Chapter 62 : Encountering her again

Mark had finally gained back his consciousness. He abruptly opened his eyes, looking at his surroundings.

He was lying over a soft bed, which was larger than an ordinary middle sized room. A warm blanket had been placed over him which had been giving him a cozy feeling.

A sense of royalty could be felt from viewing the decorations, arranged in the large sized room. Which had a huge bed at its center, which in turn was placed at an elevated stage, few feet above the floor, where he was asleep a few seconds earlier.

A familiar silhouette, who appeared to be bewitching with her long and dense black hair, which had reached down till her slender waist was swaying in air.

With her voluptuous body, showing her bouncy round curvatures behind the orange colour tight robes, she walked towards him slowly with elegance in her style, In an alluring and seductive manner.

If it were for an ordinary man, he would for sure had lost his self control and pounce towards her, to make love. A name had ringed mark's mind all of a sudden.

" Isn't she Azel meyan white! My second slave, she turned more prettier than before, she had also made a soul vow to follow my lead right?

Isn't she supposed to be at flame glory family! Waiting for my arrival.

Wait! Am i present at the flame glory family right now. "

A matured and refined lady in her mid thirties, with a height few centimeters taller than what an ordinary person would have.

With her external features, and her elegance, it wouldn't be wrong to call her a kingdom toppling beauty.

Mark was still confused, as to why the flame glory family had assigned such a beauty to him in the form of a lowly slave. He wasn't a adult to begin with, to do some dual cultivation stuffs with her or enjoy some pleasures of being a man to begin with.

In this life, he was a kid who had just unlocked his mana core, a month before or earlier. A person belonging to the age group of six.

Mark felt pity for her, being the case of a half succubus wild race, she was forced to slavery by the flame glory family. Since she was tainted with the presence of other race's blood, she may have disgraced the succubus's race in the eyes of others, considering their foothold as one among the supreme forces in the floor.

Judging by her talent, being a dual law user and an element of lightning on top it, she could cast three different types of magics, a rare talent to find indeed.

Unless the flame glory family turned blind to use her talent, they would at least make an exception, and make good use of her and not put to slavery in the least.

If they were such fools to begin with, how could they still be standing at the peak of powers on this floor. Doesn't that mean she had hidden the fact about her being a dual law user from the eyes of others.

But for her age, how could she only be a near peak aura grand master?

Even the case of her becoming an emperor class would not be an exaggeration, considering her elements. Which could easily assist her in cultivation, at a rate hundreds of times faster than others.

This was also the case which had confused our mark before, when for the first time he had set his eyes over her.

Comming back to present, a thought had ran over mark's brain. " Why am I still alive? That Supreme elders might could even crush an ordinary emperor class cultivator, nevertheless a brat like me who had not even reached the realms of lord class.

Why is my body still intact, present in a single piece? it's understandable that I lost consciousness at the arena, but what had happened after it?

Did the supreme elder turned into new leaf, all of a sudden and became merciful, and begone his hatred... No! If it really were the case, I would no longer name myself as mark. Something unexpected had happened for sure!

Who could possibly be able to change his decision, considering his ruthless character, which had feared at nothing, even to the extent of breaking the rules set by arena! "

It wouldn't be exaggerating to say that the supreme elder from cole family would want at nothing but to torment every bit of marks flesh, or provide most tortuous death if possible.

How could he allow mark to escape, unless someone who was more powerful than him were to be present at the scenes.

Mark's mana could not be measured nor his aura could be spotted out, unless he deliberately reveals it to the general masses, he could remain mysterious till then, but still which powerhouse had decided to lend him a hand had still bugging marks mind.

" Master! This lowly slave, azel meyan white congratulates her master on his recovery. "

His second slave had reached beside him, closing her watery eyes at a slow pace before kneeling down to the floor, placing her head down in a kowtowing position. She waited for her masters reply, before lifting her head up.

" Azel meyan white! Did you refer yourself to others as such? Did others from flame glory family had the knowledge about the word "white" added into your name? "

Seeing mark, her little master, who and just awoken had exclaimed his question, with his face carrying traced of being frightened for a second, she placed her head again down wards, exclaiming. " This lowly slave had waited for her masters permission before publicizing her name proudly to the masses.

If master is displeased to let this servant wield the name of "white", then this servant would rather be nameless, rather than making her master displease with it or have to wait for a day where master would allow for it. "

If the name of white was known to others, then not only would he need to face suspicion from others, but also the members from flame glory family would become wary of him, since there was no powerhouse in the floor, who's family were named as white to begin with.

