The Old Man

"Goddess Falica grants the wish of whoever succeeds to make the ending."

That's what Dionne and Klein said to me. They believe that whoever makes the ending of this story or a chapter of this story, the goddess will grant his or her wish, may it be a good or a bad wish. The goddess has to grant it because the chosen character had done his or her part but they say that this is just their "belief"; they still don't know if that's true.

I agreed to come with them but I asked a favor. I will only help them if they lead me to someone who knows a lot than them about this world. I want to know more of the history of this world—about the other people who came here before me; how old this book is and if what Klein and Dionne had said were true.

As we were walking, I noticed a very tall tower and it was said that Dionne had been singing at the very top, alone. There was also a tall wall so nothing could enter the tower. Dionne said that at the top of the tower, she couldn't see a thing, living or non-living, just the stars and the black sky. I asked her if it was the outer space but she told me it wasn't. Their world is unrealistic but since I'm here in their world, I guess it's normal for them.

They said that the purpose of this wall was to protect Dionne in the tower. Dionne said that in order to reach the top, it would take a lot of years. I asked her how she came here and she told me that she saw a room full of gems and came across an octagon shaped gem, touched it, and got transported at the base of the tower, which is here, Hartifalia. I even asked her where the gem was and she told me that it already disappeared the moment she opened her hand.

"You haven't said your name yet," Dionne said and I suddenly looked at them, ending my trail of thoughts. I forgot to even introduce myself.

"Cevin." I told them my name then I looked at Klein. "Where are we going," I asked and we still continued walking towards a town near the wall. I saw the wall clearly and noticed how tall it was, like half the size of the tower.

It kind of reminds me of the anime Attack on Titan.

"In this place, there was a rumor about one guy living inside the wall," Klein said and it got my curiosity. They also told me earlier that there was no one living beyond the wall and now they told me that someone lives there? But then again, they did say it's a rumor.

But knowing rumors in stories, they are mostly true.

"Why is there even a rumor like that," I asked and Dionne spoke.

"In this place, they saw a guy who wasn't even from here—an old man. He visits here once a week," she answered and I looked at her.

"This town is very small, like only a hundred people are here as its population and everyone knows each other very well. Other towns are found in other parts near this wall. This is the northwest part, there are other towns in other locations," she added and I just nodded at her answer.

"The old man that you guys were saying… was believed to be living beyond the wall. But how can he enter the town when the wall is believed to protect the tower and the towns? And also, how did you know that he is not of this world," I asked and Klein answered my question.

"That's why we went to this town so we could talk to the other friend Dionne and I have. She knows a lot of secrets because she's an inn keeper of the soldiers who guards the wall," Klein said and we saw a sign saying Hartifalia Wall Knights Inn as we were walking straight on the path.

Well, he does have a point. Inn keepers sort of have the ways on obtaining information from other people, especially if they are serving knights. They start talking a lot when they start getting drunk.

We saw a lot of men wearing armors in silver, holding their spears. Some were drinking beer and the others were eating while they were engaged in a conversation.

I looked at Klein. "Why do they need to watch over the wall? Are there other reasons? Did they know that someone was singing on top of the tower?" I asked a lot of questions but Klein answered them all anyway.

"They knew well that someone was singing on top of the tower but they don't know how Dionne looks like and who she is. The knights have been watching the tower generation to generation because it was taught and passed down by the ancestors of this land. Now that the singing has stopped, people all believed that the songstress was just taking a rest… but unexpectedly for quite a long time," Klein said and Dionne showed a frown.

So they call Dionne a songstress. Is it a combination of song and stress, liked a stressed singer?

Sarcasm hitting me at a serious circumstance possible.

"I was only thinking of myself that's why things like this happened to this world. Until now, I've been thinking if I should return or not, like I want to return but at the same time, do not. I like to protect the world, but I don't want to return because I'd be all alone again," Dionne said with sadness in her face and she sighed right after.

Am I really going to help her? Well, they are helping me right now to find for answers to my questions. If I'm satisfied with the answers I have collected, maybe I'll agree to join and help them. But right now, I would really like to know what these great intentions are and why the goddess chose me.

"What's with the old man beyond the wall? Why do we need to know how we can get to him," I asked but they didn't even answer my question.

"You will just know later." Klein just told me to give me assurance. There's no other way but to really trust the both of them. I did bump into them the moment I came in Hartifalia. What choice do I have?