Great News

Despite her confusion, Anna put the ring on. She looked at Darwin seriously and saw nothing but longing. The man before her was undeniably yearning for her. 

"Keep it there. It fits only your finger and I only want to marry you and no one else," said Darwin. 

Anna nodded, but it was because she wanted to get it out of her chest that she asked, "Just tell me something, what was the engagement ring she was referring to?" 

"I don't know what she is talking about? Honey, I swear, I only have this engagement ring which is meant for you," Darwin explained. 

She felt a mix of hurt and anger again, that she became teary-eyed. "And why - why would you allow her to keep coming in your office - "

"Shhhh… Anna, I'm sorry. Anna, Anna, Anna." He said while focusing his eyes on her. He cupped her cheeks and said, "I'll see to it next time she does not enter the building, but more importantly - again, I am really sorry about not telling you about Landon."