WebNovelThe Deaf75.00%

Chapter 2

Jane wokes up, she can feel that her stomach grumbles. Who wouldn't? She forgot to eat dinner. Jane hurriedly go down stairs without even fixing herself, she won't mind, her parents is the only one that's in the house so why bother to fix herself?

While Jane is on the way to kitchen, there's five person sitting on the couch inside their house, yes, five including her parents.

"Mr. Stones. We are sorry but that won't be necessary. " Jay said with a stern voice. Mr. Stone, shrugs, and put the paper on the table. Jen curiously read what's on the paper and gasp. No! No!

"I'm afraid what's in the will should be done. Your father Mrs. Merzmé, signed that paper, so I guess the marriage will be done, I'm hoping for your cooperation, Mr and Mrs Merzmé." Mr. Stone's assistant said.

Jane's parents can't help but to cry. No, they won't allow someone to marry their daughter. Even though she's deaf, she's still precious, especially that the man that will marry their daughter is known to be the most ruthless CEO, named Jin Stone. Jay suddenly stood up, and angrily look at Mr. Stone. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid the will, won't ever be done!" He said through gritted teeth. Mr. Stone, smiles and shrug.

Mr. Stone knew what their daughter is, even though she's deaf, he still wants her to marry his son Jin. And no one can ever stop him, even if it's the parents of his future daughter in law, No one can really stop him. 'Man, I'm getting old, why wont this man named Jay agree?' He said to himself.

He cleared his throat and began speaking. "I don't agree. What should be done, should be done!" He said proudly while raising his fist in the air, signaling that no one can stop him. Jin, the son of Mr stones slightly chuckles toward his father's behavior. Who wouldn't be surprise that the most ruthless CEO will be this childish?

Jin, is really curious of what kind of life will he had, when he married a deaf person. Well, he doesn't care even if she's deaf. Since when he was young his father told him not to like and love someone except for the woman in the contract, So he did what his father told him, he don't love and like anyone. He waited for this moment, he waited to meet her, to meet his future wife.

Jin's eyes suddenly stares at the kitchen, the house is big so you can see someone from his position because he sits near to the kitchen door. 

When Jane gets to the kitchen, she eat what she sees in the dinning table, She doesn't even know why the table is full of delicious foods. She felt some eyes looking at her so she hurriedly climb upstairs. 'Who's eyeing me?' She ask to herself, and continues to eat the, whole chicken that's in her bare hands.

Mr Stone's knew that his son isn't ruthless, So he trusted his son to take care of his future daughter in law. He really wanted to have grandchildrens, he's getting older, He must see those little Jin and little Jane in the future and before he dies.

"NO! I'm sorry Mr stone but you all have to leave this house. NOW!!!" Jay shouted. Jen held her husband hand, and she can feel that it's shaking.

Mr. stone felt angry but decided to shut his mouth. He smiled, instead. Jay forehead creases 'This creepy old man is mysterious.'Jay said to his self. Mr stone's assistant help him to stand and walk, while Jin stares at the kitchen one last time, before he first leave the Merzmé house.

"The son of yours had no manners Mr stone." Jay said.

"He's just like that Mr Merzmé."Mr stone answered and leave the house.

Jay knees felt numb so his body struggle to stand up, his body gave up and he crashed down the floor. Jen worriedly help her husband sit in the couch.

"What if Mr stone do something to get what he wants?" He asked. Afraid. She just hug her husband reassuring him that everything will be fine.

Meanwhile, Mr stone won't really do nothing, he plan something and he will definitely not regret it.

"Matteo."He calls for his assistant. His assistant hurriedly enters his office. "Is there anything you want me to do sir?"Matteo asked. Mr stone smiles and clap his hand twice. "Indeed."He said. "Kidnapped my son Jin, and my future daughter in law Jane."He said. Matteo nods hi head and calls someone to do the kidnapping.

"Everything is set sir."Matteo said, Mr stone smiles.

Jin was about to left his company when his friend Gaston calls.

"What do you need?" He asked bored and annoyed. Gaston laughs in the other line.

"Yo! Man! Wazzup? I'm afraid I need you right now." Gaston said without hesitation. Jin rolls his eyes and he's getting furious. Who wouldn't be furious if his so-called brother Gaston is acting like a child.

"Tell me what happened."He ordered. Gaston laughs again, but the laugh that sounds hurt. Jin hears a few sniffs on the other line. He knew what is the problem.

"She....broke up with me."Gaston said, Jin sighed. This man known his brother is really unlucky to woman. "Where are you?" He asked a bit annoyed, Gaston claps thrice on the other line and answer where he is.

After 27 minutes, Jin arrived at a club where his brother Gaston his. When he enters all eyes of  woman is stuck on him, he ignores those stares and look for his brother, who's in the corner of the club. Gaston is crying, but little did Jin know that Gaston is only doing his part to let him bite unto their Father's trap.

"Why did you and angela broke up?" Jin asked, confused. Gaston laughs, and Jin's forehead creases.

"Ho-ho! Who broke up? We're still together."Gaston said, and in just a snap angela appeared. "Hey bro! What yo doin' here?" Angela asked. Jin ignored him and his palm forms into a fist. No one messes with Jin stone but his freaking brother did. Jin was about to turn his back away from his stupid brother when Angela inject something in his body, Jin turn to look at Angela, and angela just waved the syringe in her hands.

"Shit." Jin all can say, and within a second he passed out.

Gaston felt proud of his self. "Haha! The ice man passed out! Yohooo I'll have my 10 million for this task." He said happily while staring at his older brother's body in the floor. Yo! This is his first time sleeping on the floor.

Angela suddenly interrupt him and asked "Why would you let me inject the syringe in your brother? Not to mention that his ruthless, What if he do something when he wakes up?" She asked nervously. Gaston sips in his drink and shrugs. "Our father is the one who planned all this, I don't know what he's planning to do."He answers.

Angela just nods and after a few seconds, man with the black suits carried jin away from them. Angela looks so worried, meanwhile Gaston feels relax.

"Hey! They're getting your brother!"

Gaston wraps his arms around Angela's waist and kiss her on the forehead.

"That's our Father's men. Calm down my baby okay?" He said. Angela nods.

Jane, finished reading 20 books that his father bought her yesterday. Jane stares at the wall clock and it shows the time 11:36 pm. Jane yawns and lies on her bed she was about to sleep when she felt something injected in her body, after a few seconds, her eyes closed.