Chapter 7 - Completing Several Quests.

"Do you have any more quests available?" I asked while still there.

"Yes, we have several available."

A list appears and I choose to guard the western entrance again.

"Can I choose multiple quests at the same time?" I said.

"Sure you can, but don't choose too many." The receptionist replied.

After that, I accepted another quest for killing wolves, since I was able going to the western wall anyway.

[Quest Accepted]

[Guard the Western Wall]

[Kill 25 Wolves.]

And once again off to grind as part of the machine, I go back towards the wall.

Yet again, Once I get there I am put in a team.

[Party Created - Squad 3]

[Squad Leader: Titans Tomb]

[Squad Deputy: Desolate Space]

[Squad Member: Dystopian Future]

[Squad Member: BloodRose]

[Squad Member: SnakeMountain]

However this time before the 'Squad Captain' left I asked to speak to him.

"Last time we had a group of suspiciously rowdy 'citizens' that were trying to enter into the village, but after we arrived they became docile."

"I know, I was always watching you, they were indeed suspicious especially when we found out that they were wearing human skin masks and they were not the people who they were trying to appear as. In fact, they were known as demons and have since been executed, if you find something like this again feel free to notify me and you'll receive an extra reward."

[Quest Completed - Hidden Quest Stop the Infiltration of the Demon Race.]

[Reward - 50 Reputation points with beginner village, 20 Reputation points with the Elves.]

'Kinda mediocre, you know with the reputation points being the only thing I got rewarded with.' Little did I know how valuable reputation points were.

After that, I walked back to my squad and towards the notice board, this time there were only 5 Squads.

[Squad 1 - Check Passports of all people trying to enter the Western Gate.]

[Squad 2 - Check Luggage of all carts/wagon trying to enter the Western Gate.]

[Squad 3 - Patrol on top of the wall both north and south and look out for anything suspicious.]

[Squad 4 - Patrol Inside the Western Wall.]

[Squad 5 - Patrol Outside the Western Wall.]

After I finish looking through the notice board I look back at my squad, they all seem to have serious looks on their faces, not much I can do about that so I just follow along.

'Even though I am socially awkward, I'm not this awkward.' The silence was killing me, its harder to blend in with people when no one in your squad is talking to anyone.

10/60 Minutes. We spot a suspicious caravan, they don't get in.

15/60 Minutes. We spot a suspicious-looking group of adventurers, some of them get in, the rest are denied.

25/60 Minutes. Mobs got close to the wall but they were killed by the patrol.

40/60 Minutes. A miraculous event just happened. Our Squad leader just said 'Hi', which caused an event in which small talk happened for 5 minutes with me just nodding and saying 'yeah' 'I agree' every now and then, that and the occasional laughter.

60/60 Minutes. Nothing major happened since the 25-minute mark.

I drag my tired body back to the Adventurers Tavern to hand in my quest, unfortunately, I didn't get the patrolling mission, so I couldn't complete my 2nd quest. but once again I collected my reward and chose to go back to my good old camping the Western Wall.

[Quest Completed]

[Reward - 250 EXP, 10 Reputation with Beginner Village, 1 Silver.]


Ten hours later, I had completed 9 quests for guarding the western wall and 2 for killing wolves.

The only notable things happening were the several tens of suspicious people trying to enter into the beginner village, my reputation had reached a higher level and me reaching level 6.

[Dark Rose]

[Class: Thief]

[Level: 6]


[Thieves Guild: 10 (Neutral)]

[Beginner Village: 120 (Friendly)]

[Elves: 20 (Neutral)]

[Health: 170]



[Strength:10(+2)] (20%)

[Endurance:7(+1)] (20%)

[Agility:11(+3)] (25%)

[Wisdom:6(+1)] (12.5%)

[Intelligence:5(+3)] (12.5%)

[Luck:7(+1)] (10%)


[Deadly - 10% extra damage when in Stealth]


[Stealth (564/1000) - Becomes Invisible for 5 seconds. CD: 10 Seconds.]

[Backstab (25/800) - Deal 1.6x damage from behind. 2.05x if in [Stealth]. CD: 14 seconds.]

[Critical Strike (1/400) - 6% increased critical hit chance.]

Ever since my rise in my reputation I've noticed that some NPCs treat me kinder than normal.

After walking back to turn in my last guarding the western wall quest, I noticed that the types of quests I can accept from the Adventurers Tavern have changed.

"I'm here to turn in my quest." I said.

"Here are your rewards and here is the quest list." This was when I noticed that guarding the western wall had turned into 'Recruit Guards for the Western Wall.'

[Quest Completed]

[Reward - 250 EXP, 10 Reputation with Beginner Village, 1 Silver.]

"Tell me about this recruit guards for the western wall." I joyfully said if it was what I think it is then it should be easy.

"As you have reached the required reputation you can now recruit people for a squad since you haven't completed the quest before we cannot disclose the rewards."

'It really is, hopefully, I can just sit down and do nothing while my little minions are off doing the chores.'

"I'll accept, but how long is the quest time limit?"

"3 Hours. After that, you will lose 10 reputation points."

After accepting the quest I walk outside the Tavern. 'I know some people who have been in multiple squads with me before, let's see if I can convince some people to help me.'

1 hour later and I'm just holding a sign in front of the Tavern advertising my mission, I never seem to have thought about the rewards for squad members.