Chapter 152 : Beast men! Again?

A shallow lake.

Over a remote shallow lake, which was few thousand miles away from western warlords palace, two familiar figures were ejected out the void.

The disturbance of void gate had startled the little ones around, making them run scared.

But good thing that Mark was ejected in account safe zone, quite a distance away from his target place, or else his enemies would take notice of his presence and his advantage to take them down unguarded would have drained to water thereafter.


Mark fell straight to waters, making quite a mess with his unexpected fall!


Shortly following him, Wendy too fell down to the same place, letting him kiss the same lake bed twice in a row, making his face ugly with anger.

" Heavy! "

Pushing the load of Wendy to a side, Mark surfaced out the water, with a nauseous face.

The long distance teleportation was a unfamiliar thing and the little body of his need some time to get used to it.

" Heavy!? Boss!~ Don't you think it's rude to call a lady heavy? "

Squeezing the water out her disheveled hair, Wendy cried out with a flushed face.

" Well it's true tough! "

" Boss!! "

" Sigh, focus on mission Wendy! "

Sighing out a little, Mark flown up to air, releasing a bit of his aura to remove the struck water on his clothing.

" Wendy tidy up fast, we are few miles away from that target! "

Looking at the direction of a mountain, which apparently had been hosted as a resting place for one green rank, Mark warned her to play safe.

" Ready our undead, we'll raid any second sooner... "

Exclaiming it with a cautious face, Mark concealed his aura and flown straight to the green rank base to gather intelligence.


One minute later.

Over a lushfull mountain.

A pair of clear eyes were scouting ahead to number the enemy, clearly Mark had adapted to the surroundings and reached pretty much close to the enemy base.

" Fuck! Is this really the strength of a green rank base? "

Mark had a strange expression after finding their real strength.

Looking at the enemy numbers which were totally unexpected, Mark started changing his decision on spot and formulated a new plan.

"That is to charge forwards without a plan!"

Yes, right now Mark was deciding to charge forward and annihilate the base as the enemy stronghold was too weak to caution with.

A little above three hundred, with the addition of a hand full of elites that were not that difficult to be dealt with, considering his current strength.

The leader was a half step aura emperor, fully robust body with a mature war like veteran body.

He had a couple black horns extending from his temples which were protruded forth with a menacing aura over them.

Other than those threatening horns, almost all features of him looked similar to a human, except for all little tail which appeared negligible.

" Beastmen... Black horned bull race! Damn why are there beastmen at this place? Isn't this continent devoid of those diverse races to begin with? "

With a dubious face mark muttered internally.

" Boss!~~ Should I charge in?

Wendy muttered her words to his ears and had almost made him trip down to ground from his footing.

" Wendy!? "

Standing on an adjacent branch next to him, Wendy exclaimed in a rather low voice with an excited face.

She was excited, and it could pretty well be noticed by Mark who discerned her intentions.

In her eyes, the three hundred beastmen before her were a good quality ingredient and the strong leader was pretty much a high quality one at that.

And since they were the targets to be killed, the desire were very much overflowed within her.

" Not needed! Let me gauge their strength, who knows they might be hiding their half mutants as reserves? "

Patting down her little head, Mark traversed to the middle of their group, unsheathed his blades fashionably and finished off a group in a matter of seconds.

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

" The fuck! We have intruders! We are being raided! "

The low ranks were pretty much scared by Mark's aura and started screaming loud to garner their leader's attention.

" Fuck! Which idiot had the balls to mess with us? "

Walking out the tent, the robust body of leader had roared violently which started tremoring the ground.

" If it was before... I am afraid you would be a tough opponent. But right now I am a 5th stage refinement expert... so you are pretty much a nobody to begin with! "

Mark gripped his blades tight before dashing towards the leader in an imposing manner.


Before this robust leader could respond, Mark slashed out his blade and beheaded him along with the axe which he used to guard against the attack.

" Beheaded? "

The soldiers had pretty much losen their hope when their leader was slain clean before them.

Wendy acted fast to clear these remanent, as she didn't want these low flies to bother her boss, who was about to face his real opponent.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

All of a sudden, five silhouettes popped out mysteriously, and almost all were glared cold at Mark, who appeared impatient to deal with their master's killer.

