The Ride

He drew his blade from his scabbard, alone now. He took great interest in his reflection that looked so grimly back. He tested its edge, drawing blood from his thumb. The wound evoked more interest than it did pain. He was armoured, fully. Not for the purpose of battle. At least, not yet.

Men were needed, he knew that much. But to win the hearts of so many people when the stakes were so high. He hoped with all his heart that he retained that ability. Confidence was all well and good, but things had been flowing so smoothly lately, that he could not help but expect an unexpected rock along the river.

"Tadakata?" Akiko called from outside his door. They were all ready. He'd eaten with them, and shared their humour. They all placed their trust in him. So heavily it weighed, but the warmth of it was undeniable. Like a mild blanket of tempered lava.