" Rise! This young master was just curious, This young master had not decision to make his servant nameless, you don't have to trouble with that part. "

Her eyes brimmed with happiness all of a sudden, being herself referred to as an servant was different from that of a slave.

In terms of social standing, slaves were at the lowest, whose lives could be tossed at their masters whim, but mark had just before addressed her as a servant.

In comparison to a slave, the position of being a servant would be considered as equal to granting a nobility to a commoner.

She made a bright smile with her rosy lips, kowtowing down being contented with her servant's title.

" This servant recieves her masters words and would continued to be named Azel meyan white! Does master have any questions for this servant! "

" This feels good. Having someone calling herself as a slave, who was enslaved in regards to racism. My righteous heart would never allow her to be further affronted as such. "

" Yes, this young master had some questions, troubling his mind since our first visit.

If I'm not wrong, you are a dual law user! Why would you allow yourself to be humiliated as such, and reduce yourself to be a slave. Which powerhouse in the floor would be so blind as refusing their sheltering, in case you decide to join their forces.

Why is your cultivation, still stagnated near the peak of grand master class? if an ordinary person were to have your elements, his cultivation would be skyrocketing, and become an emperor class by himself as easy as climbing stairs, considering your age! Enlighten me about that doubt which had been pestering me. "

Azel was startled for a second before, getting back her composure, exclaiming politely " There had been a reason, as to why this servant needs to hide her talents.

As for why my cultivation had stagnated, I had stopped cultivating after reaching middle class of grand master realm. My elements had indirectly pumped my realm to upper class and made it reach near it's peak.

As for why I need to remain hidden is a secret... my life depends on it. Actually it's about my original identity... If master need to disclose it, and become enlightened about the facts, it would bring life threatening disaster upon himself and a huge responsibility to carry. Is master willing to learn the truth... "

As expected of master! able to see through my secret on first glance, your talent sure is vast, capable enough to dominate all lifeforms on this floor in near future.

Though you may become stronger than Supreme elder himself, if given few years to cultivate, but you are still weak as of today, the responsibility is not what you could bear at this minute, it would be a burden which would be better to toss away, rather than bearing it on one's shoulders.

" Let me ask you a with a simple question, what is your identity? "

" Master, I was slave before, but since master privileged me with the title of his servant, I had become a servant as of today! "

" Then who does a servant represent? "

" Master, a servant represent the master they follow! "

" Did the servant before me had made a soul vow to follow my lead? "

" Master, yes this servant had indeed made her soul vow to follow her master lead till her last breath! "

" So, then you servant say that, you are one of this young masters people? "

" Master... yes! "

Turning about a 90 degree towards right, over the side bed below, mark looked at azel who was had a puzzled expression over her face, as to why her master had asking such simple questions, which he already knows.

" So, you are a servant who represents this young master and decided to follow him till your last breath, ain't I need to be held responsible for you! "

The last word of mark had startled azel, she sensed a feeling of disbelief, listening to the bold exclamation made by her master, he's being held responsible for me!

Mark who had originally turned 90 degrees towards right had completely turned his body opposite to her, bellowing.

" I don't care about others other young masters who had tons of slaves under their arsenal, that are disposable waste to be cast aside, after their use.

Once you become my men, your life and death become my responsibility. You would not be bullied by any one other than this young master.

If one who ain't my family had decided to make a move on you, you are permitted to kill him in defense, leaving that responsibility upon my shoulders.

If you perform your duties well, you would be promoted to the status of my personal maid, which I never had once before. I want you to serve this young master whole heartily, not because of some damn vow.

Heed this words in your ears well, anyone that decides to make a move on the family is our enemy, regardless of their wealth or status or their power.

So this young master ask azel meyan white, do you truly wish to follow my lead.

If yes, then share that damn burden with this young master, we would solve them later, when our strength reaches the required amount.

If you are reluctant to share, keep it hidden within your heart, this young master would not bother ordering you as of today.

You are permitted to have a free life for yourself, a free bird starting today. "

Before she even react to her masters words, tears were dwelling down her eyes, she was dumbstruck seeing her masters personality. The little back of her young master had turned dependable to her, a huge mountain to rely on.

Weeping her tears with the ends of her long sleeves, dwelling ceaselessly from her watery eyes which turned red, she kneeled down immediately, kowtow before mark exclaiming " This servant shall heed his masters words, since master is graceful to consider this lowlife as a family, this servant shall shamelessly accept her masters offer. "

" 100 marks for my intimidating style right, system? "

Author's notes.

Azel meyan became azel meyan white!