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They learned about her marriage


Zhang Han is in a corner, and sitting alone on the floor. He didn't know what to do, his high and mighty aura is gone. He looked disheveled far from his cold demeanor composure.

A lone tear fall from his eyes. He cried for the very first time, he didn't know he was capable of. His heart twisted in so much pain.

Zhang Han family looked at him helpless, pitied him and didn't know what to do. They were trying to talk and comfort him, but he ignored them, Zhang Han keeps looking at the operating room door waiting for the news of his wife.

Six hours had passed but there was still no news about Tang Su. The operating room is tightly closed.

Inside the operating room is the unconscious Tang Su. She had surgery on her back on the right side for closure of the bleeding wound. Following her leg for surgery.

She lost too much blood and in need of blood transfusion.

A nurse rushed out from the operating room.

"The patient's needs blood transfusion. I require the positive blood donor to follow me."

Zhang Han bolt up from his position and rushed to the operating room door.

"How's my wife! Tell me how is she!" Zhang Han is gripping hard the nurse shoulder. He is frantically asking her a question.

A startled nurse regain her composure.

"Sir, your wife is out of danger though she needs blood transfusion. I beg you to be calm and quiet."

The nurse turned to Aunt Zhang.

"Please follow me ma'am."

The operating door once again closed.

"Where's my daughter????"

A trembling voice of mother Tang could be heard from the long corridor all the way to operating room.

Walking into the operating room was Tang Su's parents along with several bodyguards who escorted them and Assistant Ron.

Mother Tang was being comforted by Mother Zhang.

A Stern looking Father Tang looked at the person around the operating room. He couldn't understand why they were here and who they were.

"Who are you people?" Father Tang asked them.

"We are the Zhang's." Grandpa Zhang faced him.

Father Tang could feel the powerful aura that surrounds these people. He caught a glimpse of Zhang Han, he instantly recognized him even though it was obvious to his eyes that he was crying.

Father Tang knows them. They are the powerful family in C Nations.

What he couldn't understand was why they were here, and is he weeping for his daughter?

"What do you have to do with my daughter? Are you the one who prepared to facilitate our journey here? Please tell us what actually happened to her? How did this happen?" he could not help himself from asking.

Father Zhang decides to interject from the conversation.

"She was hit by a car, a hit-and-run to be precise. We are now investigating the matter. However, we were fortunate to have no surveillance cameras around and only few people in the area. We are trying to locate the person's responsible in the accident."

Father Tang looks at Father Zhang intently while he digests the information.

"Why are you helping us? Especially my daughter? Is that man related to my daughter?" He points at Zhang Han.

Father Zhang could only sigh. He knew that Tang Su's family was unaware of their daughter's sudden marriage. He took a deep breath, and slowly approached Father Tang.

"Please listen to me carefully and don't be surprised and angry. Tang Su is my daughter-in-law, her husband is my son Zhang Han." He dropped the bomb and pointed his finger to his son who looks disheveled.

Father Tang mouth's wide open. He tried to say something but nothing came out.

Mother Tang didn't hear the conversation and looked at them weirdly.

His daughter is married? And into the Family Zhang?

Getting out from his dazed, father Tang suddenly punch father Zhang's face.

Everyone was surprised, and shocked, A guards around was alerted.

"Why did you do that? Our daughter still inside the operating room and you're creating havoc here! Have you gone mad!?" Mother Tang shouts angrily at her husband.

"The…they said our daughter is married to that man! Married to Zhang Han! A fucking Zhang! You want me to believe that? My only child is married without our consent?" he angrily snaps at his wife.

This time it was mother Tang who is surprised by the sudden revelation.

She looked at the disheveled looking Zhang Han.

"Tell me, is it true?"

Zhang Han could only nod his head unable to say anything. His mind runs on his wife.

"Please be rational in this situation. Your daughter is still inside the operating room. Zhang Han's Aunt is also inside to donate blood. How can you act like this?" grandpa Zhang is seething in anger, but he understands them well. This might be his grandson fault but Tang Su also involved.

Why can't they be rational. Yes, they were shocked at the news of Tang Su's marriage to Zhang Han. They can even talk about it well when Tang Su is fine.

"I am sorry let us talk about it sometime when Su su is in good condition we were shock to know this piece of news." Mother Tang decided to be a bigger person and relax her nerves. They were right, right now they need to unite for Tang Su.

Father Tang just glare at them while trying to calm himself.

A doctor came out followed by the nurses.

Everyone rushed to him.

"I am here to tell you that the patient is safe. The surgery was a success and so is the blood transfusion. She was sent to recovery and will be in her private room in an hour. Please settle yourself at the said room."

Everyone sighed in relief.

"Wait, how is her condition? I mean, how is her wounds and injury?" Zhang Han asked still in his panicked state.

"She is fine, though still unconscious due to anesthesia. Her wounds at the back will heal in two weeks time. Also, her leg injury will take at least full month to recover. It will take a full three months for her full body recovery. We also made sure not to leave a scar in her skin."

"Thank you doctor. Can I see her now?"

"I am sorry, but you have to wait till the patient was sent to her room. Please excuse me."

Tang Su's parents realize how Zhang Han was worried about their child. They can see how he cared for his wife.

Zhang Han didn't care about his appearance, all he could think of is his wife.

If they were indeed married, the only way the couple could think of is getting to know Zhang Han.

Tang Su was transferred to her private room. Her room is big like a presidential suite. The room can actually accommodate both families.

The nurse place Tang Su in her king-size bed. Zhang Han laid beside Tang Su but careful enough not to touch her wounds.

He doesn't care what his wife's parents and his family would say. What's important to him is that Tang Su can stay close to him to calm his nerves and aching heart.

Zhang Han kiss Tang Su's hand and held it in his.