WebNovelHis WIFE60.26%

No one can own him, except her


Tang Su realized that because of what she did their secret marriage is gradually exposing. And also added Zhang Han's confession about her being his wife.

She thought she was actually fine if everyone's find out her secret. She only cares on how the people surround her would treat her and afraid it will affect Zhang Han's status.

Are they going to judge her?

Are they going to treat her the same?

She was actually afraid of society.

Tang Su decides to buy some gifts to her parents.

She plans to shop around for clothes, scarfs, gloves and other types of clothing as Christmas approaches.

"Director Fang, I'll leave first. I have to shop some gifts for my parents. I'll off to work then." Tang Su bade her goodbye to Director Fang who she bumps at the hallway.

"I see, careful on your way." Director Fang waved, at her.

Tang Su went to a secluded place where you can buy a cheaper but sturdy knit bonnet. Her mother enjoy wearing knitted gloves, scarfs and bonnet. Tang Su decide to knit something to her parents, and also for Zhang Han.

Thinking of Zhang Han makes her mind preoccupied by him.

Tang Su walks absentmindedly at the roadside.

Lin Mo was driving when she saw Tang Su walking by the road unattended to her surroundings.

She realized they were in a place where there was no CCTV. Lin Mo seize the opportunity to get back on Tang Su. She speeds off the vehicle and collides with Tang Su.

Tang Su didn't notice the car speeding toward her.

Tang Su was thrown into the middle of the road and almost accidentally collided with another passing vehicle.

All her shopping bags were thrown away, she spun around in the middle of the road before eventually losing consciousness.

She was just lucky and dropped his head in a shopping bag full of troops and her head didn't fall off the paved road.

All the bodyguards who secretly followed her was shocked and helpless. One of them rushed to Tang Su to rescue her and called an ambulance. They all felt useless, no one had prevented the accident from happening. None of them saved Tang Su, they were too late to reacts.

Lin Mo's vehicle did not stop, she run past Tang Su's body lying in the middle of the road.

She smiled evilly, if she can't get Zhang Han then no one else can own him.

"Unlucky you Tang Su, you should have left Zhang Han to prevent this from happening to you."

A guards called Zhang Han frantically.

"Sir…sir…madam was…was hit by a car. It was a hit-and-run, we are on our way to the City hospital."

When Zhang Han heard what the guard said on the other line, his whole body shook. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Assistant Ron glanced at Zhang Han's sudden frozen state. He took the phone in his hand and answer the other line.

"Hello, this is Assistant Ron's speaking."

"Sir, we are on our way to the City hospital to bring madam. She was hit-and-run." The guard frantically repeat and ended the call.

Assistant Ron was shocked to look at Zhang Han. Tang Su was hit-and-run.

He needs to be strong for his friend. He asked the driver to prepare the vehicle right away to take them to City Hospital.

"Han, this is not the right time to be discouraged, you need to be brave, your wife needs you. Tang Su needs you.

Assistant Ron also called the Zhang's family about Tang Su's whereabouts.

Tang Su was sent to the emergency room immediately.

She suffered a major injury at her back, and right leg.

Tang Su needs surgery on her right back because of a severe wound, but no bone was broken. She also had a fracture in her right leg, an operation was indeed needed to prevent her from limping.

The hospital needs her family's permission to operate her leg.

Zhang Han arrive at the right time.

"Who is the patient's family in the emergency room? We need her immediate family to sign a waiver to permit us perform an operation on her leg and surgery at her back." The doctor announce in a hurry, the patient needs an immediate operation.

"I am his husband. Do all you can to save my wife's life. All that is needed and how much it will cost is not a problem, what matters is that she will be saved." A worried and panicked Zhang Han almost begs the doctor.

The Doctor and the nurses recognized him. They were surprised but didn't ask anymore, all they needed to do was get Tang Su to the operating room immediately.

"Then please follow me to sign the documents. While preparing the operating room and the equipment needed. And also be prepared, we may need a blood type negative B."

The Zhang family came in very worried.

Assistant Ron meets them and prepares them for who has type B blood.

Aunt Zhang volunteer herself. She is the only one who has the same blood type.

"How did this happen?" Grandpa Zhang ask anxiously.

"Actually we are investigating the matter. No one saw who did it, nor did they see the vehicle license plate. There was also no CCTV at the scene of the incident." Assistant Ron answered directly.

"Where is Han? "Father Zhang looks around, but never seen his son.

"He is the doctor's office to sign a document regarding Madam Tang Su's operation." Assistant Ron answered was a little hesitant.

"Oh my god! What will happen to little Su?" Mother Zhang cried.

"We still didn't know of her exact condition."

Father Zhang interjected.

"Ron, please inform her family. Get everything ready for her parent to come right away, they need to know Tang Su's current situation. But do not let them know about the hit-and-run yet."

"I understand sir, I'm on it. Please excuse me."

Assistant Ron was worried about what could be the reaction of Tang Su's parents. But this is part of his job.

"Hello who's this?" a melodic voice came from the other line. It was Mother Tang who answered the call.

"I am an acquaintance of Tang Su, she was in an accident and was rushed to City Hospital."

Mother Tang tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't believe it, they were just talking to her this morning, and now her daughter was in the hospital.

"Tell me this is not true." her voice trembled as she spoke.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I wish it wasn't true. But your child will need you now." He answered sadly.

"Just tell me when you're ready to go. I'll take care whatever you need to get in here the fastest you can." Assistant Ron added.

"Tonight we're going. Please don't let anything happen to our child." Mother Tang replied trying to calm herself down.

Mother Tang told her husband about Tang Su's whereabouts and hurried to prepare their things to rush to the hospital in Capital City.

Tang Su's parents are very anxious and worried about her. They didn't expect that their next visit to her was in the hospital.