Chapter 153 : Third-order!?

" Two finished still many more bases to go! "

Mark laughed loud, before traversing to next location to trim down enemies numbers.

The enemy bases were not small and Mark didn't had enough time nor strength to kill all approaching enemies befits they reach western warlords palace!

Following his initial hunt in slaying down two enemy bases, Mark teleported to several green rank bases, trashed them one after the other, slowly increasing his undead count, which became a repetition that almost bored Wendy to death.

Though green rank bases were just small fires, they were still a meat which Mark couldn't ignore off.

Imagine, if one green rank base could provide two to three hundred aura king level corpses in the least, what could an entire wave of enemies which mostly was made of their numbers amount to?

With each base he takes down, the strength on his side would increase, Wendy would become strengthened!

And with increased numbers on their side, it made easier for Mark to take care of the troublesome princess, who needs protection!

After all a sub quest was still a sub quest and Mark needs to accomplish it without fail.

Though he didn't like baby sitting Xena, system made him force, which in turn ignited the desire in him to let Wendy play the role in future.

After all troublesome ladies are managed well by an another from same type right?

Two days later.

The killing frenzy continue straight for two consecutive days, which indirectly made Mark to completely adapt himself to his current powers, which was an add on bonus!

Currently his movements became fluid smooth and unless the opponent was a stage higher than him he wouldn't feel pressure in the least.

And considering his strength which reached the equivalent of aura emperor, who among the green rank bases could probably rival him out as equal?

Answer was self explanatory right?

8 PM

The sun had long since settled down and the lands around a particular silhouette was apparently drenched with blood.

Under moon light if one watched the scene from above, he could very well feel the cruelty which Mark had butchered these beast men of black furred ape race!

This group of beast men had apparently raided a village, and taken nest at that place for today's night!

If it was just that, White wouldn't frown much and granted them a simple death.

But the situation at hand had made him enraged as the black furred ape race of this group had no morals or integrity.

They killed all males as food, and females had apparently fallen prey to their sexual desires!

It hurted the heart of Mark, as he didn't expect beast men to be this hateful!


Butchering the last remanent of the beast men in village, mark finally calmed down for real.

" Phew! I lost my cool in there for the moment! Had enemy used this way to lure me in future wouldn't I fall for their tricks by then? Seems like I need to train my heart again! "

At the same time, a call for him came from behind, which apparently was the undead partner of his who'll play a major role in future!

" Boss!~~ "

Mark turned around only to glance at the voluptuous body of a pretty lady, who had started taking off her clothes.

" Boss! How about we take rest? We had almost raided a three quarter of those green bases... so, this Wendy needs time to digest these numbers!

I feel like... I feel like I am going to have a breakthrough now!! Boss... "

With an excited face Wendy leaped out to Mark, before shortly strangling him in excitement, only to get knocked by him in return.

When Wendy would break through, a lot of fluctuation in her mana was prevalent which would turn her clothes ripped to shreds.

Since she didn't want her current robes to tear off, she could only opt with that!

After all she already belongs to Mark, and beforehand was seen through butt naked by the latter multiple times, what was there to hide from him anymore?

Naturally, this was just the logic of Wendy which didn't coincide well with reasoning of Mark.

" This Wendy... Ever since she broke though Aura emperor realm, some screw in her head got loosened in return! "

Mark then decided to take a small break, as he didn't rest well during these couple days to begin with!

At the same time, White had few doubts which he apparently wants to clarify with his system!

He hoped Aina wouldn't plan play mute this time around, if she were then it would be disappointing.

" Just a small break, I am taking a stroll around, hope to see you break through before I return! "


Village outpost.

" Aina, just what are those half mutants? it's really confusing! "

He went straight to matters as he didn't want to beat around the bush by going circles.

" Ding! Responding to host, half mutants are abnormals made out from fusing a fresh blood of mutant into other living creature, most suitably humans! "

Mark had a hunch about it and seems like his reasoning was correct to begin with.

In all encounters till now, he didn't spot even a single half mutant which was made from bodies of beast men!

" No wonder, that imperial commander turned into a half mutant when that blood was infused into him! "

He never had the time to ask before, but since time was plenty and Wendy was undergoing a breakthrough, Mark casually asked the origin of half mutant only to get startled by knowing more about them.

Half mutant state was irreversible, the corrosion of true mutant blood was so intense that even a sniff of it could turn fatal to lower class cultivator.

Aura emperors are pretty much resistant, but it doesn't mean that they could stay fine after being infested with mutants blood!

If mutant blood was infused into a cultivator below aura king cultivation, the body of the victim would burst open unable to endure the potent blood of the former which would kill the victim from inside out.

Previously when the imperial guard was turned like a herculean beast, it was the result of unsuccessful mutation, which needs to be refined to enter the perfect stage which could be attained at higher realm of transcendence!

Once this perfect state of transcendent half mutant attains greater heights and breakthrough the realm above transcendency, he could become a true mutant for real which is unfathomable existence to current Mark.

Still the words " fresh mutant blood " were like falling meteors to his head!

Doesn't that mean, there was a mutant hidden in this continent, which was the realm above transcendent!

One thing which startled Mark the most was mutant's procession trait!

Any animate or inanimate things that falls under their influence could be easily processed by them, but the cost of death would directly inflict their original body, so very few actually dared to perform it.

Fortunately Mark had killed a couple of these existences when they were In young state, else killing the unfathomable existence of above transcendent cultivation was near impossible for him.

In his little conversation with Aina, Mark learnt some new knowledge about half mutants, their relationship with mutants, how they are formed and how exactly the slayer get benefitted by killing them, and some hints about his current quest.

