
I slowly crept down the stairs and tiptoed into the kitchen when I slipped and fell on a lego. Holding my foot on the ground trying to keep the many words rushing through my mind in, The kitchen lights turned on. I look up to see my dad at the top of the stairs staring down at me with disappointment etched across his face. He knew what I had been down there for . Sleeping tablets. Tommorow was my auction and my birthday. Well mine and every girl born in the same year as me. I was to be shown to a crowd of men my age and thier families, to be bought by one of them, and to be thier wife. If you werent chosen or bought you became an unlovable and would be sent into the games. When I look at my parents its impossible to think my father had just bid the highest for my mother and married her. My mother always said "Have faith in the system," But I always hated that saying.

"How did you do it dad. How did you fall in love with mom even though you literally just met her." " I didn't, it took time but after a awhile I realised how lucky I am to have chosen the right person. You just gotta leave it all up to fate."

"I can't! What if the guy who end up buying me is a horrible person or a serial killer? What if ...nobody makes a bid on me?"

"look honey you will get chosen by the right person, and you will get chosen don't ever doubt it. Any guy would be lucky to have bought you." He lifted his hand cupping my cheek and kissed me on the forehead. He looked deep into my eyes and said those words I hate so much, "Have faith in the system."

I stood there as I watched him walk back up the stairs. I walked back into the kitchen grabbing what I came for. I let the tablet disolve into the water and drank. I could instanlty feel the cooling sensation seeping through my body. I walked back up the stairs and plopped in my bed falling sound asleep. Dreaming of what tommorow holds.