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Bitch! That's my husband


Hao Xia walked along the corridor and noticed two figures at the round corner.

She walked briskly and finally realize it was Director Fang and Tang Su.

What are they talking?

Tang Su looks frightened. Hao Xia smirked, maybe she made a serious offense. She walked up to them for greetings. And with the intention to add fuel to the fire.

"Good morning Director Fang and to you too Assistant manager Tang." Hao Xia's greeting with Tang Su was dripping in cold behavior.

"Is there is a problem?" Hao Xia inquired and eyed Tang Su's paled face.

Director Fang laugh to ease the tense atmosphere.

"Ah…nothing serious. Tang Su visit my office later this lunch. I want to talk to you." Director Fang pat Tang Su's frozen body and walked away.

"What happened? Did you do something wrong or offense the Director? You must be careful or else you're out of this company later than you expect." a curious and envious Hao Xia asked.

Tang Su straightened her back and regained her composure faced Hao Xia.

"It was nothing serious like Director Fang said."

Hao Xia eyed her suspiciously before walking away.

Tang Su could only sigh.

A troubled Tang Su could no longer concentrates on her works, her minds wander. She felt uncomfortable and anxious.

A sound of bells ringing signaled office lunch break.

Tang Su sighed and walked to Director's office. She need to know how did the Director learned about her secret marriage.

"You're here! Come inside and please close the door." Director Fang welcomed Tang Su in her office.

A stiff Tang Su sat on the opposite chair.

Director Fang noticed her frightened and stiff composure. She smiled softly.

"Tang Su or should I call you Mrs. Zhang? No need to fret, just relax. I am not going to eat you." She tried to humor Tang Su.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." She again tried to lighten up the mood.

"How?" Tang Su managed to ask her question.

"Actually I am Fang Meili. Fang Ron's wife. You may wonder who is Fang Ron right? He is your husband's assistant, Assistant Ron to be exact." Director Fang saw a recognition flash in Tang Su's eyes.

"You are Assistant Ron's wife? Wow! What a surprise." Tang Su was overwhelmed and relaxed.

"Yup! Your secret is safe, no need to worry. And also, I am sorry if I frightened you a while ago." Director Fang slightly touched Tang Su's hand.

"I was actually shocked this morning that's the truth." Tang Su honestly response to her.

"I understand. I am sorry if I approached you that way. I was actually very thankful of you. Since you married Zhang Han my husband can always spend his weekend with me, he no longer takes overtime." A radiant smiled appear in Director Fang's lips.

"I didn't do anything for you to thank me." Tang Su did not understand her reason for thanking her.

"Yes, you are. Zhang Han always works overtime and on weekends that include my husband. We didn't have much time to spend with each other. But since you came Zhang Han changed. He no longer spent his time for overtimes. He always stays at your side since then. I am happy for the changes, and that's because of you."

Tang Su didn't want to take the credit, Zhang Han changed because he wants to not because of her. She didn't know that Zhang Han was a workaholic before.

A faint knocked on the door alerted Tang Su.

Manager Yao emerged from the other side of the door.

"Oh! Assist.Manager Tang, good you were here. Director Fang, here is the report." Manager Yao sat at the empty chair beside Tang Su while Director Fang reads the report.

"Inform Hao Xia and Gu Qingzhao to prepare themselves for the incoming liquidation request from Zhang Industries for this year. The five of us were going to Zhang Industries to address this matter, it includes you Tang Su.

This must be your first time and Gu Qingzhao. Every year as a part of our work, we liquidate Zhang industries finance department. I always choose four compatible persons to work with me during these weeks.

Manager Yao, Team leader Gu, Assit.Manager Tang and Hao Xia. I chose this four person because I know you are potentially good in this field.

Starting tomorrow until Friday we are working at Zhang Industries finance department. I expect a great outcome.

Manager Yao please inform well the other two. You are excused." Director Fang dismissed Manager Yao.

Tang Su sat in her chair flabbergasted.

She is assigned to work at Zhang Industries for this week, She is beyond nervous.

How can she work properly knowing her husband is her boss?

Tang Su felt that destiny hates her, why troubles after troubles?

She wants to bang her head hard. A splitting headache make her mood worst.

"Relax, just work like you usually did. I believe you can make it. You're a great employee of this firm. We'll meet at sharp 8:00 am tomorrow in front of Zhang Industries." Director Fang always wants to play cupid, and she wants to witness the cold CEO, and her adorable employee love story. She's going to enjoy this.

Hao Xia hover Tang Su's office table.

"I can't believe they choose me again to work at Zhang Industries and together with you. Can you believe that? It was a great honor just entering the Zhang Industries lobby. The viewed inside was magnificent, and if only you could catch a glimpse of CEO Zhang. He is so handsome like Adonis himself." Hao Xia said dreamily.

Tang Su is beyond pissed. Hao Xia is dreaming lustfully in front of her with her husband. She wants to smack Hao Xia's head hard.

Tang Su's imagining a hundred ways how to beat Hao Xia.

"I heard CEO Zhang is married." Tang Su tried to burst out Hao Xia's bubble of lust.

"No way! Who told you that? CEO Zhang is still single. No one dared to get close to him because of his devilish aura. But if ever I had a chance I'll make sure to grab the opportunity." Hao Xia didn't believe Tang Su's word.

Hao Xia plans to make Tang Su envied of her. She will try her best to get close CEO Zhang.

"I heard it from Yu Lin's boyfriend that CEO Zhang is indeed married. It is up to you if you believe me. But Zehan told me that he wore a wedding ring." Tang Su tried to drive away Hao Xia to come close to her husband.

"I know you are trying to stop me, but that will never works on me. You can compete me with that but I assure you CEO Zhang will definitely notice me." A humping Hao Xia leave Tang Su's office.

Tang Su slumped her back and gritted her teeth.

"Bitch! That's my husband!" she glared at the close door.

That Hao Xia is a real pain in her ass.

On the other hand, Hao Xia's aim to catch CEO Zhang Han's attention, and she intends to make Tang Su lost her face in this job. She plans to sabotage Tang Su's work.

Her well intended plan starts now. Hao Xia's smirk evilly, Tang Su's good day is over.