Yin Slaves

"Ohhhh.…. So you get the privilege of using my Constitution?"

Ignoring Linxin's words which were trying to get a rise out of her, Meirong continued walking until they entered the area where each courtyard was twice as big as the ones they had seen in the beginning. 

"That one with the number 4 on it, that courtyard belongs to me. Your courtyard is the one behind it. "

Saying so, Meirong led Bai Long and Linxin inside her own courtyard instead of the smaller courtyard marked with 4.1 on it. 

"You can stay inside here with me because there are no such things as regular checking done here. Just make sure to not go outside the courtyard and I'll take care of everything else."

Nodding his head, Bai Long who was tired from never having been able to catch a proper sleep due to how small the carriage was and the lack of a bed to sleep on during the night, directly went to the master bedroom where he jumped on the bed.