WebNovelHis WIFE44.87%

His return


The doctor checks Zhang Han's head. They take another set of test to make sure there is no serious problem.

"Mr. Zhang, based on the test result what you are feeling now is because of the hard impact and concussion. It was nothing serious, you need more rest. I advised you not to use laptops or computer for that matter. It will only affect your healing process. You can take a pain reliever if you can't bear the pain. That is all."

The doctor leaves right after followed by the two nurses.

"I will let you rest for now. I will take charge for the time being. Please excuse me." Assistant Ron let Zhang Han rest for now. He went to the parking lot ready to interrogate the enemy.

In a secluded part of the parking lot, a man is kneeling in front of Assistant Ron. Four bodyguards surround the driver.

"Please let me go! I just follow the order. I didn't know who is the man inside the car." The driver begs Assistant Ron in his frantic Japanese language.

"Who sent you?" Assistant Ron superior aura frightens the driver.

"I didn't know him, he just gave me a huge amount of money and a picture of the man. He also told me to wait outside the Zhang Industries and Co. building, he said that the man in picture will appear there. All I had to do is to crash my car to his car. That was all." The driver is now shaking. Assistant Ron is simply pointing him a small gun.

"Do you remember his face? Or is it him?" Assistant Ron shows him a picture of Gao Fuchen.

The driver looks at the picture carefully. He shook his head, it's not the man who ordered him.

"The person who ordered me is a somewhat ordinary-looking man."

Assistant Ron thought it was Gao Fuchen men who order this man.

"You know what to do, do not leave any evidence." Assistant Ron commands the four guards. Leaving a driver who is now afraid of his life.

"Kirito, I need you to plant a mule in Gao Company, and the old Chin Corp. that was now acquired by the Gao's. Plant as many as you can, we need more intel. The higher position is better. Also, sabotage one of his client meeting, I also want you to send a maid in their house and poison whoever is available. Mr. and Mrs. Gao more likely. But make sure that the poison is not something detectable. That Gao Fuchen overstepped his boundary. It's time for us to make a move. Do not let anyone knows our connection, are we clear?" Assistant Ron firmly commands one of his trusted men in Japan.

"Copy that Sir."

Assistant Ron will avenge his friend and boss, Zhang Han. He will never let his self become useless, he will help Zhang Han the way he helped him before.

He returns to see a sleeping Zhang Han. He blames his self for what happened to his friend. If only he makes sure to have tight security around him, this will never happen for sure.

Assistant Ron work the whole time while Zhang Han sleep. He settled all the problems with the shareholders, he will never let Zhang Han work while reciprocating.

Today is Friday and time to return to C Nation. Zhang Han was still in bandages all over his body under his coat. He is afraid of what will Tang Su's reaction seeing him in this situation. He is traveling back with Zhang Fan who visits him yesterday, and helps him settle the problem.

The Zhang Family is picking them up during lunchtime including Tang Su who is now on her way to the airport.

Zhang Han descends from the private plane after Zhang Fan. He slowly walked to his family, his wife is nowhere in sight.

"She's on her way. Maybe got stuck up from the traffic." Mother Zhang said as she noticed her son looking around.

A car pulled up in front of the group, Tang Su went out of the car and saw Zhang Han state. Her eyebrow furrowed, and she looked at the group whose gaze are all downcast. She now knew that everyone is informed about her husband situation, and her being the wife didn't know any of this.

Tang Su felt useless and unwanted. He never let her know on his current state during the time they were on the phone. This hurt Tang Su's feeling.

Everyone is quiet, they know that Zhang Han has suffered in a car accident and didn't tell her.

A bandage around his head is proof of what he'd been through. Tang Su walked up to them emotionless and quiet. She never made body contact with Zhang Han nor greet him. Tang Su just stand in front of them.

"You are finally here. Come on, let's have a family lunch. I already prepared the food at your place, I thought that it will never attract the attention of surrounding people especially the media. You wouldn't mind that, right son?" Mother Zhang speaks to lighten up the mood. Everyone agreed and even Zhang Han nod in approval.

Zhang Han holds Tang Su's hand and leads her on the car.

On the way to the Villa, no one dared to talk.

"Wow! Brother, I didn't know that you live in this kind of place. But why you didn't have a maid in this big house?" Zhang Fan was amazed at how beautiful his cousin house, even without a maid running around he can feel that this place has a welcoming and homey vibe.

"Come on, let's eat. So Zhang Han can have a rest. By the way, Little Su, are you going to return to your office after lunch? It was already way past One pm." Father Zhang notice the time. If little Su is going back, she is now late.

"It's okay father, I already asked for a half-day." Tang Su answered him meekly.

Everyone could feel the tense atmosphere between the couples. They can never blame Tang Su, they all keep Zhang Han situation from her. Everyone felt guilty.

"We are sorry little Su, we didn't tell you his situation. Sorry for keeping it from you, it is only not to make you worried." Father Su spoke, breaking the silence.

"Little Su, we didn't do it on purpose. We didn't tell you because we're afraid that maybe if you knew what happened to him you will run after him and it will only worsen the situation." Father Zhang continues. He knows that explaining the situation to Tang Su now is too late, but this is all he can do to keep her safe and help his son.

Tang Su look at him warily and curious, what does he mean by worsen the situation? What kind of situation they were in, especially her husband?

Mother Zhang understand her curious gaze.

"It is nothing serious little Su. The man who causes trouble for our company in Japan knows nothing about you. We are just afraid that if he learned about your existence is my son's wife they will go after you, and hurt you instead. We are sorry little Su, please try to understand us." Mother Zhang tried to help her husband explain to Tang Su the situation they were in.

Tang Su still didn't speak. She is now thinking about what is the main reason for keeping the situation from her. She knows it wasn't simple. If it were a simple accident they will surely let her know, but this accident meant something that is why they keep it away from her.

Tang Su feels depressed, she felt that they never trust her enough to tell the situation.

The lunch finished without anyone speaking or breaking the tense atmosphere. They leave everything to Zhang Han, it was his wife after all. He needs to coax her to forgive him.

They leave the couple to let them talk.

"Sweetheart, I am sorry. I just didn't want to get you worried." Zhang Han held Tang Su's hand in his and slowly caress her hand. But Tang Su didn't utter a single word. This only makes Zhang Han afraid that his wife is angry.

Tang Su's question only left Zhang Han unable to speak, his mind was stuck and unable to think well.

"Why? Why you never trust me?"