Chapter Two

So Kind and Charming and Sweet

~Nathan's POV~

I stood up from the chair that Levi had put me in and I looked at him for the first time. He had light brown hair which was still damp from earlier, he had a strong defined jaw and golden brown eyes. When my eyes met his, the world seemed to disappear. All I could see was him. All I wanted to see was him. I don't know why but I leaned in. When I did this he leaned in as well, but only slightly as if he were nervous. We were inches apart and my senses are going crazy. Our lips were about to touch when the bell to the salon rang.

We split apart at the sound of it. I shook my head a few times trying to get the foggy feeling to go away. The feeling finally starts to leave but the thought of us almost kissing stays right at the front of my mind. When the foggy feeling does pass I realize Levi was at the front desk talking to an elderly woman. He looked so innocent just standing there talking to her. I snap out of my thoughts to hear.

"Oh, Levi. How about a slight trim? Do you have time for that?" She sounded so sweet. I wonder how she knows him.

"I always have time for you Mrs. Hazel. Please come sit."

He's so kind and charming, and sweet and...oh who am I kidding he's just flat out adorable. He turns around and stops when he sees me. Oh crap, I'm staring! Funny thing is, I don't stop staring till he speaks.

"Excuse me, Nathan," I shake my head again in another failed attempt to clear my mind of him. When that plan fails I just walk past him and towards the desk to wait and pay. I hear him say something to the woman before he comes over the desk and gets out the debit machine.

"So that'll be...$30.87," He says it so cutely. Ack! I have to get these thoughts out of my head.

Speaking of head, he should be charging a lot more for the great job he did on my hair. This place is way better than my old place. Without even thinking I reach into my pants and pull out a hundred dollar bill and place it into his hands. His face turning confused.

"Keep the change." I turn to Kyle and signal that it's time to go.

He gets up from his seat on the big comfy couch and follows me to the door. He sees Levi's confused face staring at me and turns to look at me with an equally confused face. Oh, people these days.

Kyle and I have been best friends since high school, and don't get me wrong I love him. (AS A FRIEND...I know all you people out there are like Oooo. But I'm stopping it right there. He's like my brother. So ew!) but he can really be an idiot sometimes. We leave the salon and I was about to get in my 1967 Chevy Impala when Kyle stops me.

"Care to tell me what that was about?"

"What, what was about?" If all else fails and your best friend questions you... dumb.

"Oh, no. Don't you play dumb with me Nathan Edward Holland!" Unless your best friend knows you too well.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Yup just keep evading the question, he'll give up eventually.

"NATHAN! If you don't tell me I'll do it." He wouldn't! Would he?

As if he read my mind he said, "I would."

"Kyle please don't-" I was cut off by him singing, or rather, him screeching Whistle by Flo Rida.

"Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

Let me know

Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it

And we start real slow

You just put your lips together

And you come real close

Can you blow my whistle ba-hdfheufshd" I slammed my hand on his mouth to stop him from getting to the chorus. I look around to see if anyone heard. I'm happy to see it's a ghost town out here.

"Fine, I'll tell you just shut up!" He nodded his head in agreement and I took my hand away and see him grinning at me. Could his face get any more annoying? "Oh cheer up will ya" I tease.

"Oh, I can't help it. Now spill." I shake my head at his enthusiasm.

"Wait till we get to the office," I say getting in my car.

Oh, how am I gonna explain what happened? What did happen? All I can say is one second I'm getting out of a chair and the next I'm about to kiss a guy. I'm not against gays or anything. Hell, I'm even rooting for that side, but what irks me is that I don't know him and I was about to kiss him! I shake my head and push down and accelerate. My brother would kill me if he knew I pushed this car that hard.

The thought of my brother instantly changes my mood from confused to shitty. I need to stop thinking about shit that'll make me upset. I let out a sigh of frustration as I slowly come to a stop in front of CEO. My building. Great now I gotta go and explain to Kyle what happened when I don't even know myself. Oh fuck.