WebNovelThe Deaf100.00%

Chapter 3

Jane wakes up in unfamiliar place, she's sleeping in a very comfortable bed that she automatically fell for. Her eyes suddenly looks to her right side, Jane gasp when she saw a man sleeping next to her, she can't scream, Jane quickly look for something to stab the man next to her, and the only hard thing that on her side is a pair of slippers, she picked it up, and began beating the man using slippers.

Jin forcefully open his eyes, The room was silent, but he felt something on his arm, something that stabbing him. When he look, the girl he doesn't know was beating him hard. Funny, his arms and body is like a rock. He takes the slipper on the girls hand and the girl suddenly stands up, and walks far away from him with a scared expression.

Jane feels scared but somehow safe, she doesn't know why. The man that sleep besides him also stand up and head to a door. The man do anything to open the door but failed. Jane knees started to tremble. Why is she with a man? She looks at the man that's saying something but she doesn't have any idea what is he talking about. Jane stared at the man confused.

Jin looks at the girl, woman rather. He knew that he saw this woman somewhere.

"Do I know you?"He asked but the woman just stares at him. "Hey! I'm talking to you." He said,again, but the woman just stares at him. "Hey are you deaf?!" He asked, once again, the woman continues to stare at him. He roam his eyes around the room and that's when he saw a letter in his side, he picked it up and started reading.

-Hey Jin! Take care of my future daughter in law! You know that she can't hear right? Don't be stupid okay? Talk to her using those paper pad and pen that I put inside your desk. Don't worry I'll take care of the company well. And oh! Don't make babies yet okay?! I want you two to be married first before making my grandchildreenssssss. All you have to do is to get to know each other, alright my cold son? And when you both get along well, I'll personally open the door for the both of you. Ciao my son.

-Love, your Handsome father.

Jin was about to crample the paper but stop when he sees that there's still something written on it.

-Don't even dare to escape! I'm a STONE remember? You can't escape there.

-I put some cctv on the room, don't make babies if you don't want me and Gaston to watch it live okay?

Jin crampled the paper and throw it somewhere, Gaston! That stupid brat! 'Why is my father acting so childish?!' He said to himself. I'll both make them pay.

Jane keeps walking back and forth, completely ignoring the man. She keeps thinking of her family, they must be worried sick. She also feels scared. Who wouldn't be scared if she's with some human being alone in this room? She stares at the desk that is on her side, she sees a white paper that seems to be a letter, she pickep it up and reads.

- To my future daughter in law, Hi there Jane, I'm your future dad, My name's Jack Andrew Stones, Today you're with my son named Jin Stones, if you're with someone that's ugly, that's not my son! Maybe my assistant matteo betrayed me!

Anyway, I'm sorry if I scared you. I know that you're scared of humans, but don't worry, my son is not the type of person to be afraid of. He's totally a kind hearted man, you can feel it when you two get along with each other.

I know that you love to read novels! Do you know about 'arranged marriage'? If yes, then I'm sorry but you are destined to marry my son Jin. It's an agreement between Merzmé and Stones, Your parents must be afraid to loose you so they don't want to fulfill the will of their late parents. I hope you'll understand me Jane. I'm sorry. I just want to get done what should be done.

-From your future dad, Jack Andrew Stones.

-My son is nice. Please trust me.

Jane just sigh and put the letter back to her desk, she also saw some paper pad and a pen in her desk. Jane swallowed her own fear and decided to believe the man named Jack Andrew Stones words. She roam her eyes around the room, the room is big, it also has a mini kitchen in the corner, it has closets, comfort room, it's like the room is really made for them to get to know each other, who will kidnapped you and put you in this place right?  Jane started writing something in her pad, and when she finish writing she shows it to the man named Jin.

'Who are you?' Jane asked through the paper,even though she already know what's his name. Jane gets surprised when the man named Jin get his own pad and write something.

'Jin Stones, and you?" Jin replies. Jane smiles while looking at jin, he doesn't look like a bad person for her.

'Jane Merzmé' she wrote back. Jin nods and They both look at each others eyes and laugh when they had no idea what to write next.

Jane keeps thinking what to ask next and decided to write this.

'How old are you?' Jin reads it first before writing his answers.

'23, you?' Jin answers.

'18'Jane wrote backs. They both nod to each other and smiles.

Jay is furious as hell when he entered the company of Mr stones. When he arrived at his office the assistant of Mr stone matteo stops him. He looks at the assistant like he was about to kill him, matteo bows his head and surprisingly Mr stone let him in. Matteo opened the door for him.

"WHAT THE HELL MR STONE?! DID YOU KIDNAPPED MY DAUGHTER?!"He shouted. Mr stone just smiles and put his arms on his own Chest.

"Yes. I Did. And what's the problem with that Mr Merzmé?" He asked calmly while Jay is fuming mad as hell.

"You know that my daughter is afraid of humans right?!"

"I assure you that my son is a kind hearted human being." Mr stone said surely.

"Where's my daughter?" Jay asked calmly, Jay knew that he can't do anything against Mr stone, he also knew that Mr stone is also a kind hearted person.

"Well, she's safe. And here's my proof." Mr stone said, and turn his laptop on Jay to see.

Jay freezes when he saw his daughter smiling and laughing through the screen. 'She doesn't smile like that, she looks so happy.' He said to himself.

"As you can see Mr Merzmé, I put a cctv in the room that I locked them in, so I can have the updates of what's going on with them." Mr stone said. Jay just nods and smiles.

His daughter seems to enjoy the company of Mr Jin Stone.