WebNovelHis WIFE46.15%

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"Why? Why you never trust me?"

Tang Su's word echoed in his mind again and again. He trusts her, he just didn't want her to get worried that is why he kept it from her. It is nothing like not trusting her.

Zhang Han went speechless, he tried to speak his mind but Tang Su already walk away.

Tang Su's disappointed with him, he never trusts her to tell what happened to him. Yes, she might be worried but if she ever knows the situation she will choose to remain and wait for his return.

Zhang Han recovers from his stupor and follows Tang Su to their room. He saw Tang Su sitting in their bed a little down, he knows it his faults.

"Sweetheart, I am sorry. I trust you, I am willing to tell you everything at that time but stop myself. I know I'm selfish from keeping it from you. I promise to tell you everything from now on. Please don't be angry with me. I always trust you, believe me."

"Then tell me everything." Tang Su looks at him softly.

"It is a very long story. If you are interested in hearing about it I will tell you."

"I'm all ears."

Zhang Han took a deep breath.

"Let's make it short then. It was ten years ago when I was appointed as a Ceo of the Zhang Industries. There is the man who tried to ruin the company, I fight back against him to gain more power than him. He made a lot of malicious mischief over me. I beat him off regarding business and sent him and his family out of C Nations to stop him from getting further. I learned from father that the Gao Family always tried to compete him ever since and also tried to sabotage his works.

The Gao Family now lives in Japan for almost ten years. Regarding the problem that occurred in Japan branch was actually planned by the Gao Family itself and only child Gao Fuchen. He also planned my so-called car accident, he sent someone to crash my car.

In short, the Gao Family is the enemy of Zhang's for a long time now. I didn't want you to get dragged, So, I keep my accident from you. I am sorry."

Zhang Han looked at Tang Su who tried to comprehend the information.

"Did you understand now why did I keep it from you? If Gao Fuchen learned about you I'm afraid that he will go after you. I am confident that I can protect you well, but I'm still afraid that you will get hurt."

Silence envelope the two of them.

Tang Su tried to understand the situation. He knows that Zhang Han is quite reasonable, but it still not right to keep his accident from her.

"Say something."

Zhang Han is getting mad in each second, his wife is not speaking.

Tang Su is still upset, she still feels that Zhang Han never trust her enough.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone." Zhang Han is trying to suppress his emotion. He went out of the room and went to his study room.

Zhang Han slams the door hard. He knows he is wrong but hearing his wife question him if he trusts her made him mad. How can she boldly told him that when he fully trusted her? He may not know how to express his feeling to her, but he always cared about her. He always trusts and believes her.

Tang Su slumped herself in the bed. She knows that she overreacts but knowing he never fully trusts her make her lose her confidence. She also knows that she is slowly falling for him, but she always feels inferior around him.

Tang Su gather all her confidence and slowly crept outside Zhang Han's study room. She took a deep breath and knock at the door.

Zhang Han is drinking a whiskey when he heard a knock.

"Come in."

Tang Su went inside hearing Zhang Han's voice. She saw a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

"Why are you drinking alcohol? It is not good for your health and in your current state. Stop drinking and have some rest, your wound is still fresh and also, it will affect your head." Tang Su is standing at the doorway and eyed Zhang Han.

Zhang Han also looked at her, she is fidgeting. Zhang Han covers his face with his hand, he misinterpreted Tang Su's movement. He thought Tang Su is afraid of him because he was drinking.

"It's okay, I'm fine. Let me rest here, you should also rest after all you came from work you must be tired. I'll stop drinking, rest assured." Zhang Han waved his hand dismissively.

"I didn't come to stop whatever you are doing. I come to have a talk with you."

"But you were afraid of me, I can see the way you are fidgeting." Zhang Han looked at her sadly. His wife is now afraid of him.

"I am not afraid of you. Why you think that?" Tang Su slowly walk up to him.

"How is your wound? Does it still hurt?" Tang Su touched his head to check.

"It was nothing. It's just a mild concussion. The doctor just wrapped it up because I am riding a plane. I am fine just a little headache from time to time." He just shrugs his shoulder like he wasn't hurt.

"I am sorry, I overreacted earlier. I am just worried about you. I'm upset that you didn't tell me, that you never trust me. I understand your reason for doing that but never do that again. The second time is unforgivable."

Zhang Han looked up at her, he saw how upset his wife. But hearing the words 'never trust' make his fist grip hard. He will make sure to let her understand how much he trusts her. Zhang Han decides not to push the subject matter, or it will only make things worse.

"Hmm…it's also my fault. I too, I apologize for my faults." Zhang Han holds her hand softly, while he softly gazes at her.

"Never keep secrets from me again. I'm a little sleepy though would you like to join me?" Tang Su suggests Zhang Han to sleep with her.

Zhang Han nods his head in approval and let Tang Su dragged him out of his study room and into their bedroom.

Tang Su help Zhang Han removes his bandage on his head. When Zhang Han slowly remove his coat, Tang Su get a glimpse of another set of bandages on his body. She didn't speak and just help him remove the coat, she smells the faint scent of medicine in his body.

"Do you want to change the bandages?" Tang Su asked a little worried that his wound might get infected.

"Later, let me take a nap first. " Zhang Han lay down a little uncomfortable. He really misses his wife and wants to hug her in sleep but his wound restrains him from doing so.

They sleep without body contact. Tang Su afraid that she might hurt him more by accidentally pressing his wounds and Zhang Han didn't want to get near her knowing how bad he smells.

They thought that indeed better communication help them settled the matter.

Zhang Han realized how stubborn his wife is. He really found someone who matches his stubbornness. His wife is very headstrong but slightly coward with her emotions. Zhang Han really likes how adorable and naïve Tang Su is, and he wants to keep her away from evil people that surround him.

He also likes the way she bosses him around sometimes, she looks cute and innocent. And most of all he likes her body, her curves and her smooth skin in his hand. He loves everything about her.

He really falls hard.