"mushroom omelette"

The kitchen of the Laughing Cloud inn was big enough. I was overjoyed when the first time Madam Anne showed me this kitchen.

It has a cob oven, and a brick stove.

The stove is really interesting. The brick table was as height as my waist, design like a table but the top was covered by plain metal.

I really want to cook something but this place lacks cookware, kitchen utensils and the stove was too big for a tiny girl.

Besides, the fire to cook was directly from under the brick table, it will be too dangerous as the space is large enough to burn me inside.

"I wanna cook something…" I let out a soft sigh.

"Good morning Vierra… It is a bright hot day today isn't it?" Sir Boru talks in a loud voice with a big laugh.

"What is it?" I open the sack that he gave me, it looks so small but when I open it and look inside, it's like there's no end to its capacity.

"That is a magic bean bag. Useful isn't it"

I look at him with a blank mind.

"Help me to take the vegetables and fruit to the table. I need to feed the horse. And be carefull, I forgot whatever I had put inside before" Sir Boru laughed and walked to the stable.

"Magic bean bag… This world has magic and demon and human beast… even though I cannot remember my old life, but I am pretty sure that all of this were not normal"

I take out the mushroom, carrot, onion and few unknown fruits for me. As I rummaged inside, I saw dozens of eggs and felt joyous for things that I wanna make for the first time in this world.

"I wanna make mushroom omelette"

"What is it? Do you know that black fat face plant?"

"Madam Anne, this is mushroom.. Have you eaten this before?"

"No… we never saw that type of fruits"

After feeding the horse, Sir Boru got to the kitchen and saw us talking about the mushroom.

"I met a few children from a village near the river, they begged for me to help them and buy the fruits from them. I just buy everything they have. So we can eat those things?"

This is my chance, they didn't let me use the kitchen since it will be too dangerous for me. But this is the chance for me to persuade them.

"Of course we can eat all this , we even can mix them with the eggs. I can cook it, I promise to be carefull. Everything is still fresh and I can make something delicious. Trust me, it will be nothing you have taste before"

"Sounds delicious to me, alright I Start the fire for you"

Sir boru flick his finger and the fire under the brick stove light up furiously.

"be careful.. Oh dear… Do you wanna spend whole night repairing the kitchen again?''

Madame Anne swishes her hand gently and the fire calms down.

"haha… Sorry. I just can't wait to see what this girl can make for us. I am starving"

I just smile as Madame Anne continues nagging that old Boru. I take the smallest knife they have, the one that is light and fit with my small hand.