Takeda Shingen(2)

"Nothing to say? Mm… Shall I tell you what I think, then?" Shingen rose from his seat, drawing his katana, prowling the length of the table, heading towards them. They looked towards him fearfully, before one of them dared to venture a response.

"We thought you might be interested in the information we have, Lord! Everyone knows you've been eyeing Suruga! Through Mikawa and then Totomi, you'll be able to force Ujizane to give you Suruga as well, all whilst maintaining your honour and that of the alliance!"

"Hoh…" Shingen's advancement was paused, as he considered what the man had said. "Interesting. But wrong." Another step forward he took. "I do not care what the other Lords think of me. Nor of honour. I take what is mine, regardless of whether betrayal is required or not. Only my own men have my loyalty. No other clan ever will."

"Then why…?"