
I had decided to take a shower while Xavier did some biussness with Nathan. I got out of the shower and realised the bathroom had been stocked up on feminen items, such as hair brushes, luxury shampoos and conditioners.The only thing missing was a towel. I searched around frantically for a towel. How could there not be a towel? It's a bathroom. I decided to run out of the bathroom's saftey and into the closet. I slowley opened the door and looked around. I took my first steps out of the bathroom when I heard laughter outside the door. I sprinted to the bed and hid under the covers before Xavier walked in and looked at me wierd. I froze and stared at him for a minute.

"I need a towel." He eyed me confused for a moment before he smiled and tried to hold back a laugh. he used his hand to try and cover his laugh but it didn't work. He turn and walked into the closet. After a moment He bursted out laughing in the closet out of my sight. He soon after came out with a towel in his hand and tosed it to me. I waited for a moment and finally said " Turn around..!" Xavier relised what I was talking about and turned around. I slowly got out of bed and wrapped the towel around myself.

"Your fine now." He turned back around.

"How did you forget a towel?"

"Why isn't there a towel, in the BATHROOM?"

He only laughed and moved on to get undress.

"What are you doing?" I blurted out. He looked at me and chuckled a little, "What I'm not allowed to take a shower too?"

I took a deep breathe and walked past him into the closet. I quickly closed the door and took a deep breathe. I looked at the closet around me and was at lost of words. I walked over to one side where a new set of clothes were waiting for me. Purses, all sorts of shoes, and jewlery sat like kings and queens side by side. I looked around until I found white silk tank top and shorts. They fit perfectly like I had been fitted to them. I walked out to see Xavier dripping wet with his towel hanging low. I stood there and took the image in. He noticed me looking and laughed to himself. He walked up to me, we were only centimeters from touching when we walked around me into the closet, teasing me? I woke up from my tranze state and walked over to the bed. I touched the bed but it was wet. I blushed from embarrassment. Xavier walked out of the closet " Whats wrong?" He then touched the bed and tried to hold in a laugh. "come on, follow me." I followed him into the kitchen where he pulled out choclate and popcorn from the cabinets. "Movie night!" He said excited. I laughed and reached for the chocolate when he snatched and said "This is my life and soul, you can have anything else." with a serious face. I laughed and grabbed a bunch of snacks. We took our seat side by side on the couch under one blanket and started to watch a movie when a woman walked into the house and yelled "Xavy!"