The Prey


She was a beach bloned with curves like the ocean. I couldn't help it but feel a pang of jealousy as she called him that. I could tell right away she was a one from the look of her. I wonder who bought her? She noticed us on the couch and froze. I could see the confusion in her eyes. I knew this wasn't gonna be pretty.

"Who is this?" she asked after a moment.

"Why do you still have a key to my house Michelle?" Xavier asked. " I'm your twin sister, of course I have a key to my brother's house."

I let out a breathe. I could tell Xavier had noticed, because I could see the blush rising on his face. "Hi my name is Starr, I was bought this morning by your brother."

Her face lit up. She skipped right up to me and hugged me so tight it felt like a snake killing it's prey. For the next few minute she just kept on rambling about how fun this would be.


When my sister came through the door I was annoyed obviously. She always ruins everything for me, But not this time I like Starr and there was no way she would ruin that. When I heard Starr let out a breathe after she heard Michelle was only my sister my heart exploded with joy. After awhile she decieded to leave so I walked her out the door to ensure her leaving. As we walked away from the house I asked ,"What did you actually come her for Michelle?"

"What, I can't come visit my twin brother?" I stared at her a moment until she broke. "Its Vivian, She comes by the house everyday. She is getting worse and worse by the day. You need to come home and get rid of her, It's not helping anyone. Plus you have to meet my new fiance too." I looked at her and hugged her before she got in her car. "See you tomorrow," I yelled after her. Now all that was left was to get Starr ready for the family.