
Evening, Chelsca was on duty and the usual, she was in the counter taking orders. She is way busier later on, that made her so surprised when recognizing the guy in front of her.

She wanted to throw him in a pit; he was too bold showing up like this! However, she smiled, ignoring the guy's presence and every girl's squeals.

Chelsca wanted to roll her eyes listening to the gasps and awed by every girl inside this shop. But too many eyes darting their gazes to the counter, and so she just acted the normal way the usual she showed to her customers.

"Good evening, sir! May I take your order?" cheerfully, she greeted her special customer.

"You already know my favorite coffee," the guy told her, which made Chelsca's mouth dropped open from him being casual— like they knew each other.

'What the heck?' This guy looks needed some beating! They already have an agreement to act like a stranger and pretend doesn't know each other!

How should she counter this kind of situation? Think Chelsca, think! She is encouraging herself. This guy is murdering her!

"Oh, that's right! I now remember the interview!" She speaks loudly to hear out.

"And it was Miss Andrea Lawrence Ryan who interviewed you, your aunt." Chelsca tries to be casual.

"Anyone, saw that special guesting and interviews of the band The League by Miss Andrea Ryan Show?"

"Yes!" the crowd answered.

"So? What is Gino's favorite coffee?" she asked Gino's fans.

"Cappu-Gino!" they scream, then squeals. That was means a cappuccino and fans want to name it Cappu-Gino since then. Chelsca feels relieved; it saved her! Later, she will give this guy an unforgettable kick!

Gino smiled at the girls behind him, but he gave Chelsca a flash of sulking expression. She wanted to burst out laughing because it only means; she won. Chelsca gives Gino a table on the second floor, which glass walls but visible from below; Let his fans drool looking up at him— is her purpose.

She just knows how Gino doesn't want to stare a lot, but she punishes him for what he'd done.

Preparing to leave as her shift ended, Chelsca take the exit back door of this café when someone grabbed her.

"What the— Gino?"

"Hey." Gino is wearing a serious face.

Chelsca crosses her arms on top of her chest and raises one brow. "And you are the one who has the guts to sulk here?"

"Are you ashamed of me as your friend?"

Chelsca wanted to laugh, but Gino looks truly hurt by what she'd done. She giggles. "Seriously? I didn't know you can act."

"Am not joking," Gino said, and she could see it's true.

"All right, I am sorry. But it's your fault for entering boldly, announcing like we really are close."

"Aren't we?"

Her mouth dropped open. "You're kidding me! What drama is this? It was me who should give you a beating now!"

Gino turned around, pretending on walking away. "Hey!" Chelsca calls out to him but he ignores.

She followed him, then suddenly jump on his back and said, "You are such a baby! You are not cute!"

"I am cute!" Gino said, and they both laugh.

He grabs both of Chelsca's legs when she is about to slide down from his back when someone speaks up behind them.


