
"This world is called 'Hartifalia.'," Dionne started and piqued my curiosity. "Before, this world was peaceful. There were no fights, no people getting hurt, and there were no deaths. There were only deaths caused by sickness or old age. The world was peaceful because there was one woman who would protect the people. She only had the power to protect the whole of Hartifalia," Dionne said and Klein continued the story.

"The goddess of this world, Lady Falica, chose her. She chose her to protect this world because she trusts that she could. In order to protect the world, the woman would be on the very top of this world to sing forever without stop. If ever she stopped singing, all the bad things in this world will come and harm its dwellers," Klein added and my curiosity grew bigger by the minute.

This world is like a fantasy that came from a video game or from a book. In order to protect this world, the woman chosen by Lady Falica would have to sing forever and if there comes to a point that she stops, bad things would happen.

"So the girl who was singing stopped that's why an event like a while ago happened?" I asked the question I've been meaning to ask and Klein nodded his head as his answer and Dionne sighed.

"But that's not the only thing," Dionne said and continued telling the story. "The girl would have to sing forever with no stop at the highest point of this world. In that place, it's completely dark and she could not see a single thing. She doesn't get tired, but she grew tired of being alone for a hundred of years. She's an immortal. Because of her sadness of being alone for such a long time, she stopped singing and the unexpected… happened." Dionne said finally.

"Five years already passed and a lot has happened since then. On the first day, even, there was one person who came here just like you did," Klein added and I got more curious.

"What is—" Dionne suddenly interrupted.

"'Only those with great intentions could see this book and those chosen by the book will make its desired story… but you will never return.' The voice that you heard was Lady Falica's. She made this world and in order to make its story, she chose people with big dreams. Those with big dreams can only see this book. You are chosen, so you have that big dream and it is you who is going to make the flow of this story, in any way you want," Dionne said and she held my hand.

This is all going so fast, I don't know what to believe anymore.

"That's why there was power that came out from you because you wanted to be safe. Only the people chosen by the goddess have the ability to change the story of this world," she added and I looked at my hand.

Because I wanted us to be safe… that power came from me.

"Every book has an antagonist and the person who came here before, chose to be one," Klein continued and I listened intently to their story. By saying "that person" it was evident that they still don't know the gender of their enemy.

He sighed. "When that person came here, he or she hadn't done anything bad yet but when the girl chosen by the goddess stopped singing, the person acted quickly and hurt and killed a lot of people. He or she also wanted to get the powers of the girl that's why there are machines hunting her down." Dionne now looked at both of her hands as if she was avoiding something like a guilty person. She looked sad and it got me thinking.

"So the girl that the goddess chose—" Klein didn't let me finish.

"Lady Falica chose Dionne." Klein answered my question without me finishing it. I looked at Dionne who just continued to look down.

"The antagonist is still chasing me. We don't know his or her name and we don't even know how he or she looks like but because of what he or she is doing, a lot of people got hurt and a lot of people died. Little by little, that person is ruining this world. This wouldn't even happen if I didn't stop but…" Dionne was trying her best to stop crying.

"I was so sad. I grew tired of being alone for a hundred of years. I also wanted to see what the world is outside the high tower. I want to talk with people. I want to be with someone but because of what I did, a lot of things happened that I didn't even want… that other people didn't also want," she said finally then she cried.

"I am with Dionne right now because I was the first person she ever talked to. She became my friend and I promised to help her. She's still thinking of returning back to her tower that's why we even waited for five years until those machines followed her and attacked her in attempt to capture her. But as time goes, the condition of this world is getting worse," Klein said and I thought to myself.

She stopped singing that's why things like this happen in Hartifalia. She sang for a hundred of years without stopping knowing that it's dark, there was no one there for her to be with and to talk to. That's why she left because she grew tired of living her life like that but because of her decision, the world is falling into ruin little by little. I can't help but think that her decision was somewhat selfish, but I can't blame her for that.

Even being an introverted person wouldn't want to be kept out of reach for the world like that.

Dionne held my hand. "The book chose you and you have the power to change its fate. The antagonist made it this way and it was also my fault why this happened," she said as she tightened her grip on my hand. "You get to choose how the story of this world flows. Now that you're here, you are one of its characters. You are the only one right now who can defeat him." Dionne said finally and Klein suddenly spoke.

"I ask of you… please help me help Dionne. Help her think clearly for this world's safety. We will help you defeat the enemy." Klein asked me a favor as if I am willingly going to follow them. It's evident on their faces that they are now determined to do something about the situation they have in their world.

"Every story must have a protagonist and an antagonist. Of course, all stories must have an ending. You are chosen by the goddess. If you're not here, maybe the story wouldn't end or wouldn't reach its desired ending. The people will continue to suffer. Now that you're here, we hope that you would put an end to it. It's up to you to make this story a happy one… or a sad one," Dionne added and I thought to myself.

If I agree, I will be with them. I will learn how to fight. I will learn how to use my power and to understand more how their world works. I would see a lot of things I never saw back in my world and my imaginations would be alive… now in this world.

Sometimes I even wonder how it feels to be inside a book and now that this has happened, it's not as easy as it seems. I will be the one controlling the story of this book. I am the character and the author at the same time. It's not a typical story that is commonly made. The goddess chose me… but I am also aware that I cannot return back to the world where I came from.

What if I really couldn't return? I won't see my family; my mother, my twin sister. I won't go to the places that I usually go to. I won't get to finish my education and be a doctor like I always wanted to be. I won't ever get to make my own family. What decision am I going to make?

The world that is safe where my family is staying… or the world in ruins with the lives of its dwellers at stake?