Ice mountain

"Ahhhhh... That's a nice bitch... "

Unlike Linxin who could happily let out her moans, Meirong despite enjoying how Bai Long's dick was making her ass feel could only moan into Linxin's pussy which.

Of the three who were indulging in a pleasure of their own, it was Meirong who orgasmed first due to how good it felt having Bai Long's dick inside her.

Followed by Meirong who covered the carriage's floor in the juices which came out of her pussy when she orgasmed, it was then Linxin's turn to finally cum after she pleased herself by kneading her clitoris and nipples on her own.

Gripping Meirong's head tight and making her drink every single drop of the weakest orgasm she had since the day she first had sex with Bai Long, Linxin only let her go after she cleaned her pussy by rubbing it against Meirong's face.

As for Bai Long, it took him quite a long time to cum because even though Meirong's ass was tight, that was all it was.