Some noticeable secrets he could gather from Aina was that the current world was eyed by an unfathomable organization, precisely under the rule of Mutants!

Since the existence of them was not acceptable to system, he Mark was quested to ruin their plan, prevent this huge batch of half mutants from evolving up, which might bring catastrophic damage to the world which needs to be prevented!

Though Aina was informative with his questions, Mark felt a bit amass with the situation, as it seemed too unreal for her character to be open?

System was much open with his questions and the more deeper he pestered her about the half mutants, the more informative she turned out to be and cooperated with Mark.

Though finding answers to his question was good, but such profound knowledge was never divulged easily, and he felt surprised when system opened this bits of knowledge without holding back.

" Aina... Since when did you start treating me better? "

When Mark questioned her precisely about this, her answer was.

" Ding! Host had already been promoted to a third order slayer! "

" Ding! System is free to provide with the knowledge that aren't accessible to regular slayers at the bottom level! "

Cough! Cough!

" Third... order...! "

Mark almost chocked himself with this piece of information.

" Third order! It's really third order slayer!! "

Before, he was nearly frightened to revolt against system for handing him the task of 5 mutant kill to achieve this honor!

Surprisingly killing half mutants had paved him a way, which he had never bothered imagining to begin with!

" How...? I... Remember to... Have killed two... But now... A promotion! "

Till now Mark had slain two mutants, one in second floor of trail tower while the other after his reincarnated days in flying ship!

The basic requirements for achieving third order is by slaying five such mutants, and Mark had a need to kill an additional three before attaining it!

So him being confused was self justified.

" Ding! Though slaying mutants is the easier way to attain third order, it alone is not the only way to go for it!

" Ding! Killing half mutants are pretty much feasible when done in large numbers! And killing hundred such abnormal are equivalent to slaying a mutant! "

" Ding! Since host had killed plenty of half mutants, the remaining three kills of mutants are compensated by the death of hundreds of such abnormal! "

So killing half mutants pays off too, but I have to kill them in a large bunch to merit from it!

Earning the title of third order slayer! Mark had never dreamt that he one day could achieve this feat by slaying a bunch of mindless half mutants in place of an original one!

Now that his slain targets of half mutants had exceeded by three hundred, the missing three mutant kill was compensated and his promotion in rank went smoothly without his notice.

" Ding! Since slayer is currently quested in a mission, senior slayers couldn't take time to present you with the privileges of third order slayer! "

Mark could pretty much understand what she mean by that.

Now that he attained a third order slayer title, shouldn't there be the existences of second order then first order too?

When Mark questioned her with this, system remained silent for a second before explaining.

" Ding! Responding to host, similar to Third order position, second order and first order are earned by slaying mutants as well! "

" Ding! Slayers had a need to kill four times their old target for each promotion, so going through maths... Host need to slay 20 mutants for second order position and 100 for first! "

" What's above first order? "

Revealing a curious smile, Mark questioned Aina only to get dejected after it.

" Ding! Responding to host, for the information above this first order slayer, host's status is insufficient to access that classified information! "

" Ding! Host needs to enter first order position to attain those classified details! "

First order?

Before it was third order which system urged me to accomplish, now that I attained it, she asked me to strive for first!

Isn't she expecting much from this humble Mark?

Mark gave a casual laugh before asking

"System, other than classified information is there any other advantage being a third order?"

If it was just this information, Mark might pretty much loose his motivation to strive for the next!

If not for the half mutants, who are foolish enough to be slayed by him easily, Mark wouldn't even dream of third order much less first which needs 100 true mutant kills to achieve so!

So even after killing these many numbers, if a slayer would just get a piece of information as a privilege, Mark agrees with his reasoning that it was not worth his life in risking it as such!

At least his life was precious than a piece of information too?

Without a proper exclusive privilege which might really help him out in tough times, Mark regards other menial privileges to be trash!

Right when he made this question to Aina, she remained silent for a minute before answering.

" Ding! Responding to host, for a third order slayer who had contributed to system by slaying 5 mutants or equivalent, system do privilege him with necessary facilities that help him contribute more to the system! "

" Ding! Host is privileged with 5 tickets to the land of Never ending! For more host needs to reach second order before achieving it so! "

" Never ending? Aina, what's that? "

When the privilege for third order was announced, Mark didn't even had a hunch about what Aina was trying to say.

Land of never ending, what's that place? Was it a never ending land where it's ends were yet to be determined or was it just a limitless cosmos used for cultivation and enlightenment?

Mark was pretty much confused by it. When the privilege for going to that place was announced, Mark could sense that it wasn't that easy to attain them or else these things wouldn't just be given for free if not for him killing that 5 mutant equivalent toll.

Unbothering to explain him understandingly, Aina gave a single sentence which started him.

" Ding! responding to host, host needs to enter the rank above first order slayer to access that classified information! "

First order again?

" Fuck! This Mark is privileged to go to a strange place, but the details about it is inaccessible to me currently? "

He felt pretty pissed off by her attitude and felt like she had returned back to her previous self which was annoying.

He then simply strolled around, waiting for a reaction from Wendy to pop out, as they still has many more bases to eliminate!

Author's notes :

Comment or review my book if you like the chapter.

Power Stones are luxury which I can't ask casually, and thanks for reading my chapter dear readers I am awaiting your responses.

Status :

# Mark - 5 th stage of refinement! ( Initial order aura emperor equivalent )

# Wendy - Mid order aura emperor!

Wendy's undead forces

1. Initial order aura king - 16,500

2. Middle order aura king - 2,560

3. High order aura king - 820

4. Peak order aura king - 375

5. Half step aura emperor - 452 ( mostly from half mutants and green rank base leaders )