As expected of that strange orb, it's similar to space retained, where living things could be stored.

Once the owner was killed, the ownership of the orb would be lost and all living within would start ejecting out that inner space.

Half mutants were the same, they were kicked out the inner space when the owner was killed, annuling the ownership of mysteries space and ejecting them out.

Mark had anticipated a large number of them gushing out, but looking at the sparse numbers that popped out, he could confirm that this particular green rank base had five half mutants, far lesser than what he had dealt before.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

Making those ear piercing roars they all leapt towards him violently, as if they want to rip shreds of his body to appease their anger.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Without wasting much of his time, Mark straight away engaged in battle, employed few devious tricks with his darkness bind.




In a matter of dozen seconds, Mark managed to isolate one, bind it hard with his darkness bind and pull it far away from the rest to smash it's head under his legs.

Followed by which he dugged out its troublesome core so as to let it rest for good!

Looking at their companion which got killed in seconds, the half mutant showed signs of unrestness, exploded with terrifying strength and directly got free of bindings to leapt over Mark.

Mark didn't bothered much by this change, he empowered his arms strengthened his blades with wisp of red flaring flaming flames to strike them down.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Carefully dodging their blows, Mark tested out his new powers and started adapting with his body after entering the fifth stage of refinement.

More or less, the power of initial order aura emperor was drawn over, which was more than enough to deal with the current batch of half mutants.

After fighting a hundred rounds with them, he got familiarised and was also made known of a truth which confirmed his guesses!

Before, the half mutant 021, which Mark fought before was secretly guided by Gazil though voice transmissions.

If not for that, the brainless brute like 021 was not worth mentioning, which could hardly fight against him, as it could only rush madly towards Mark with out using much of its intelligence, only to get killed by its own recklessness!

So Mark had learnt his lesson, and found that killing their master was the best way to let this commanding intelligence of half mutants down.

And once they become a rage filled mindless muscle heads, Mark could easily kill these bunch just by deploying the petty tricks of his.

The battle though could be fought a lot easier, in a much simpler way, Mark dragged it a little long to adapt to his new borne powers and pick on a much larger crowd the next time he face these monsters.

" Ding! Congratulations to host for annihilating base 7538! "

" Ding! Host earns 1000000 SP! "

With the message from Aina ( system ), Mark confirmed his victory over this green rank base and started head towards Wendy who was collecting the spoils of war by now.

" Ten minutes! Boss, you sure had taken your time in bullying those uglies! "

Collecting the corpse of these beast men and later tossing them into her inner realm, Wendy exclaimed out happily as she could increase her army by a tenth after assimilating these corpse into her undead.

" Haha! Never thought that these half mutants would be weak after their master was eliminated! "

After entering the fifth stage of refinement Mark had long since attained the state of initial order aura emperor.

And after the commanding owner of half mutants was eliminated, it become easy for Mark to bully these weak intellect muscle heads, which could be used to sharpen his current realm.

Wendy was taken back by a bit, and started smiling thereafter as if she was enlightened with profound knowledge.

" Boss, it's not that they were weak, it's simply that this Wendy's boss became stronger, much stronger than before! "

Wendy gave few flattering words, which made him feel awkward with her beautiful smile.

" Anyway, Wendy when will you start assimilating the corpses? "

Three hundred Aura king corpses, though a large number of them were just initial order, nevertheless they could still help them much in future battles.

Wendy just waved her hands proudly before revealing her new born inner talent which was enlightened after she crossed the aura king barrier in cultivation.

" Boss! Now that this Wendy had entered Aura emperor realm, undead could be produced faster and would no longer require this queen to process them personally!

In other words, my inner realm would automatically start processing them subconsciously, so boss doesn't necessarily have to worry about it! "

Looking at her proud expression, Mark really want to smack it down as it seemed irritating.

" Ah! Such privileges, no wonder you simply tossed them to the inside! "

Muttering it lightly Mark re-entered the mysterious space of Orb to teleported to next base and annihilate them quick.

" Was that about sarcasm? "

Wendy put a long face while following him inside the orb.


