Chapter Three

The Big Bad Bitch

~Nathan's POV~

I was walking up the steps to CEO when Kyle's bike pulled up behind my car, and he got off. I stopped on the steps and waited for him to catch up. Yes, I could've run up the steps and hid in my office so I wouldn't have to answer his questions, but then he would've come to my home and harassed me about it there. So I think I'll just wait.

When he reached me I started walking again.

"Well, someones in a hurry today!" Janette my assistant said as I burst through the doors. Kyle hot on my heels.

"You can say that. Do I have any important meetings today?" I asked her. She's a sweet girl and works harder than most of my employees.

"Uhm..." she looked down at her notebook and flipped through a few pages. "You have a dinner in which you must attend with Mr. Mendoza at 8:30 tonight. That's all" I nodded walking past her.

"Thank you, Janette" people might say I'm an ass, but that's just because I don't like the people that I've been an ass too.

"You're welcome, sir." She turns and walks back to her desk.

I walk into my office and sit at my desk, relaxing in my chair. I love this chair.

"Alright, spill." I look up to see Kyle standing in front of my desk.

"Impatient much?" I ask while smirking.

"Oh just shut up and tell me. Unless you want me to sing again?" Oh god no.

You see Kyle knows I'm gay. Hell, he's the only person that does know. So whenever he wants something, he sings a very inappropriate song. As you've heard earlier, and of course I always cave. He also really enjoys gay jokes. I don't know why he just does.

"Oh please save me from the embarrassment." I cover my face.

When I take my hands from my face I see Kyle still staring at me waiting patiently. Ugh. I swear sometimes I hate him. I shake my head and begin.

"I don't exactly know what happened..." I don't know what else to tell him.

"What do you mean?" What does he mean, what do I mean? I mean what I mean. {shit sorry} I shake my head but continue. Looking at my hands.

"Well. I stood up from the chair, and when our eyes met...I don't know...we just...I don't know!" I looked back up to Kyle and see him trying to hold back the amusement playing in his eyes.

"Oh, the almighty Nathan Holland is getting all worked up over a guy. How cute." I scowled at him.

"Oh shut up," I said shaking my head.

He got a mischievous glint in his eyes. Uh oh. Coming from him that can't be good. He turned to leave, grinning quite creepily if you ask me.

"Kyle, where are you going?" I am honestly concerned for whoever he is going to see. He looks terrifying. Like worse then pennywise terrifying.

"I'm gonna go fix your problem." Shit.

"Kyle! Don't do anything stupid!" I shouted just as he left my office.

He peeked his head back in and grinned again. "Me? Stupid? Never." Oh god. With that, he left my office. I swear he is going to be the death of me someday.

I heard him slamming into walls on his way out of the building. And I swear I heard him all the way on the first floor, and that's saying something cause I'm on the top floor of a thirty story building. I mentally facepalmed myself and put my head in my hands as I thought of all the embarrassing things he was probably doing right now.

A soft knock on my door had my head up. Hmm...wonder who that is.

"Come in!" I called. The door handle jiggled a little then stopped. Then jiggled again. Oh my god. Do they not know how to use a door.

"Uhm. The doors locked." Said a feminine voice. Oh. Oops.

I got up from my chair and walked over to the door. I unlocked it and opened it. There standing on the other side of the door was a gorgeous woman, and trust me when I say, If I swang that way, she'd already be mine. Eww gross. I take that back. I shook my head at how gay I was. Damn. Definitely no denying it.

"Can I help you?" I asked as she looked up at me.

She cleared her throat. "Um yeah hi I'm looking for Mr. Holland...some lady said I could find him in here." She looked nervous.

"That's me...and clearly you found him."

"Oh." Was all she said.

I had to keep myself from laughing out loud. Oh, sometimes I love my job. I stepped aside and motioned her into my office.

"Would you like to come in? Or are you just going to stand there?" She quickly came into the office and I shut the door behind her.

"So. What can I do for Ms. ..." I waited for her to fill in the blank.

"Mrs. Carmona. I am here on official business and I will not tolerate any procrastination. Now sit." Wow ok straight to the point and there goes that shy girl. I sat at my desk and looked at her.

"Well Mrs. Carmona, what is this official business?" I asked. What I was trying to be polite.

"Well, it says here Mr. Holland. That you own this company along with many others in this country as well as one in Japan and another in Hong Kong?"

"That's true. What's your point in all this?" I am seriously confused right now though I don't let it show on my face.

She smirked and looked me dead in the eyes. It was kinda creepy if you ask me.

"Mr. Holland, do you currently have a romantic relationship with anyone?" Talk about personal.

"I'm sorry but that is none of your business." I snapped. This woman was starting to get on my nerves.

"Oh but it is. You see Mr. Holland, in order to run that many businesses in that many places you need a...companion, and unless you have said companion I'm afraid we are going to have to start taking your businesses." She looked at me with that smirk again, and I really wanted to wipe it off her face.

"That is outrageous! Why is this just coming up now?" Now I was furious.

"Mr. Holland, That is not the point. What is the point is that you have exactly one year to find a companion and wed them before we start taking companies." With that she got up from the chair she was sitting in and walked out of my office like she owned the place. I think I'll call her the big bad bitch. Oh, sometimes I hate my job.