Handsome and good-looking enough to use


Naruto had pulled Sakura over to his favorite ramen stand.

She took one look at old man Teuchi and instantly felt conditioned remorse about an old man overworking alone cooking ramen for a barely scraped living. Then Ayame came up and helped.

Sakura marginally relaxed.

"This is Ayame, my daughter."

Sakura completely relaxed.

Then they ate ramen.

"Thank you, Sakura. These groceries were getting a little heavy and lately you haven't been helping." The words were spoken with a note of disappointment.

Sakura straightened up, alarmed. "I'm sorry Sawa-san. It's just—I've been training—and"

The old lady wailed. "All our younglings go off training to be shinobi then die in missions! That lil' time we scaped up together gone permanently!"

"Sa-Sawa-san!" Sakura held up her hands in a pacifying attempt. "I'll—I'll be sure to come by more often. I'll never forget you." Her smile looked a little forced, though.

"Hohoho~" Hana came up. "Is that you teasing our little Sakura-chan?"

The two old ladies shared a smile, apparently trading an invisible conversation, before turning to Sakura.

"How about you join a picnic with us?"

That came outta nowhere.

Sakura's mouth twitched. "U-Uh, sure!" She had been learning from them more than helping them anyway. She was starting to miss the good feeling.

"Delightful. I'll make sure all of us elders will be attending."

Sakura sweatdropped. A picnic filled with old people, ahaha, fun, fun.

Itachi Uchiha may have been a man who controlled which emotions his face revealed, its default one being none at all, but never let it be said that Itachi was an emotionless, heartless killer.

What a normal person felt, he felt a thousand times stronger.

He was an Uchiha. 'Nuff said.

So when he was arriving home from a double agent mission after reporting to the Hokage about the elders plus his father still planning about the coup de'tat, he was surprised to see said elders, ALL of them, sitting outside having a picnic in the field with a little pink haired girl around Sasuke's age.

They didn't look like the evil old men plotting Konoha's demise like at their secret meetings. They looked like innocent senile old people just enjoying the sun with their non-Uchiha grandchild.

What the heck.

These people were racist and hated all non-Uchihas. They were the ones stuck in their old ways and refused to accept anyone outside the clan, which was why they wanted to fight all of Konoha in the first place. So why are they accepting an outrageous outsider and looking happy about it?

Itachi shook his head and hurried home. It was better not to hesitate about the people you were planning to kill.

Sakura perked up from the egg and tomato and salad sandwich she was eating. It was a crowded but nicely spaced area, with all the old people gathered. Even the wheelchaired civilian ones. They all had black hair and wrinkly skin, it made Sakura feel out of place. Even more so when they shared double-innuendos and jokes only old people understood. Ugh.

Suddenly her eyes landed on a young Uchiha, who looked eerily similar to Sasuke, hurrying across the field. Her heart skipped a beat when he hesitated and swept his gaze across all the elders with mild disdain and suspicion, before landing on her, and stared at her for an eternity with demonic red eyes.

She wasn't sure if she was feeling fear or excitement.

Then he scurried off like a mouse.

Sakura snorted. No way was she afraid of a loser like him. She was probably just excited he looked like Sasuke-kun.


Sakura's cheeks flushed. Luckily, her glasses were on and its recording device was on. So now, she could easily create some posters of this older boy, and paste him all over her bedroom walls. Briefly, she wondered why she hadn't already done that with Sasuke's image.

Forehead, you didn't have these glasses back then. And then you got sidetracked.


Sakura smiled. Regardless of whatever, Itachi's beautiful face filled the final quota required for their prank...After she finished Naruto's fuuinjutsu lessons.