him at last.

The slave was bound to clean his master shoes which had been dirtied by his kins blood, rather than avenging them for their death.

The expression of supreme elder which was delightful, turned extremely ugly.

He had clenched his fist tightly, crackling sound could be very well heard from his knuckles.

Blue views were popping over his temples, and his eyes turned red in anger. His black colour robes with golden coloured design were fluttering violently, as his mana was unintentionally leaking out, from his body.

He had quickly come back to his senses, to prevent his grandchild from suffering injuries, because of his recklessness.

The onlookers were confused, hadn't this supreme elder shamelessly killed mark earlier, extracting the revenge for his genius grandson who's true skin was revealed to the general audience.

Then... did that wilhelm gave out at last, releasing his last breath. Being forcefully snatched from mark, into the supreme elders grasp.

If that was the case, judging by his character, the supreme elder would had thrown out his anger over us, the general audience who were spectating the scenes, since the beginning.

If so then what made him calm down again, from that enraged state. His expression looks complicated, as if an unknown consequence of his action had arrived.

The dust had finally started settled down, enabling the audience to spectate the scene again.

The sturdy piece of huge flying platform has been reduced to white ashes. Even the area, few meters surrounding the stage had been affected by the previous blow, utterly devastated.

The audience who were confused earlier, by supreme elders expression, got answers to their puzzlement.

Right at center of the platform, a small chunk of mass, which appeared to be floating above the surface, carrying a small silhouette, that appeared to be unconscious at this minute.

A colourless sphere which had a mysterious presence around it, emitting dangerous vibes from its surface was floating right above the floating piece of mass. Making a force field around it, and had protected mark from mortal damage against the supreme elders might.

The person, whom the supreme elder became wary of, whose remains he was searching for was found in a single piece, unscathed, in an extremely healthy condition, without suffering any sort of visible injuries over his body.

How's that possible? How did he managed to survive that blow? Even an ordinary emperor class cultivator would find himself in a tight spot, unable to defend against that previous blow!

Did the supreme elder farthur from flame glory family, had presented him some defensive treasure which made survive that blow.

If yes, then does this kid, managed to became the youngest person to wield one of those legendary weapons called relic.

" Relic! " This was the word muttered by the mouths of spectators, who were startled after seeing mark alive.

According to their knowledge, a relic was a legendary weapon, out of their reach, whose powers had transcended the limit of want an artifact could hold for.

Even thousands of peak grade artifacts couldn't hold a candle to the lowest of a relic.

If such a thing was exposed to the public, it could even make the supreme forces burn with the desire for obtaining it.

They would mobilize their entire forces to monopolize the weapon to themselves, even to an extent of waging war against the entire floor to obtain them.

Artifacts, tough could be forged by renounced master refiners and expert blacksmiths, it still looses it's value in front of a relic. Not just because they were stronger or more durable to them.

They had developed their own consciousness as well as capable enough to grant enough power to defend against upper realm experts.

Each time they are used, tremendous amount of mana would be exhausted. As a result, making them use for a dozen times would be considered a miracle.

This was true for an emperor class expert, but mark being a cultivator who hadn't even transcended to the realm of a king had managed to trigger it's effects, which filled the face of the spectators with shock.

But the thing which startled audience the most was, neither him surviving the blow nor the supreme elder Farthur giving, such a priceless treasure to this kid. But it was him making the relic acknowledge as its master.

The relics were known to possess wisdom, whose intellect was higher than that of an ordinary cultivator. They are extremely proud and kills the ones, they deems not worthy to weild them.

Only cultivators of emperor class has the right to even fawn on them. There were cases where even an emperor class expert was forced to his death.

Resulted by the back slash, as he was rejected by a relic, which had caused it's fame to reach it's peak, in this dungeon.

But mark, a kid, whose age doesn't even seems to exceed 6, had managed to subdue such a entity. How could they not be shocked by this development.

" Relic! No... this kid should not be allowed to grow, a deep hatred has already been sprouted in his heart.

He must die today! If not, I would have to regret in future, not being able to kill this mark. He has to die for the sake of my lamia race! "

* Whoosh! *

" He must have used, all his mana to defend against my previous attack. This time he's just a twig that's going to be crushed against my attack, let's see how you're gonna survive this hit. " Sneering viciously within his heart, the Supreme elder had made his way towards mark. This time, he wanted to tear mark into thousands of pieces using his bear hand.

* Boom! *

The audience who were surprised by marks survival had pitied him, going against a supreme elder, what was he thinking. Unless Farthur himself was present at this scene,ark was doomed to die, under that supreme elders palm.

Unlike before, where the dust had been sharply raised after the impact, which made the spectators unable to clearly examine the scenes. The impact this time hadn't produced such events.

Though the supreme elder had tightly clenched his fists making use of his entire worth of power in the previous blow, it had been blocked by some mysterious person dressed in black robes.

A single black jacket extending till his ankle, whose hood had covered his small head, which had been engraved by strange runes in white. His face was hidden within red bandages, which appeared quite intimidating. Long boots that were also black in colour, also engraved by mysterious runes in white, while his fist was tightly packed in red bandages and his face, that emitted a dangerous vibe from it, which made the spectators shiver with fear.

That figure whose hight was small, about four feet or so had managed to effortlessly subdue this supreme elders attack. Holding the supreme elder's fist within his palm.

" Hadn't you caused enough trouble, by repeatedly breaking the rules of this arena.

Is this arena your house, where you could do as you wish. Do you still have my sacred place, within your eyes.

Scram before I get my hands dirty. "

His words had loudly echoed within the ears of the spectators. Which had nearly made them deaf, and kneel down to floor under his mighty presence.

" Keepers! It's the mysterious keepers of this arena! "

The spectators were startled. Unless a major problem had arises within this place, he seldom makes out his appearance.

" This old supreme elder, he hit hard this time. Who told him to destroy an entire platform belonging to arena. let's hope he dies under the hands of keeper today! If not, a major cancer within this floor could not be eliminated. "

The arrogant self of the supreme elder, had traces of fear within his prideful eyes.

" Why him, all of sudden! Just a second more and this mark would had been eliminated by me. let's make a retreat today, there's still time for revenge later.

Unless he's going to stay his entire life in this arena, I could not be able to make a move on him directly. "

" Understood! " After exclaiming it, he tightly grabbed wilhelm within his grasp, between his arms, before running out the arena.

Even the mighty supreme elder has a day where he needs to run behind his tail, so was the power of a keeper, even emperor class experts were ants to him, capable enough of killing them in second like smashing ants over the floor. so supreme elder running away embarrassingly was the most suitable decision to be made at that time. Even the audience were aware of that fact.

" Good thing that a keeper had shown up, if not the losses of flame glory family would had been tremendous, after loosing their talent like this Mark. " The experts from flame glory family had exclaimed internally with a delightful expression over their faces.

Author's notes.

Keeper : Some characters like those of guardians protecting a place, the arena.