WebNovelHis WIFE53.85%

Works under him


Inside the lobby stands CEO Zhang Han and his employees in the Finance department to welcome the group of five persons assigned to liquidate the department.

Director Fang Meilin, Manager Yao Feng, Assistant Manager Tang Su, Team Leader Gu Qingzhao and Hao Xia walks into the lobby entrance.

Assistant Ron position himself to greet the visitors.

"Good morning Director Fang and welcome." Assistant Ron shake his wife's hand and the others.

At the back of the group stands Tang Su, she hid herself at the back of Gu Qingzhao 5'9inch height.

Director Fang greeted professionally in return.

"Thank you for your warm welcome. By the way, this is Manager Yao Feng, Hao Xia, Team leader Gu Qingzhao and of course our Assistant Manager Tang Su. Well, Tang Su don't hide yourself at the back." Director Fang called out Tang Su when she noticed her hiding herself at the back.

Zhang Han's ears perked up hearing his wife's name. How come he didn't know about this?

He intently looked at Tang Su who's in return squirm.

Hao Xia didn't like the attention CEO Zhang Han was giving to Tang Su.

"Hello, CEO Zhang I'm Hao Xia from accounting department." Hao Xia bowed a little to expose her chest.

The men at Zhang Han's back blushed from the view of her chest.

Zhang Han didn't spare her glance nor acknowledge. He is intently glaring at his wife.

A Little embarrassed from the cold treatment , Hao Xia smiled brightly to hide her embarrassment. She cursed Tang Su.

Assistant Ron eyed his wife suspiciously, he knew it was his wife's idea.

Tang Su slowly walked in front of the group to greet and give her respect to CEO Zhang when she suddenly tripped to someone's leg and stumble into Zhang Han's arm.

Zhang Han catch her before her face hits the floor. His eyes instantly darkened.

Tang Su's back rigid from the turn of event. She was humiliated and in front of her husband.

Everyone gasps and went stiff. This girl is dead, no one dared to flirt with CEO Zhang openly. How dare she acts brazen, digging her own grave . They only prayed for her soul to rest in peace.

Yet, Hao Xia is burning with jealousy. She didn't trip her to fall into Zhang Han's arm.

Tang Su's ankle twist painfully, she grunts lightly but Zhang Han's sharp ears heard her.

With a swift motion Zhang Han carried Tang Su's bridal style.

"Assistant Ron, lead everyone and help them settled down. Also inform the doctor to come to my office now. Miss Tang Su's ankle twisted." Zhang Han commands Ron furiously and in a hurry.

Assistant Ron could only nod and follow his orders.

However, the group that surrounds CEO Zhang was left in shock. It was very shocking that their boss didn't lash out on Tang Su's tripping over and also carried her in his arms protectively.

Assistant Ron clapped his hand to snap them to reality.

"Everyone followed me."

He leads everyone at the finance department.

"This will be your work place for this entire week." Assistant Ron points at the empty office room.

"You know the protocol right? At the end of the week we expect the full reports without a single mistake. What we want is accurate result. Everyone please settled."

Tang Su clasped her hand tightly around Zhang Han's shoulder, eye shut. She was nervous and afraid of what he might do.

Zhang was angry at the treatment and attempted to humiliate his wife. Clearly someone was plotting against Tang Su.

He walks in anger while carrying Tang Su.

Everyone looked up as they passed by, shocked at what they saw. The CEO carried an unknown woman in his arms protectively to his office.

They wondered who she was and why she was being carried by the CEO. This especial treatment shocks everyone.

"I heard she's from Accounting firm and trip over to CEO Zhang, how scandalous. But what shock the most CEO Zhang tolerated her and even carry her personally to his office, and also ask a doctor to check her up." One of the secretaries gossip.

"Didn't CEO Zhang is married?"

"Right, I remember. But maybe it just other gossips."

"No way! I've seen his wedding ring, it is indeed real that he's married. Is that woman a mistress?"

"Have you seen her face?"

"No, CEO Zhang covered her face."

"Ahem…." The CEO's secretary walked pass.

"CEO's personal affair is not your business, please behave yourself before CEO himself hear you." Secretary Xu Bai remind them to keep quiet.

Everyone grunts but listened to her.

Zhang Han placed Tang Su on the couch.

"Let me see." He slowly lifted up Tang Su's feet and remove her shoe.

At the exact moment the doctor entered CEO's office accompanied by Secretary Xu.

"Excuse me sir, the doctor is here to check up the patient."

But Zhang Han didn't let go of Tang Su's foot.

Tang Su blushed shyly, her gaze's downcast.

"Hurry doctor, check my wife's foot. It is swollen."

Zhang Han casually orders the doctor.

Secretary Xu and Doctor's face flustered and startled.

This woman is the CEO's wife. It explains CEO Zhang concern and actions.

The doctor rushed beside CEO Zhang to check Mrs. Zhang's foot.

"Madam you are wearing 5inch heels, you twisted your ankle hard. It will take at least one week to finally heal. You will have difficulty walking in the next few days due to inflammation. You need to apply ice to prevent swelling. For the meantime please avoid exerting your left foot, and also avoid using high-heeled shoes."

The Doctor prescribes Tang Su's medicine and bandage her left foot. He also asked someone to bring ice pack and apply to her swollen foot.

Tang Su hissed from the sudden contact.

"I am sorry to humiliate you earlier, I didn't know what exactly happened all I remember is tripping over to someone else foots. I didn't do it on purpose." Tang Su explain meekly to Zhang Han.

The Doctor and Secretary Xu looked at her pitiful.

Tang Su's face glistened in tear. It broke Zhang Han's heart seeing her tears. She's in pain, but she still worried about his reputation. This woman is really something.

Zhang Han bent down in front of her and cupped Tang Su's face.

"Sweetheart, I know someone trips your foot intentionally. Don't worry I'm not angry at you and why would I? I always care for you, now stops crying and rest here with me."

"But I need to work…" Tang Su tried to protest, she didn't want to be the main gossips.

They were surprised at what was being displayed.

The cold and ruthless Zhang Han shows intense concern for his wife in front of other people.

They were being fed dog food.

Zhang Han could only sigh. His wife is being stubborn.

He swept his gaze over Secretary Xu.

"Ask someone to buy her medicine. And also tell Assistant Ron to ask Director Fang to bring Tang Su's work here in my office. By the way don't let anyone knows about her being my wife." Zhang Han firmly order Secretary Xu. She could only nod and so is the doctor.

"Please leave us alone. Close the door after you."

Zhang Han hugs Tang Su tight, seeing his wife in pain also makes his heart aches.

"Ron, I need this morning video footage at the lobby."