The Messenger

As they were all laughing and joking inside the commander's tent, Takeshi was furiously attempting to come up with answers to Gengyo's questions. He had a general idea how he would bring them into fruition. What metals he would use, and how he would design the casing, but he wanted to come up with more, so that when he shared it with Gengyo he would be impressed.

His teeth clamped down on his finger nails as he chewed them out of habit, trying to think. He was already standing outside of the tent, but could not work up the nerve to draw back the flap. He'd be annoyed, wouldn't he? If he were to go inside without announcing himself?

"Eh? What are you standing outside for?" A rather drunk Rokkaku asked him, as he shook away the last few drops of urine after a long piss.  

"I-I…I was just-"

"Miura! Takeshi's come to join the party!" Rokkaku announced, stumbling through the tent flap, dragging Takeshi along with him.