Lewey's Cousins

Chelsca is now in front of the counter, receiving orders. Later, a group of beautiful girls arrived. They were Lewey's female cousins.

"Good evening, may I take your order," Chelsca greeted them politely?

"Hi, Chelsca!"

They greeted her back, which surprised her how they were friendly toward her. If she hadn't worn a nameplate, she would suspect that they got her name from Lewey. But she wondered if Lewey told them already about her being his girlfriend and planned to introduce her to his family officially soon.

Shyly, she smiled at the girls and felt embarrassed. She cannot help, but it's all because Lewey's cousins were all beautiful, even though they were only wearing a casual miniskirt and a white tank top and then slippers on their feet.

They were not wearing glamorous clothes, but their appearances tell everyone so.

She then remembered Jessica and her friends. Every day is like a fashion show to that group. Wearing flashing designer's clothes, and overall, from head to toe, are the trendy ones.

Chelsca shook her head. They are rich, and so they can do whatever they want. She admired the girl's Collins, and so she could not avoid comparing them to anyone. Their simplicity is something you would think highly of.

"Two Cappuccinos and a Latte," Lizzy began ordering.

"Two cappuccinos and a latte... how about some cake?"

"Oh. I heard you have a new sweet?"

"Yup! Keto chocolate muffin, a strawberry cupcake, cheesecake. We also have it on Mocha flavor."

"Ah, sweet, indeed! Give me the strawberry one," Kelly's order. "How about you, Meg?"

"I think I will go with the mocha," she replied.

Megan kept staring at her, which made her blush. Now she wondered what things Lewey told them about her. Did he reveal to them she is a De La Rue or Quinn Williams's niece?

"I'll try the cheesecake!"

Lizzy's order made her come back to her senses. Chelsca shook her head; she had to focus on her job.

"I'll repeat it. Two cappuccinos, one latte, one set of the strawberry cupcake, one set of mocha, and a cheesecake."

"That's right," Lizzy confirmed their orders.

"All right..." she gives the total amount of their orders, and Lizzy hands her a credit card.

"Um, hoping it's not that bad," she commented on Megan's foot. She's riding a wheelchair and has a cast on her right foot.

Megan is a cheerleader, and she wonders if it causes a broken ankle during practice. But she heard nothing from May Lin, so maybe another cause.

"Ah, it's hurting pretty bad, yes. I had a bad fall while cleaning our clubhouse last week. Gladly, Lewey was around the campus, and he quickly brought me to the clinic."

"Oh, I see..." she cannot find any other reaction when her heart is skipping a beat after hearing Lewey's name mentioned by his cousin.

"Your order will be right up!" she said, handed the credit back to Lizzy. "Thank you!" she nodded at them.

"Thanks, Chelsca."

Megan smiled at her warmly. Kelly smiled at her also, pushing Megan toward their table while Lizzy waved at her while following her cousins.

She thinks they are friendly people. And about Lewey, that must be the reason he suddenly disappeared the other night. Megan called her after she had the accident. Thinking about it, Lewey is sweet and thoughtful to his cousins.

"John, here's the new set of orders."

"All right!" John scanned the copied receipt and then began making the coffee.

Finally, they are closing. She found him sleeping on the corner, and so she woke him up.

"Hey, let's go!"

"Is it morning already?" he asked, yawning. Still, he looks sleepy.

"Seriously? You'd think you sleep that long already?"

"Ugh. I had a dream. I thought it was morning already because it was a kind of long dream." Jino tried to remember it.

"You're probably hungry. Let's go, let's have a take-out before you go back to your boarding house."

Chelsca head first. She stretches out her arms. She hasn't run lately, and she needs some workouts soon. Chelsca is about to bend when a car stops in front of her. She's stunned. Did Lewey wait for her?

"I'll send you back," he told her.

"What? Are you out of your mind?" She stressed out.

"Really? Is that how you treated your boyfriend who picks you up after work?"

"No one asks you or requires you to... besides, I never agreed in the first place," she pouted, meaning about their pretends.

"You've always hurt me by rejecting me over and over again. However, you can't stop me."

"About what?" she's curious to know, then turned around. Her heart is beating crazily, and she doesn't like it. She doesn't want Lewey to see how she's having trouble suppressing the excitement she feels from his endless confession.

"Are you okay, Chels?" asked Jino.

Before he could step out of the café's back door, he saw Lewey approach Chelsca. Although he did not hear what they were talking about, Chelsca was blushing.