What's "Yuri"

We stood by the bar counter of the inn. I looked around to catch a view of the place. This place looked like the olden times; with knights for protection, and dresses as the common wear of women.

"Feem mid, Yomi!" Dionne greeted the woman in front of the bar counter and they hugged each other. I understood what they said. Dionne told her "good day" and that the name of their friend is Yomi.

"Feem mid," Yomi greeted back and smiled at Klein before looking at me with a strange look on her face. "Qce ap cu?" She asked who I was and looked at me from head to toe. "Qcin'p qanc ncu kxencup cu'p quiyabf?" She also asked why I was wearing odd clothes.

I looked at myself. I was still wearing casual clothes that we had from my world and I just noticed why other people kept looking at me. I was wearing a black shirt topped with a green jacket. I also wore black jeans paired with brown Timberland as my shoes.

Were they looking at me for a long time since we were walking towards the inn?

I looked at Yomi to introduce myself. "Zr bizu ap Cevin." I spoke their language and she was just looking at me. Dionne whispered something to her and Klein went beside me as he folded his arms. Yomi returned her gaze to me with surprise evident on her face.

She approached me, held my hand and whispered something to me. "Kezu." I followed her as she was pulling my hand towards a room with Klein and Dionne following suit.

We entered a room and Yomi lit up a candle with a match she got from her apron's pocket. She looked at me, with surprise still plastered on her face.

What did Dionne tell her?

Yomi now looked at Dionne. "Xun zu xuizb cap xibfoifu." She told Dionne that she wanted to know my language and it caught Klein, Dionne, and I by surprise because of her request.

In order for her to learn my language, Dionne will have to kiss her, too.

Dionne looked at Yomi seriously. "Iyu reo poyu," she asked and Yomi nodded her head with excitement as her answer.

"Poyu," Yomi said with excitement and Klein and I looked at each other, weirded out by what was about to happen. Yomi didn't even know what Dionne was about to do in order for her to learn my language.

Dionne suddenly kissed Yomi for a short time. Yomi's face was beet red. She was taken aback because of what happened. She was not told of the process. Klein and I averted our eyes from the scene in front of us.

"Fyepp…" we both said in unison the moment Dionne and Yomi parted their face from each other, now shy, because of what happened.

"This is like watching live yuri," I said my thoughts out loud and Klein looked at me, his brows connected because of his curiosity.

"What's 'yuri'," he asked and I forced out a cough.

Should I tell him that yuri is like female x female attraction?

I laughed a little. "It's nothing," I just told him and he just shrugged his shoulders.

If only I had my mobile phone, I'd show him what yuri is. Of course I'd tell him… because it's a conversation between us men... and just for him to have an idea of the world where I came from.

Okay, I realized that there is indeed a difference between my world and their world.

Should I be ashamed?

My thoughts were interrupted when Yomi suddenly spoke. "You didn't tell me that that was the process so I could learn his language," Yomi reacted in surprise and Dionne looked at her, looking less shy.

"Sorry…" Dionne just apologized and Yomi gasped a little loud which caught our attention.

"I learned a new language other than Falian! What's this language called," she asked and I shrugged my shoulders as I told her it was called the English language.

So their language here is called Falian.

I looked at Klein. "So she also knew that Dionne has powers," I told him and Klein nodded.

"Yes. Yomi is not only my friend, but she is also my girlfriend," Klein added and I was surprised quite a bit. I looked at Yomi while she was talking to Dionne.

Yomi and Dionne had the same height. Yomi's more conservative because she wears a long dress compared to Dionne showing a lot of skin. Her hair is half-tied and is curly at the ends. She also had red lips, paired with beautiful blue eyes. She's also beautiful to look at. Klein is lucky. I never had a girlfriend.

Well, dating never got my interest, anyway.

"Yomi knows I'm helping Dionne. We were the only ones who knew well about the situation of this world," Klein said and he sighed.

"I want a peaceful world so I could start a family of my own with Yomi that's why I'm helping Dionne patiently until she comes up with her decision. Now that the situation has worsened, I hope she can come up with an answer soon." Klein shared me his dreams before he approached them to join the conversation.

I just looked at the three of them and it got me thinking. I didn't expect that a strong man like Klein had dreams like that. He's patiently waiting for Dionne to come up with a choice in order for him to pursue his dreams of making a family with Yomi. Well, if ever this happened in my world, I would also wish for a for a peaceful world.

But my realistic priority would be survival.