WebNovelHis WIFE66.67%

She tried to escape and denied her crime


Inside the cold and empty interrogation room sits the nervous and frightened Lin Mo.

She is afraid of what might happen to her. All of this is Tang Su's fault, if she hadn't been married to Zhang Han it would not have happened.

Lin Mo blamed everything to Tang Su.

A door creaks open that made Lin Mo jump in fear.

Police officer enters holding files of evidence who is a close friend of Fang Ron.

He sat down in front of Lin Mo and looked at her face intently.

Lin Mo didn't want to back down and intensified her gaze at the police. She has to pretend to be brave.

The Police officer noticed her displayed behavior and just smirked at her.

"Miss Lin, Do you know why you are here?"

"I do not know why I was involved in this investigation." Lin Mo feign ignorance.

"Because you were there on the day and time of the accident."

"Okay then, let's get this straight. I didn't know anything." She answered bravely.

The Police Officer assessing Lin Mo's behavior.

"Miss Lin, I would like to ask you. Did you know Miss Tang Su?" The police officer harden his face and seriously looking at Lin Mo's denial behavior.

"No." Lin Mo denies directly.

"Let me rephrase my question. Did you know Mrs. Zhang Su? Mr. Zhang Han precious wife?" this Police officer is indeed a friend of Fang Ron, he knows what's button to push.

Lin Mo glared intently at the Officer hearing him called Tang Su as Mrs. Zhang Su and a precious wife of Zhang Han, her dream man. Her eyes twitched in annoyance and didn't respond.

The Officer right down his observation and fire her another question.

"Are you going to deny that you know Mrs. Zhang?"

This time, Lin Mo clenched her fist. She knew the officer intended to call Tang Su Mrs. Zhang just to irritate her.

Lin Mo smiled evilly.

"Mr. Officer, what does that woman have to do with the investigation? When I told you that I didn't know her, I mean it." she feigned innocent.

"Very well then, now, let me ask you again. Why did you crash your car into Mrs. Zhang if you don't know her? What is your motive and why did you do it?" the officer knows how to go on circles.

"Officer, how did you know that I am the one who crashed my car to that woman? You are blatantly accusing me." Lin Mo tried to act calm.

"Yes, we didn't see that you were the one in the car. Who crashed into Mrs. Zhang, but the passer-by says and positively acknowledges that you are the real culprit."

Lin Mo just shrug him off, she need to make some excuses.

"A passer-by? What if that passer-by is an anti-fan who wants to defame me?"

Fang Ron mischievously smiled at her outside the glass window upon hearing her excuses. This Lin Mo is a tough one, but she is nothing compare to him.

"Just wait until we showed you the full evidence. I admired your courage but you have no escape."

The Officer give Lin Mo a knowing smile.

"Let us say that the witness is an anti-fan of yours. But how can you explain that your car was caught in the surveillance camera just before you turned the corner and went to the place where the accident occurred?"

"Mr. Officer, I am sure that I'm not the only one who went to that place. It is just a coincidence."

"You are right, it might be a coincidence. But according to surveillance video at the time of the accident, your car entered the area. And not, only that, only four vehicles entered the area at that time. And also, out of those four vehicles, you were the only one to be seen exiting that area and speeding away."

"I was in a hurry at that time because I still had flights to Taiwan." Lin Mo thought that she can escape this interrogation.

"And you didn't see or even notice the accident at that time?"

"Yes, I didn't notice anything that time." Lin Mo answered smoothly.

"But out of four driver, you were the only female driver. The witness said it was a female."

"I told you already it was an anti-fan defaming me." Lin Mo is now agitated.

"But Miss Lin, the witness didn't recognize you that time. The witness just confirmed it was you when we showed him your picture. If the witness is an anti-fan he will surely recognize you at first glance." The officer agitated her more.

"He was feigning ignorance. I am sure of it." Lin Mo's appeared to be annoyed.

The officer nods at her.

"Okay Miss Lin, this is my last question. If you really didn't run into or bump into Mrs. Zhang, why according to the test done on your car we found a positive DNA of Mrs. Zhang?" the long awaited evidence was now laid in front of Lin Mo.

A cold sweat broke into her forehead.

"How did you get a hold of my car? Who gave you the permission to check my car without my consent? That is invasion of my privacy, and was against the law." Lin Mo is now in panic.

"Miss Lin, the arrest warrant has been released since yesterday. And according to the law we may conduct an investigation without your consent."

"No, this is not true! Someone is framing me up." Lin Mo is now sobbing.

"Miss Lin, you can deny all you want. But we have a concrete evidence of your crime."

The Police officer stood up and ready to leave.

"Wait!" Lin Mo grabbed the Officer.

"Everything you are accusing me is false accusation. Please re-investigate this matter. I am innocent, how can I simply make a crime and ruined my career? This is not true, none of them were true. You are framing me!" crying Lin Mo begged the Officer. She could not accept that she would be imprisoned.

"I am sorry Miss Lin. Please wait for your Lawyer."

And with that the Police Officer leave the hysterically crying Lin Mo inside the interrogation room.

Lin Mo swears that she will make her revenge on Tang Su.

"I swear Tang Su, I'll make you suffer!"

"Sir, Everything is ready. I'm just looking forward to Lawyer Gu's arrival." Assistant Ron informed Zhang Han.

"Ron, make sure that Lin Mo will regret harming my wife. I've already ruined her connections, it is up to them if they want to go against me." Zhang Han reply coldly.

"I understand Sir. I'm on my move." Fang Ron confidently answer him.

Everything is prepared for Lin Mo. All the evidence of her crime is widespread. This is the hot topic of all televisions and tabloids.

Zhang Han made sure that the news about Lin Mo was in the hot search online and that it would take months.

Plastered all over the news was the face of Lin Mo at the airport while being arrested by police.

Lin Mo has broken through the media and is struggling to get up. Zhang Han will torture her until she wants to die.