Inside the orb

Though his gains were less, Mark didn't frown much as his hunt had just begun.

And since annihilating bases didn't earn much in terms of RP there wasn't much progress in refinement, so his cultivation didn't leaped much as he anticipated.

The green rank base though were poor in numbers, their equipment and resources were quite abundant and almost considered first class when compared to natives of this land, so Mark decided to loot them all.

The base he choose his next target was also a green ranked one, which appeared pretty much close to his proximity in map.

But Mark knew that the actual distance was hundred of miles apart, and by the time he reached the area, the base might actually move in miles away, wasting his time and effort while chasing them.

So spending a couple teleportation rune was not waste their price, as it would reduce the time and effort he needs to spend on his enemies.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

This time Mark was prepared and instantly used his flight after teleportation to prevent him from falling down to ground.

" Haha guessed it right! Still few hundred meters above the land! "

But unfortunate for him, Wendy had straightaway bumped her butt over his head and they both fell down to ground, widely attracting the attention of the ones around them.


" Just what's wrong with you? Can't you use flight instead of bumping your *** to my head? "

Mark was pretty much angered by her clumsiness, it was as if she had wantedly fallen over him to burrow his head to ground!

" Boss! it's... ... I feel dizzy! "

She was pretty much startled by finding her boss becoming an air cushion like before.

" What it's? "

Mark was pretty much speechless by her excuse and couldn't help but warn her for the next time.

" I don't want to see it for an another time! "

Mark gave an annoying humph and pushed her to a side only to find that they had unintentionally landed into trouble.

It was the center of base where they had landed and started quarreling loud.

Even the base Chief had felt annoyed and made his soldiers surround the pair in an encirclement.

Good thing that the half mutants were yet to be summoned, if they were... Mark would definitely be given a large load of trouble to bear at this moment.

" Fight!! "

Mark roared out angrily and dashed towards the snake headed chief, who had prepared to receive Mark's blade blow head on.


With a tremendous waves of energies surging out his body, Mark unsheathed his blades and started to swing them all full strength!


One slash from his blade and all soldiers in his path to the base chief were torn to pieces.


An another swung from his blade and Mark had almost reached next to the base Chief to inflict a heavy blow to him in a domenering fashion.

" Boss! Try to leave the corpse intact, or else it'll take more time for Wendy to assimilate them! "

Wendy yelled out loud and started engaging in the battle with a domineering lance in her arm.

The Chief was pretty much startled by looking at his strong spear which apparently was sliced clean by Mark's blade, all the way right from the spear tip to the shoulder bone of his.

A large spurt of blood gushed out from his revealed flesh which sprayed down to ground scaring the mob in his surroundings.


The base chief gave a painful screech, before shortly picking a green orb out his storage ring to summon his half-mutants.

Alarmed by looking at the green orb, Mark quickly readjusted his footwork turned around with the tremendous moment to stop this beastmen from inviting trouble.


The blade in his arms cleanly sliced apart the Chief's head, and even before he could request half mutants to save his life.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The moment he died, the half mutants were ejected out the green orb and Mark started engaging in battle!

One minute later.

This time Mark was pretty much quick with his moves and easily crushed their heads to pieces, before shattering their cores to finish them in an instant.

" Good thing that these half mutants are still in infancy, pretty much brainless at this moment! If these muscle brutes were to gain intelligence... I could pretty much imagine the future awaiting me! "

Mark sighed internally, before turning back only to spot Wendy who had single-handedly wiped out the rest, without even breaking a sweat like experts.

" Boss! Hurry up we need to destroy other bases na!~~ "

With a wide smile hung over her face Wendy approached him with a desire to add more numbers to her undead army.

" Two finished still many more bases to go! "

Author's notes :

Comment or review my book if you like the chapter.

Power Stones are luxury which I can't ask casually, and thanks for reading my chapter dear readers I am awaiting your responses.


# Mark - 5 th stage of refinement! ( Initial order aura emperor equivalent )

# Wendy - Mid order aura emperor!

Wendy's undead forces

1. Initial order aura king - 2500

2. Middle order aura king - 460

3. High order aura king - 120

4. Peak order aura king - 25

5. Half step aura emperor - 34