


The archers thought twice about releasing a second arrow. Their man was still writhing in agony, unable to do anything to relieve the pain, as he was held so tightly. If they wished to kill their offender, then they would have to come to terms with killing their own man, and none of them were quite willing to do that.

"Don't feel like firing again? Good." Gengyo nodded with approval, taking his time to voice his complaints. "That message you sent earlier – it was a bit… lacking, wasn't it?"

He kicked his captive's leg, asking his question once more. "Wasn't it?"


"See, we've discussed it. It was very lacking. And now, after a bit of thought, you have two choices. Firstly, you send whoever is in charge to meet with me, and we come to a more appropriate deal. Secondly, you do nothing, and we will kill everyone in this town."