WebNovelHis WIFE42.31%

Power Figure


Zhang Han sent a message to Tang Su to wait for him.

Tang Su went home early and prepared dinner. She wondered what happen to Zhang Han to make her wait for him, it is very unusual of him.

Zhang Han called his father. "Father, could you please stay at my place with mother to accompany Tang Su for at least Three days. I need to fly to Japan tomorrow morning, Gao Family is striking again. Japan Branch is now in trouble. This time it was Gao Fuchen who is responsible for the attack. Just stay with Tang Su, I didn't want to leave her alone."

Father Zhang could hear how worried Zhang Han for his wife. He understands that Tang Su is not safe if ever the Gao Family learned about her existence.

"I understand. Be careful son, we didn't know what kind of danger awaits you."

"Yes father and thank you."

Zhang Han arrive at Eight pm. He went directly to Tang Su.

"Sweetheart, I'm home."

"In here! I'm in the kitchen."

Zhang Han kissed Tang Su's cheek and sit beside her.

"I need to fly to Japan tomorrow morning. And it will take me at least 3days before I return. There is a problem regarding the shareholders, I just need to settle things there."

Tang Su looked at him a little disappointed but still smile. She was used to him being around her when she return home. She thought it must be important, it was his responsibility after all as a CEO.

"I understand." Tang Su just answered him meekly.

"Let's eat now. Let me help you arrange your luggage after dinner."

Tang Su didn't understand how she felt. She didn't want him to leave her side for a day but work calls. She need to understand him and support his work, it wasn't easy at all. Tang Su only hoped that he will return safe. She felt a little unsettled that something is about to happen but didn't know why.

Early in the morning Tang Su send Zhang Han at the airport for private plane.

"Be careful, call me when you arrived."

Zhang Han hugged Tang Su tight and kissed at the crown of her head.

"I will call you everyday. Mother and father might have arrived at our place. I already informed the security guard at the entrance gate to let them in. I have to go."

Zhang Han went inside the private plane ready to set off and Tang Su let the driver sent her to work.

Zhang Han arrive at the airport and went directly to the company with Assistant Ron and a few guards.

"Sir, everyone is in the conference room waiting for your arrival." The manager welcome them and lead them to the conference room speaking Japanese.

Zhang Han enter the conference room with cold demeanor that shut the member of the board and shareholder. Everyone is speaking in native Japanese that Zhang Han knows well.

"CEO Zhang, sitting on your right side is the member of share holder who chooses to remain. Sitting on the left side is the member who wants to pull of their share. And the group at the back are the member of the board." The manager whisper in his ear as he swept his gaze in each member.

"Mr. Zhang. In this company you only owns 40% of the company shares. Your cousin own 10% and these fours who choose to remain only own 16%(5%, 5%, 3%, 3%), a total of only 66%. While the Seven of us hold at least 34%, and we choose to sell it to Mr. Gao Fuchen." One of the members on the left spoke proudly and bashfully to Zhang Han.

If Gao Fuchen finally got a hold of 34% share in this company there is a big chance of him to own the Zhang Industries in Japan. Zhang Han will never let this happen.

Zhang Han signaled Assistant Ron to distribute on the Seven members of shareholder the brown envelope.

The leader of these Seven people open the envelope in front of him. In the envelope, contain his affair with different young woman, and bank account record. He is now shaking from anger and fright. How did Zhang Han learned about his secrets. He looked at the others, and they had the same expression.

He angrily slammed the envelope at the table.

"Tell me what do you want in return of your silence!"

Zhang Han just rose his eyebrow at him uninterested, instead Assistant Ron speak for him.

"Return the shares to us, we can pay you double and burn these informations." Assistant Ron just look at them unconcerned. He already assigned his men to deliver in their family the original copy of the documents after the meeting. They are not willing to let these scum of people to go easily.

"Gao Fuchen is willing to pay us half a billion!"

"Who do you think CEO Zhang Han is? He is more powerful than Gao Fuchen. These Gao Fuchen only own Two companies to be specific, while us own more than 50 branches all over the world compare to him. You think my boss couldn't afford?" Assistant Ron smirked at them. They forgot how powerful, and ruthless Zhang Han can be, they thought it was only a rumor.

"If you are willing to pay us double it means you are giving us a billion to be exact?" they asked eagerly. Who didn't want a billion? Their shares only cost A Hundred millions.

"Of course! Our buyer is more than willing to pay. After all being part of Zhang Industries, even in our branches only was a big honor."

"You already found a buyer?" They are shock to know how prepared CEO Zhang Han is. They didn't expect the turn of event, they thought that CEO Zhang will beg them to stay, but he only treated them like a pile of trash.

The manager open the door and welcome Four Japanese business tycoons.

"Sir, these are Hajime Saito, Okita Shou, Takishima Kenji and Usui Haruto. The biggest tycoon in Tokyo Japan."

Zhang Han stand up to welcome them and give a handshake.

The four business tycoon seat at the four vacant chair on the right table.

Everyone at the left table knows these four powerful figure of Japan. They might be only four, but they are more than capable of paying billions for Seven spots.

They start contract signing immediately but everyone notices that the four tycoons only took 5% of shares each. They were all wondering who will be the owner of the last 14% share.

Assistant Ron give CEO Zhang a document to be signed. He took the 14% share. Means he now owns 54% of the company shares. But little did they know that Zhang Han named the 14% to his wife Tang Su.

He will make sure that his wife will get half of his assets in the business. Soon he planned to let Tang Su manage her own shares in the company. Zhang Han wants Tang Su to stop working as an accountant where he can't protect her inside her work premises. He wants her to stay by his side all the time.

The meeting go on without the seven old shareholder members and include the new four members. The documents were now sent to their family as planned. Their doom awaits them for turning against Zhang Han, they will pay the price of betraying him.

Zhang Han order Assistant Ron and the manager to make a search of whom is the mule in their company. That mule must disappear within his stay in Japan for another two days while he made some arrangements.

Zhang Han leave the company with his six body guards on tow. On the way to hotel where he is staying a car suddenly crash to Zhang Han's car. The hard impact, make his car flip over. A heavy blow hit Zhang Han's body, he is losing his consciousness.

He murmured Tang Su's name before passing out.

"Tang Su, Zhang Su my beloved wife. Pls. be safe, Su su."