Uzumaki Fuuinjutsu


Sasuke Uchiha…Uchiha clan. This clan.

Sakura Haruno…Haruno clan..Heh, I wish. I'm just a civilian. But Naruto?

Naruto Uzumaki…Uzumaki…Uzumaki…clan?

"Found anything on the Uzumaki, Toru-kun?"

"Mew. Says here Uzumaki were distant answesters to the Uchiwa thwu the Senju. They were also gweat at fuuinjutsu."

"WHOA!" Sakura spun around and stared at her new kitty friend, and took in the fasinating sight of the feline standing on its hind legs atop a ladder, pinning an open book against a bookshelf while balancing everything precariously with its tail pointed outward.

That dobe has a clan? One that's related to my future boyfri—Sasuke-kun? That would make him my brother-in-law.

Cha! How can you be his sister and mom at the same time?!

"It's a small world out here." Despite Konoha being the largest hidden village. "I bet everyone's connected in some way," Sakura mused, not knowing how close that comment struck home.

"Say, you're a smart cat. How do you know all this?"

The cat made a dry face. "I twold ya I was in the war and thew were War Heros."

"Oh. Right. You're older than you look," Sakura changed the subject, "So about the Uzumaki being—"

"They were tawrgeted in the war, but thweir clan died out becawse they were too good at fuuinjutsu but not at fighting."

"…" Sakura looked down, pink locks covering her eyes. Maybe if things were different, then maybe Naruto would have had a clan to fall back on, or even a heirloom.

Heirloom? Forehead, you thinking what I'm thinking?

Sakura's head shot up as an idea flashed through her head. The implications were deliquescing. She stared at Toru.

"S-Sealing, you said? You mean those scrolls where you write characters and drawings with a paintbrush?"


"Find me everything you can on seals. I think they'll keep the orange roach busy…From distracting my time with Sasuke-kun." Sakura smirked, deciding to keep the real reason to herself.

"Not that he has the patience to hold a brush. But if I can just convince him it's for a prank…"


Iruka-sensei was writing on the chalkboard about using the clone jutsu and the transform jutsu in conjunction. It was an extra credit assignment if a student could actually pull it off, but it was still necessary to learn as one of the shinobi battle tactics.

Although one glance at the class displayed bored faces and…at the back of the room, his pinkette student and his blonde student chatting…

Or was that Sakura explaining the lesson to Naruto?

Iruka thought back of that night at Ichiraku's with Sakura. He smiled. Perhaps she took his words to heart. Iruka turned back to the board and made sure to explain even more useful battle tactics, seeing how Naruto was actually getting involved, albeit through a secondhand information source.

What he didn't know was that Sakura wasn't reteaching his lesson…

Sakura was instructing Naruto on fuuinjutsu. An advanced art that only legendary shinobi could thoroughly master.

But not for a bookworm like herself, and surprisingly, Naruto was learning at a pace just as fast as hers initially.

Sakura had three theories. (Sakura loved theories.)

1. Naruto was an Uzumaki and thus he was naturally gifted in the sealing arts.

2. Naruto was an orphan with no friends and no one to teach him, that's why he acts stupid, but when someone actually teaches him, he's just as smart as she is.

3. Naruto was trying his absolute ultimate best because he's being acknowledged and taught by someone (regardless of the lesson,) and that's why he's improving so fast.

Sakura doubted it was the first reason. Uzumaki had red hair and Naruto had yellow. In the shinobi world, orphans usually had fake last names. (Sakura wondered why she believed for a second Naruto was a real Uzumaki, but even if he wasn't one, Sakura wasn't going to regret passing him the Uzumaki heirloom, because that wasn't her intention. Her intention was to keep Naruto busy from sabotaging her dates with Sasuke-kun. Sakura nodded to herself. Yes, that's definitely the reason she was doing this.) Anyhow, the point was, there was no guarantee that Naruto was from the Uzumaki clan just because he was a fast learner at what she was teaching.

Besides, she was leaning more towards the second reason. Maybe the third, seeing how smitten Naruto was about her.

She sighed fondly. "Idiot."

"What? What? So is this how it works?" Naruto showed Sakura his notebook with a spiral marking and a few kanji for 'genjutsu storage' in a very ugly handwriting scrawled around the circle.

"Yeah yeah, now make at least a hundred of those and we'll use it to play our prank, after class. Now leave me alone until after you're done."


Well, that's one way to get that idiot off my back. I really need to see Sasuke now.

She shot a look at Sasuke and Ino-pig sitting only a couple feet away from her crush.

At the same time, Ino shot suspicious glances back towards Sakura. Ino could fanthom why Sakura would willingly give up her seat, which was closest to Sasuke's, for the seat right beside the class clown. Sakura hated Naruto, so why? Ino bit her teeth, resolving to master her Mind Transfer Technique just so she could look inside Sakura's head.

Inner Sakura cracked her knuckles, having guessed Ino's thoughts. Bring it on, pig.

What she didn't know was that they had a prank to plan.

