Chapter 2: God

I'm not sure if I so much as awoke as I did appear in this room of pure white. It's strange really. I couldn't be sure of if the room was infinite or simply appeared that way due to the solid color.

I first sat up and looked around hoping to find a point of reference to gauge where I was but as I swept the room my eyes stopped.

Although faint I saw something translucent. It was as if a human was standing there but the were made completely of perfectly clear water. It must've been luck to have even noticed it.

I was at first curious. You don't see something like this every day after all.

"Do you feel alright Ray?"

I jumped. I don't think I said that? That didn't sound like me but no one else is in the room? I once again swept the room only to find that it was pure white except for that translucent silhouette.

It couldn't be right? I must be having a bizarre fever dream or perhaps I'm hallucinating from starvation. That must be it. Yep. For sure.

"I'm right here no need to panic, I mean no harm."

No fucking way. The voice is coming from the translucent silhouette. Damn this dream is one for the books. I hope I remember it when I wake up.

"It seems you've had troubles in your lifetime. What an unfortunate way to go. I hope the pain wasn't too bad."

What? What is it talking about? Then the memories came rushing in. Oh yeah. I think I'm dead. Oh.

I stooped over in resignation but more importantly, I'm glad that pain is gone. That was quite unbearable. Just the faint memories of it cause me to shiver in discomfort.

"Oh, I should introduce myself. I don't really have a name but I believe the correct term for me would be 'God' in your language?"

I thought about it for a minute. If I died certainly it would make sense that this is God but quite honestly I've met enough scumbags to know that there are people who think themselves a God. Words mean nothing.

"Hello, while this may sound rude would you please prove yourself to be "God?" I'm quite disoriented and need some solid grounding to believe you."

"Yes of course, it is reasonable to demand such a thing, here is this enough?"

The silhouette that called itself "God" held its hand up and from nowhere appeared a small earth. It was the size of a globe but the details of it could be only reasonably compared to satellite images taken by NASA. Not only that but the earth seemed to be floating in space!

While I was still baffled by this realistic model "God" didn't stop. The earth split and inside you could see all the layers that I have only ever seen as artist renditions in textbooks. The crust with its many plates and volcanoes, the mantle flowing slowly like a lava lamp and the core radiating intense heat so strong I could feel a burning sensation ten feet away.

My jaw hit the floor. It was an incredible piece that modern day science could only hope to achieve sometime in the distant future. I quickly regained myself however and tried my best to appear unimpressed.

You idiot! This is how you get swindled!

"Although that's very impressive I'm afraid I'm not wholly convinced. Could you perhaps show me something that no one but god would be able to?"

"Hmmm... I guess I can show you your memories? How's this?"

Then out of nowhere an image appeared in front of me. It showed me something entirely normal to my lifestyle. Me walking into my decrepit home after school and huddling into my sad excuse for a room. Nothing too special but what was amazing was that it was being shown to me in a first person video format!! Not even the best stalker on earth could do that without me noticing!

Although difficult to accept at this point I had seen enough. This silhouette in front of me must be God. Shit! What if I made him mad! If I'm dead he could send me to hell if I'm not careful! I better change my tone!

"I've seen enough to know. You are lord God. I apologize for my exceptionally rude tone earlier. I hope you'll forgive me. Tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure of being in you divine presence?"

"Please do not speak to me so stiffly! I'm here to reward you for your heroic actions! You asked perfectly reasonable questions and I'm happy to have cleared your doubts!"

I was puzzled. Although I've seen God's power he does not seem as arrogant as I would've thought a God to have been. It was quite the pleasant surprise.

"Huh? What do you mean by reward?"

"Well you have died while performing quite the heroic deed. It pleases me greatly and I like to repay every debt I can!"

I shuddered at the thought of my death once again. Like a cold snake coiling around my spine and injecting it's venom into my heart. I steadied my self again.

"What kind of reward? Will I get to go to heaven?"

"Not exactly. Unfortunately no such place exists. I am not all powerful as the information in your world suggests. I cannot create a place of beauty and prosperity to satisfy everyone. But I do have it in my power to transfer you to world you may have more fun in! As you have saved a life, I shall grant you another life! Do you have any idea of what you would want? Oh don't answer that! I can see in your memories that you were quite enamored by fantasy weren't you? I can transfer you to a world similar to that of the novels you enjoyed! What do you say?"

It was quite the hectic speech that came from God. God seemed to genuinely feel guilt that they couldn't grant me a paradise. I was stunned. Has anyone ever been this considerate of me?

"That... sounds like a dream come true but I don't think I could bare to live another life of suffering as I already have. Is there anyway to remedy this?"

"Of course of course! It's understandable that you wouldn't want to suffer! I'll tell you what, since you will be going into an entirely unfamiliar place I shall grant you one wish! Besides your knowledge what would you like?"

What?! I was just trying to negotiate but you want to grant me an ability? This god is quite a bit easier going than I would've imagined. This is great! I can live out all my fantasies! Soaring through the air, conquering the lands with pyrokinesis, swimming through the oceans without worry of drowning, the possibilities were endless!

Let's be smart about this. I can't just take what's fun I still need to live properly. What do I need?

A thought of my inevitable death crossed my mind. The snake once again cooled around my spine and made me shudder. Would I have to go though that terrible experience again? What's the point if it all will just end with pain?

"I want invincibility," I said without hesitation.

"Ummm. I'm sorry Ray but like I said I'm not all powerful. If I gave you invincibility you might as well be stronger than me. I'm truly sorry. Oh! I know I can grant you a body that never ages! How about that! You'll never die of disease, organ failure, or old age! How about that?"

I was disappointed for sure. What? I can still die? But i supposed it was better than sitting in fear that I would for sure die one day. At least I can put that fear aside.

"That sounds great. I would love that lord God."

"Excellent! I'll grant you a permanently youthful body! I'll put you near a town with a set of clothes, an ID card so you can enter towns, and a little bit of the world's currency so you don't have to struggle to hard to get by! I'll send you off if you don't have anymore questions!"

I thought about it but realized I never actually asked a fairly important question.

"Actually if I may ask, is there going to be magic in this world?"

" could say that I suppose. But just remember that advanced science looks like magic to those who don't fully understand it. Anything else?"

"Hmmmm... I don't think so. I would however like to thank you for your generosity. Thank you for rewarding a no one like me."

"Oh please you deserve it Ray! Now please, enjoy yourself!"

God moved his barely visible hands and I could feel myself fading out of consciousness. Although I couldn't see it, I was sure God was giving me the warmest smile I'd ever received. He certainly was strange but he's granted me a second chance no one else ever could. I must remember my gratitude in the future.

I proceeded to black out.