The Rain Falls Hard

I woke up to the sun peeking over the trees. I knew he would be waiting for me in our spot. I shouldn't have gone to see him but I couldn't help it I had to see him one more time before the auction. Before my life was ripped from my hands.

No, bought.

I quickly threw on a jacket and climbed through my window onto a tree. I jumped down the tree and I raced across the yard before anyone could see my shadow. I picked up the smallest pebble I could find and threw it at his window.

"Rainer,.... Rainer!"

After a few seconds his head popped out of the window. with his eyes all puff and his hair a mess he smiled down at me.

Me and Rainer grew up together. But a few years ago our parents agreed to stop see eachother. we were getting older and they knew what we would become if we continued our friendship, But that just made us want to see eachother even more. We would sneek into the woods to our favorite spot, a broken down tree house, and talk all day. Eventually we fell for eachother. We fell hard. So our hangouts became even more wrong, they weren't just hangouts anymore. It's so unbelivable to think of the way his hazel eyes make me feel now, or the way his brown hair flops to one side when he stares into my eyes.

"Hello, earth to Rainer." He ran inside and sprinted down the stairs. I could hear him yell "I'm going out for a run!" as he opened the back door. He ran right up to me and gave me that beautiful smile of his. He always knew how to light up a room.

"We can't be seen here Rain, I don't have much time left before my parents know im gone."

"Niether do I." Rainer was also turning 19 this year. He grabed my face and before I knew it we were one.

You would think this is okay, he could just buy me right? But you weren't just bought by someone. You had to buy someone from another sector. Every year sectors were switched, like a rotation block. Me and Rainer live in sector 5. There are 10 sectors in total. Each sector is based on money. We are just barley middleclass, nice family with a little extra money for the occasional birthday or holiday. Which also means we are expected to be good people.

If your not in a sector though your an unlovable. you go into games on secluded islands, shown on screens and watched by the all. If you loose you die. If you cheat you die. If you fall in love as an unlovable you and your lover die. Breaking the rules mean death for everyone, not just the unlovables. Me and Rainer are at risk. If we are caught or turned in by a witness we are both dead. But I love him and he loves me.

"Lets go. Far away just you and me starr." He always does this. Giving me false hope of a happy future.

"Rain, where would we even go there is only the sectors."

"To the North is the higher sectors, To the South is the lower sectors, And to the East is The islands. But what is in the west."

"The Wall!"

"And beyond that wall?"

"Rain you know we can't. I wish we could but we can't. I love you and you know that. But this is life and we can't change that." I held onto his face a little longer before I heard "STARR!" I looked to the left back to my house. I gave Rainer one last kiss before I ran off back to the house leaving him there broken in pieces. But that never stopped him I knew he would fight for me, And deep down I wanted him to.