
"Chelsca!" One more time, Lewey called out to her with irritation in his voice.

Jino turns around to see this guy calling Chelsca with a harsh tone.

"Why did you not reply to my messages?" He confronted her, which made Chelsea's mouth drop open.

She just then remembers that Lewey sent her text messages informing her about the family dinner at Collin's Mansion. She was actually surprised that he managed to get her phone number.

"Who are you?" Jino asked Lewey; black lines showed on his forehead because he didn't like how he sounded. He was accusing Chelsca of something.

"You are the one to whom I should ask that. Who are you?"

Jino laughs. This guy is rude. Did he not recognize me?

"What is it to you? I need not introduce myself to you, and I am not interested in knowing who you are with." He clashes his gaze with that of the rude guy.

"Jino, put me down," Chelsca whispered to him.

"Just stay here." Jino fixed her position. Instead, she was still riding on his back.

"What? But I am heavy!"

"Yes, you are."

"Jino?" she pouted.

Chelsca knows that was only a joke. But he was still riding on Jino's back, which made Lewey angry; this position is unlikely to be seen.

Lewey's point of view is that he is jealous of this person, whom Chelsea is treating with sweetness. He knows him.

"Put her down. I wanted to talk to her," Lewey insisted with an authoritative tone.

The way he speaks, Jino gets irritated at Lewey. For him, this guy is too much. He is thinking now: might this guy bully Chelsca?

Jino studied how tall the guy was and added his athletic body. Although his skills are only a bit higher than average, he can fight and not back down for his dearest friend, like a sister.

"What do you want from her? If you want to talk to her, then say it here now."

Jino feels it when flashes of dark glares are thrown at him. This part of the street has only a dim light from the streetlights. But he could feel Lewey's glaring stare toward him, so he countered and glared back.

"Chelsca?" Lewey once again calls her out.

"Jino, put me down," she requested. She decided to talk to Lewey and explain things to Jino later.

"Who is this guy? Who does he think he is?" Jino asked sharply.

"I will talk to him for a minute, then let's talk somewhere after this," she told Jino.

He put her down on the ground. When she is about to walk towards Lewey, Jino grabs her wrist and halts her. "You won't talk to him," he said, which shocked Chelsca the way Jino acted now.

"What are you doing?" she whispered.

"I don't trust him."

"I don't trust you either, so you can let her go now." He ordered that he could hear them talking, so he was not happy about what he was witnessing.

"You have thick skin. Rude and obnoxious."

"What did you say? Who the hell did you call obnoxious?" Lewey asked back.

"Hey, can you both stop?" Chelsca began panicking about this situation.

She could tell that the two guys were heated as they began arguing.

"I will ask you one more time: who are you?" Jino meets Lewey's glare. He has no plan to back down. He may be timid among his band, but he still had the blood of Lawrence's. They will fight when needed.

How many times did he hear the love story of his parents? That was the most beautiful one. He's not being biased, but it is indeed his favorite one.

"I am the owner of this university, and our foundation is the one that grants Miss Verough's scholarship."

Jino raises one brow. Is this guy kidding? Doesn't that mean Chelsca is one of the De La Rue princesses and a part-owner of this university?

Not to mention, the most powerful family in this world is also backing her up.

"So what? With my earnings, I can pay Chel's tuition fees."

From how Jino said Chelsca's name, Lewey's ears rang like an endearment.


He knew that Chelsca didn't need the Foundation's program because De La Rue, an investor in this university, started from scratch.

"You need not do that," he countered Jino's statement.

He was truly upset. He knows Jino's band. In fact, he is a fan.

And he never imagined—this lead guitarist and composer of that band he loves—turning out to be his rival.