The weird sect

"Huh? What are you talking about? Almost everyone on the Xiao Dao Continent knows about where the Yin Plundering Sect is at."

Shaking his head inwardly and not replying, Bai Long had an expression as if he was seriously thinking about something.

Walking for almost half an hour during which the ice mountain in the distance grew bigger in size to their eyes, the three of them finally stopped at the foot of the mountain.

A little surprised from seeing a huge wall around the boundary of the mountain's foot, Bai Long was quite curious as to know whom the wall was trying to keep out.

Were there actually any idiots who'd want to sneak inside this place?

Sharing the same thoughts, Linxin asked Meirong, "What are these walls here for? Whom does the Yin Plundering Sect need protection against?"

Chuckling a little Meirong mysteriously said, "Those walls aren't there to keep others from getting inside."