Magical Adoption

Madame Anne looked at me.

Different from usual, Mr Boru's face was full of concern and he was not smiling.

"Am I not capable? I..I don't have magic?"

Like a sulky child, I felt betrayed by my selfishness.

They must have thought that I was shameless asking to be their daughter.

"It's not that fact you are more capable than enough. It just…"

Madame Anne's soft voice sounds heartbreaking.

I felt embarrassed but the feeling of letting people die in front of me was terrible.

Thinking of these boys couldn't even live longer than tonight break my heart.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? Didn't you want to explore the land and widen your knowledge about food in this world?"

I look at her sad eyes, in these few days she saw through me.

I clenched my fist, but it's not fair for them to die.

"If you become our daughter you have to continue in this place"

I can barely hear them, mumbling and muttering beside me.

But my eyes and mind were only to the boys.

"It's alright. Let them live. Please…"

Madame Anne nods and Sir Boru finally smiles.

Madame Anne put her hand above my head.

A few enchantments came from her mouth.

I felt a warmth feeling lingering. A bright yellow light came out from her palm and felt an itch on my forehead.

In front of me, Madame Anne appears differently.

Her hair is getting longer, her face slightly younger and looks radiants.

"it's done.''

Madame Anne clapped her hand together and her eyes were glimmering.

She touched my hand, and brought it to my chest.

I could feel my heart beating like crazy under my palm.

From her eyes, she was telling me to breathe and feel comfortable.

"Now put your hand at their chest. And read the enchanting"

"What enchanting?"

"Close your eyes and listen. Follow what you heard. "

I did what she told me.

With my eyes closed I try to focus with my ears, figuring out what I could hear.

Somehow, in the middle of silence a soft voice whispered.

It's like the sound of a child humming.

I followed the enchantment and felt the warm from my heart was flowing through my veins.

"Open your eyes"

Madame Anne's voice was soft and clear.

I saw a glimmering gold was covering my whole body.

Like I know what I should do, I move both my hands to each twin's chest.

Again, I repeated the enchantment, and saw the golden light was flowing slowly through my body to their body.

The kids slowly get warmth and their breath gets normal.

The yellow bright light was flowing through their veins and somehow I understand they will live through the night.

I feel my eyes getting heavier and my body getting light.

My breath goes fast and my heart throbs.

I saw Sir's body hand coming to me.

The last thing I heard was madam Anne whisper telling me that everything will be alright how Anne caresses my hair and everything is going to fade away.

Sound of humming and chuckling makes me open my eyes.

A beautiful lady happily picking blue berry near a river.

She kept looking at the clear sky and she was humming before someone came and held her from behind.

There's a young man with big built and cat ears?

"What is this?"

I can see myself standing not far from them.

I can only watch with my eyes as the man held her hand.

They look too much in love.